Can Dysport give you a headache?

Before the rejuvenation procedure, girls often ask the question whether Botox can cause headaches. The question is quite justified, since such procedures have a lot of side effects, of which headache is the most common. What to do in this case: endure it, save yourself with painkillers, or sound the alarm and run to the doctor?

What is Botox and how does it work?

Without exaggeration, Botox is the most popular anti-aging procedure in modern cosmetology. For more than 10 years, cosmetologists from different countries have been practicing rejuvenation using “beauty injections”, which give amazing results.

This is an injection technique that involves the injection of purified and weakened botulinum neurotoxin. Once in the muscle, botulinum toxin blocks signals from the nervous system. The muscle stops contracting, due to which the aging process stops for some time. Botox injections are given to people with the following problems:

  1. Expression wrinkles;
  2. Facial asymmetry;
  3. Dropping of the brow ridges;
  4. Drooping eyelids;
  5. Sagging cheeks;
  6. "Crow's Feet";
  7. Forehead wrinkles;
  8. Loss of turgor (in particular, unclear oval of the face);
  9. Wrinkles on the neck and chin;
  10. Increased sweating;
  11. Deep nasolabial folds.

The drug is administered pointwise and acts on nearby areas. It is important to understand that no matter what area the drug is injected into, it does not paralyze facial expressions, but only removes muscle hypertonicity.

This is interesting! Botulinum toxin is a powerful poison, a large dosage of which leads to respiratory paralysis. Initially, the drug had a completely different purpose - it was used to treat strabismus and relieve seizures in patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

It was ophthalmologists who, in the process of using botulinum toxin, noticed that the patients’ wrinkles began to smooth out, which cosmetologists immediately became interested in.

Today, several alternative drugs are produced: Botox, Relatox, Dysport, Xeomin. Despite the fact that these products have different manufacturers, the effect is approximately the same.

The most important contraindications and side effects of Botox

Botox is a very popular procedure, but despite its high effectiveness, it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before rejuvenation, you should definitely consult a doctor. If there are contraindications to the procedure, another drug or an alternative method of smoothing out wrinkles will be selected.

Did you know? Botox can be used not only in the fight against aesthetic defects in appearance. The drug also relieves migraines. To do this, Botox is injected into the head (forehead area). It could also be the shoulders or neck that put stress on the nervous system.

Paradoxically, rejuvenation with these injections can cause headaches. Often the reason for this is a violation of the main contraindications:

Contraindications Side effects
Pregnancy, breastfeeding; Hematomas and bruises;
Dermatological diseases and mechanical damage to the integrity of the skin at injection sites; Facial asymmetry;
Infectious diseases; Infectious blood poisoning;
Acute course of chronic diseases; Swelling, numbness;
Oncology; Violations of facial expressions;
Individual intolerance to the drug; Facial muscle spasms;
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver; Drooping eyebrows or eyelids;
Neurological and endocrine pathologies; Headache;
Reduced immunity; Watery eyes and diplopia (double vision);
Diseases of the blood (in particular hemophilia) and the cardiovascular system. Muscle weakness, nausea.

Dizziness is one of the most common consequences of Botox injections, even if they were not injected into the head. The appearance of this and other side effects can be caused by individual intolerance to the administered drug, unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist, or non-compliance with recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Can Botox cause pain and dizziness?

A headache from Botox does not always signal a negative effect of the drug on the body. In most cases, this is a common symptom during the adaptation period, which lasts 3-4 days. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that during the administration of the drug the needle can touch the capillaries, which causes microtrauma.

Dizziness with intense headaches occurs after drinking alcohol. The cosmetologist should warn that you should not drink alcoholic beverages a week before the procedure and for 7-10 days after. Botulinum toxin has an effect on the body equivalent to alcohol, so combining them threatens to increase the intensity of pain.

You often feel dizzy after injecting a substance into the area around the eyes. Immediately after the procedure, the skin in these areas sags slightly due to relaxation of the muscle fibers. When supporting the skin in the process, active muscles tense, causing headaches that radiate to the eyes. In the normal course of rehabilitation, this syndrome gradually disappears over 1-2 weeks.

Advice! Injections into the orbicularis oculi muscle block the muscles and temporarily make squinting impossible. Sunlight entering the eyes causes headaches. You can prevent this unpleasant effect by wearing sunglasses.

What to do if you have a headache after Botox

If you have a headache after 4-5 days after Botox, and the pain pulsates and increases, you need to consult a doctor. Often, an increase in temperature, as well as the first symptoms of influenza, indicate the presence of complications.

If the injection sites hurt, this may indicate that the specialist has exceeded the permissible amount of Botox or has incorrectly identified the puncture areas. If the injections were administered in the presence of any diseases, this will intensify their course. In particular, against the background of existing diseases, the following may develop:

  1. Hypotension;
  2. Metabolic disease;
  3. Kidney problems;
  4. Circulatory disorders.

But most often, a headache is a natural reaction of the body to the administered drug. Relieve symptoms in one of the following ways:

  1. The use of anesthetics (must be agreed with the doctor, since many non-steroidal drugs lead to increased swelling and bruising);
  2. Massage of the head or collar area (except for injection sites);
  3. Aromatherapy (lavender and verbena oils soothe, relax the nervous system and improve sleep).

Attention! If the pain does not go away within 4-5 days, you must first contact the cosmetologist who performed the procedure, and then a dermatologist or neurologist.

But what to do if you have a headache after Botox, and there are still several injection sessions ahead? In this case, you need to immediately notify the cosmetologist so that he can reduce the amount of substance administered or choose a more “non-toxic” method of rejuvenation.

Questions for specialists

Ideally, a problem that has arisen, such as a post-Botox headache, should be eliminated by the same specialist who performed the rejuvenation procedure. But it is easier to prevent negative consequences than to make efforts to eliminate them. How to achieve this can be learned from the answers of experienced cosmetologists to the most common questions of women who have decided to resort to “beauty injections.”

When to see a doctor

Each body is individual, so the rehabilitation period is different for everyone. If you have a headache for more than three days after Botox injections, and antihistamines and painkillers do not help, you need to consult a doctor.

You should also pay attention to the nature of the pain in the head: if the result of Botox is aching pain, an ice compress will help relieve it; if the pain is acute and throbbing, it is better to consult a neurologist.

How to avoid negative effects from Botox

In order not to suffer from headaches after Botox injections, you need to carefully listen to all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and follow them unquestioningly:

  1. For 10-14 days, give up alcohol and nicotine;
  2. Do not touch the toxin injection sites with your hands;
  3. Avoid exposure to sunlight.

If the pain has already attacked, anti-inflammatory drugs will help, which will reduce pain without affecting the distribution and action of botulinum toxin. Take tablets every 5-6 hours as needed until pain symptoms disappear.

To the question whether a headache can occur after Botox or not, the cosmetologist will not definitely answer (without the presence of obvious provoking factors). Therefore, it is recommended to administer the drug in small doses at intervals of at least 4 months. In this case, the effect may not be achieved so quickly, but the risk of complications is minimized.

Prevention of headaches

Headaches after Botox can be prevented if you take preventive measures in advance:

  1. Avoid high temperatures (bath, sauna, beach, solarium) for 2-4 weeks.
  2. On the day of the procedure, do not apply makeup, do not take a horizontal position and do not tilt your head in different directions.
  3. Do not resort to heavy physical activity and active sports.
  4. Do not take antibiotics or muscle relaxants.
  5. In the first hours after Botox, you need to make active facial movements so that the drug is evenly distributed in the tissues and does not cause complications in the future.

Prevent pain and other side effects such as rash, redness, itching

If Botox causes a headache, it is possible that a rapid test for allergies was not performed before the procedure, and now, in addition to pain, the patient may experience redness, rash and itching.

Important! The rapid test consists of an incision into a shallow wound on the wrist, which is treated with a few drops of botulinum toxin. If visible allergy symptoms appear after 30-40 minutes, it is better to refuse Botox.

A specialist’s opinion on the question of why a headache may hurt after Botox and what to do about it, watch the video:


Thus, Botox is an effective method for smoothing out wrinkles, which has received the appreciation of not only foreign but also Russian women. When going for the procedure, do not forget that we are talking about a potent toxic substance that is not absorbed by every body. Therefore, preliminary consultation, as well as prevention, are mandatory stages of rejuvenation.

Action of botulinum toxin

Headache after Botox is one of the private reactions to a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In itself, it is dangerous to human life. If ingested, it can cause muscle paralysis and even death.

However, the use of Botox in cosmetology is quite safe. The substance is used in minimal doses and injected directly into a specific area.

Botulinum toxin works by blocking the release of acetylcholine. The latter is found in nerve cells. It transmits impulse to muscle tissue and causes it to contract. In its absence, muscle cells are weakened and paralyzed.

The effect of Botox injections is not permanent. The reason for this is that nerve fibers have the ability to regenerate, which only takes a few months.

Causes of headaches

Some clients who are injected with Botox develop antibodies that neutralize the effects of the injections. In this case, there will be no result. This mainly happens with long-term use of the drug.

There are mild and temporary side effects that include swelling, bruising and weakness. Why does my head hurt after Botox? There are several reasons. Let's look at them in more detail.

Response to microtrauma

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It contains a huge number of blood vessels and nerve endings that are easily damaged.

Despite the fact that injections are made with thin needles, they can injure tissue. After this, local inflammation develops, causing pain.

As for the nerve endings, they are not always all switched off as a result of the administration of the drug. Some remain susceptible and transmit information about tissue injury through migraine attacks.

Muscle strain

It is not for nothing that it is recommended to undergo the procedure only from experienced specialists. After all, the positive effect of Botox largely depends on the correct dosage.

Failure to comply with this rule entails big problems, including impaired muscle tone. It is expressed as follows:

  1. Movement is impaired and eyelids droop. It takes a lot of effort to open your eyes.
  2. Severe pain appears. Since this reaction is more typical for the muscles of the upper half of the face, impaired tone is often observed with injections in the forehead and bridge of the nose. Consequently, clients experience discomfort in these areas.
  3. Swelling forms. In this case, the body reacts with a headache to tissue inflammation.


As a rule, side effects go away on their own after muscle adaptation and do not require medical supervision. If the headache caused by muscle strain gets worse, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

Individual intolerance

Hypersensitivity to toxins can also cause headaches. As a rule, the development of an allergic reaction is additionally indicated by rashes at the injection sites. Sometimes they may be accompanied by itching and burning.

Sometimes these symptoms are supplemented by nausea, weakness and fever. In this case, to alleviate the condition, you need to take antihistamines. A consultation with the cosmetologist who performed the procedure is necessary.

Violation of rehabilitation rules

In most cases, judging by the reviews, side effects after Botox injections occur due to non-compliance with the requirements during the recovery period. Headache occurs if the client:

  1. stays in the sun or in a hot room (sauna, bath) for a long time;
  2. drinks alcoholic beverages in the first days after the procedure;
  3. exposes the body to great physical stress.

In this case, to get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is enough to stop violating the rules of rehabilitation.

Deviation from the norm

According to experts, the appearance of periodic headaches is a standard reaction of the body after botulinum toxin injections. However, if they last more than 4 days, this is a serious cause for concern.

When a migraine is accompanied by severe nausea, high fever and flu-like symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor. Otherwise, the following violations may develop:

  1. hypotension;
  2. kidney problems;
  3. slowing down metabolic processes.

Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation are also possible. Therefore, it is not worth the risk.


If you have a severe headache after Botox injections, you should definitely take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They suppress the production of the hormone responsible for this reaction of the body.

Please note: not all medications are compatible with botulinum toxin. Therefore, before choosing a product, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Ice compresses can also help relieve headaches.. You need to take a few cubes, wrap them in cotton cloth, apply them to your forehead and leave for 15 minutes. Another positive reaction can be achieved with a regular massage, which must be done for half an hour.

How to avoid complications

Talk to a specialist to find out if you should stop taking certain medications before getting Botox injections. This issue can be discussed at a preliminary consultation.

Drugs whose consumption should be limited:

  1. Painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen).
  2. Antibiotics.
  3. Medicines taken for cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Medicines for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Remedies for neurological disorders.
  6. Vitamins and mineral supplements.

Avoid alcohol at least two days before your procedure as it may cause swelling and other side effects. Also limit sun exposure and avoid physical activity for at least 2 days before and after injections.

Let's summarize

Can Botox injections cause headaches? Undoubtedly. Moreover, some experts argue that this is the body’s standard reaction to the introduction of a toxin.

However, one should not confuse mild discomfort with attacks of severe migraine, which does not go away within several days and is accompanied by nausea, fever and other symptoms. In this case, we are talking about a complication that requires treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

If “beauty injections” provoke the appearance of adverse reactions, consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous. This way you can recover quickly and avoid more serious consequences. If you don’t have the time or opportunity to visit a doctor, take a photo and send it to him by email. A professional will be able to assess the severity of the results and prescribe treatment.

You've heard that Botox can give you a headache, but what if your head is just splitting into pieces? Can this be considered normal? When will your health improve? Should I see a doctor?

How the drug works

Botox is a drug from the American company Allergan. In cosmetology, it is used to combat facial wrinkles, bands on the neck, facial asymmetry, and drooping eyebrows. Botox is based on botulinum toxin, which has neuroparalytic properties. The active substance penetrates muscle tissue and blocks the signal coming to it from the nervous system. Because of this, the muscles relax and temporarily stop contracting.

Few people know that Botox is used not only for aesthetic defects, but also for medical purposes - for chronic headaches. The drug is injected into the forehead, shoulders and neck, the tension of which affects the nervous system. Relaxed muscles do not put stress on the nerves, and migraine attacks go away.

But the drug does not start working immediately. Before you notice the result, you will have to go through the stage of adaptation to Botox. During the first 2-3 days, side effects may occur, one of which is headache. Before you immediately consult a doctor, you need to understand why your head hurts after Botox, whether it is dangerous, and whether negative feelings can be cured at home.

Causes of headaches

The first cause of pain is intolerance to the components of the drug. Despite the recognized safety of Botox, its injections are contraindicated for many. It is prohibited when:

  1. pregnancy, lactation;
  2. under 18 years of age;
  3. skin diseases at injection sites;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. acute form of infectious, chronic diseases;
  6. reduced immune system;
  7. oncology;
  8. diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nervous, endocrine systems;
  9. allergies to the drug.

Failure to comply with these restrictions leads to deterioration of health. Migraine attacks are the first reaction to the toxin.

Migraines also occur due to interaction with alcohol. The cosmetologist should warn that the restriction on alcoholic beverages applies one to two weeks before and two weeks after the procedure.

Botox cannot be combined with certain medications. Headaches are caused by medications that affect the cardiovascular system, increase or decrease blood pressure, antibiotics, and some painkillers.

Other reasons why migraines occur:

  1. exceeding the dosage of the drug;
  2. muscle strain;
  3. reaction to microtrauma.

When not to worry

Most often, headaches appear after injections in the forehead. If the needle touches a vessel, the drug begins to contact the capillaries. In addition, inflammation from microtrauma affects nerve fibers. There is no danger to health - the pain goes away 2-3 days after the procedure.

Intense headache appears after interactions between injections and alcohol. Both the toxin and ethanol cause approximately the same side effects, and after combining these components, the negative sensations increase significantly. This pain goes away for 5-6 days with gradual weakening.

Non-dangerous but lingering pain is caused by muscle strain. After injections, the skin in the forehead and eyelids sag slightly as some muscle fibers relax. To maintain it, active muscles tense, causing headaches that radiate to the eyes. Such a symptom should weaken over time and completely disappear after 2-3 weeks.

A special case is migraines after injections into the orbicularis oculi muscle. They appear after Botox has begun to take effect. Typically, controlling the amount of sunlight entering the eyes will result in an unnoticeable squint. After injection, it is blocked, and pain appears as a reaction to light.

To avoid this, you should wear sunglasses. If the symptom disappears after this, there is no need to see a doctor.

In other cases, a mild headache that subsides after 2-3 days is considered normal.

Deviation from the norm

Danger appears when the pain persists for longer than 3-4 days, intensifies, and becomes throbbing. If at the same time you begin to feel sick, the temperature rises, or severe symptoms of influenza appear, you need to call a doctor.

Such sensations indicate that the cosmetologist exceeded the number of required units of botulinum toxin or did not calculate the injection site. Another reason is the use of Botox against the background of diseases that are contraindications. If you do not go to the hospital in time, the following will begin to develop:

  1. hypotension;
  2. kidney dysfunction;
  3. metabolic disease;
  4. problems with blood circulation.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve migraines. They suppress the body's production of a hormone responsible for pain. They do not affect the action of Botox and its distribution. These include Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Medicines are used every 5-6 hours, as needed.

But not all medications are allowed after Botox (it is not recommended to use Ketarol, Ketanov). In addition, if you drink them on the first day after the procedure, there is a risk of swelling.

Cosmetologists recommend relieving pain with a light massage of the head, shoulders and neck. It is important not to touch the injection sites, otherwise the drug will not be distributed correctly. Cold compresses can relieve pain. The ice is pre-wrapped in cloth and applied to the head. You can keep this compress for no longer than 10-15 minutes.

If you have experienced a headache at least once after Botox, during further procedures you should tell your cosmetologist about it. In such cases, the dosage of the drug is reduced.

Other side effects

After injections, other negative sensations also occur, many of which are harmless. These include:

  1. swelling;
  2. bruises, hematomas;
  3. redness;
  4. pain at the injection sites;
  5. mild muscle weakness;
  6. mild nausea;
  7. FLU symptoms;
  8. general allergic reactions.

Hematomas take the longest to heal – about a week. Other ailments disappear 2-3 days after the procedure. Allergy treatment can be accelerated with antihistamines.

You should consult your doctor if you experience side effects such as:

  1. difficulty breathing, swallowing;
  2. swelling of the eyes;
  3. double vision;
  4. facial asymmetry;
  5. muscle weakness;
  6. drooping eyelids and eyebrows.

How to avoid negative feelings

To check how sensitive your body is to botulinum toxin, just ask a cosmetologist to conduct a skin test. A small cut is made on the wrist and several units of Botox are injected. The wound is observed within an hour. When redness and swelling appear, it becomes clear that the patient is allergic to the drug. An alternative technique is being selected.

The key to good health after “beauty injections” is to follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations. It is important to remember the rules of preparation and rehabilitation.

On the day of the injection, it is forbidden to touch the injection sites, take a horizontal position, or apply makeup. For two weeks before and after the procedure, the following are limited:

  1. sports, physical activity;
  2. drinking alcohol;
  3. visiting a solarium, tanning in the sun;
  4. treatment with antibiotics, analgesics, muscle relaxants.