Moshkovich Disease

Moshkovich disease.

Moshkovich Emanuel - American pathologist, professor at the University of Mexico, author of the term “thrombocytopenic purpura”. In his work, he described the symptoms of this disease and methods of its treatment, and also studied the mechanism of platelet development. Moshkovich also addressed the study and development of the artificial sinus as a source of the regenerative component of the choroid. In 1909, a doctor observed a patient with acromegalgia. When, after examinations by doctors, a disorder of the urinary system, bone marrow degeneration and platelet deficiency were revealed, Moshkovich realized that this disease was directly related to the disease he had described earlier. Then Moshkovich came up with the idea of ​​giving this disease

**Moshkovich or Miriam Perelman disease** The disease is caused by a genetic disease - molecular defects in the protein of the 3rd component of complement C3 - globulin. There are also autoimmune forms of the disease, in which the immune system interferes with the normal functioning of blood cells. The development of the disease begins after severe stress, a cold, or acute respiratory disease. Vascular thrombosis occurs in all organs and tissues of the body: in the brain, lungs, spleen, liver, kidneys, etc. If left untreated, patients can die within 3 months! The asymptomatic stage of Moshkovich can last for quite a long time, but in 70% of cases the disease manifests itself already in the first year of the child’s life. Moshkovich requires lifelong treatment and monitoring of the condition