Mouse Squeak

A mouse squeak is a sound that can be heard in the abdominal cavity when palpating the stomach. It was described by V.P. Exemplary and is a rather rare symptom that occurs in a small number of patients. However, this sound can be very unpleasant and cause discomfort to the patient.

Mouse squeaking occurs as a result of contraction of the stomach muscles, which are located in the abdominal cavity. When you feel the abdomen, these muscles begin to contract, which leads to a sound similar to the squeak of a mouse. This sound can be quite loud and may cause anxiety to the patient.

The causes of mouse squeaking can be different. For example, it can occur in the presence of stomach ulcers, gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, mouse squeaking may be associated with impaired gastric motility or the presence of tumors in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment for mouse squeaking depends on the cause of its occurrence. If the cause is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment for this disease. If mouse squeaking is caused by impaired gastric motility, then medications may be required to improve stomach function.

In any case, if you hear a mouse squeak when you feel your stomach, you need to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. This can be an important symptom of various diseases, and timely contact with a specialist will help avoid serious complications.

A mouse squeak or squeak is a special sound in the abdominal area in persons with an anacid stomach, an open pyloric tract and hymens, occurring spontaneously or in response to finger pressure on the epigastric region in the form of a hoarse sound, without any pain reaction. Discovered by V.P. Obraztsov on May 8, 1894 in Chicago.