Motor hallucinations

Motor hallucinations are mental phenomena that occur in people with hallucinations due to disturbances in perception.

In some cases, motor and sensory hallucinations occur simultaneously. If a person sees a cat on the road, but feels how a dog grabs it, then this fact indicates a mixed sensory perception. In another case, motor hallucinations may appear separately from sensory hallucinations, during so-called “opium” syndromes, for example. Motor hallucinatory experiences can be caused by a number of medications. Most often, motor changes in mental activity are observed with the use of antipsychotics. This group includes Haloperidol, Thioridazine, Fluphenazine. This also includes antipsychotics with narcotic properties - Phenzitate, Ephedron. Also, this group of drugs contributes to the emergence of auditory and visual ideas. Move more often