Is it possible to go to a solarium with a fever?


In the early 80s, mass production of solariums began. And all thanks to German scientists who studied the effect of ultraviolet radiation on athletes. During the experiment, the skin acquired a beautiful tan color - this is how solariums began to function.

In addition to a beautiful tan, the body is saturated with vitamin D, which affects the condition of human muscles and bones. In autumn and winter, especially for residents of the North, where there are not enough sunny days, the opportunity to sunbathe acts as an antidepressant.

But despite so many advantages, Solarium can be harmful to the body. Visiting the solarium is strictly prohibited for people with chronic diseases, hypertension, blood circulation disorders, kidney diseases, thyroid gland and, of course, during acute infectious diseases.

Many people think that a solarium, like a bathhouse and a sauna, will help you recover during colds. But this is a mistaken opinion. If you are suffering from an acute respiratory disease, especially with a fever, it is strictly forbidden to visit the solarium. The fact is that in the process of tanning, the human body heats up up to 40 °C. Fever is the body’s process of fighting infection and puts a high strain on the heart. And, if a person with a fever ignores this fact, then he forces his body to work with double force, i.e. wear.

A few minutes spent in a solarium will only worsen an already bad condition, and may also cause serious complications. After all, the body fights not only the infection, but also the additional external temperature. Therefore, visiting the solarium with a fever is strictly prohibited.

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The desire to get a beautiful tan as soon as possible can be so strong that even a high temperature and a cold will not stop you from going to the solarium. Is it worth visiting the “artificial sun” cabin when it’s time to lie in bed and drink cranberry juice?

Reasons for rising temperature

The body's ability to raise temperature is a beneficial gift from nature. As a rule, this is how the body reacts to the appearance of viruses and bacteria and, by increasing heat, stimulates immune cells to quickly neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

A high temperature (hyperthermia) may indicate not only a cold, but also:

  1. inflammatory process: lactostasis in a nursing woman, tonsillitis, stomatitis, caries, etc.;
  2. food poisoning (then hyperthermia is accompanied by vomiting, bowel dysfunction, headaches);
  3. diseases of the endocrine system (usually this is indicated by accompanying symptoms: irritability, weight loss, fatigue, tearfulness, etc.);
  4. tuberculosis of the lungs;
  5. the beginning of ovulation in women;
  6. problems in the hypothalamus - the thermoregulatory center (temperature just above 37 °C lasts for a long time).


If you have a high temperature, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Video: doctor about asymptomatic fever

High temperature: should I go to the solarium?

High temperature, including during a cold, is one of the contraindications for visiting a solarium. And that's why:

  1. During tanning, melanin is formed - a special pigment that gives the skin a darker shade. This substance protects the epidermis from burns by absorbing UV rays and converting them into heat. Therefore, in a solarium, the body temperature rises, and if you come to the “artificial sun” booth already with hyperthermia, the load on the body will increase.
  2. In the solarium, vasodilation is observed: this is how the body stimulates the production of melanin. Blood microcirculation increases and, combined with high temperature, loads the heart with unnecessary work.
  3. At high temperatures, we usually feel weak and unwell, and we don’t want to do anything, much less go to the solarium. However, if you gather all your will into a fist and still go to sunbathe, in a cramped, stuffy booth your condition can only worsen.

We need to wait for recovery, I was interested in this question in the salon when I caught a cold, but I had an appointment and did not want to cancel it, they rescheduled my appointment and answered that if there are signs of a cold, solarium is contraindicated, the body is weakened, there is malaise, and the procedure will be a burden for it.


Despite this, on the Internet, people who are far from medicine give advice when you have a cold to go to a solarium in order to get better quickly, supposedly UV rays kill pathogenic microorganisms. However, you should not listen to such recommendations: solarium radiation has no effect on the viruses and bacteria that provoked the disease.


warms up well ;))))))))) ultraviolet light kills germs 😉 including the influenza virus 😉


it is possible, sometimes even useful. if you open your mouth, it will get on your throat, and ultraviolet radiation has long been known for its antimicrobial effect. But it all depends on your condition.

Kulman Isolda

Video: doctor about contraindications to visiting a solarium

Why your temperature may rise after a tanning salon

Having studied forums where people share their experiences of visiting a solarium, we can conclude that acquiring an artificial tan is sometimes accompanied by an increase in temperature.

I went to the solarium. The next day the temperature rose to 37.7. I drank a fever reducer. The next day the temperature is 38.8. And the next day the same thing 38.8. The skin is red, but the redness is starting to go away little by little. Terrible condition, 3 days. At the same time, the crest hurts, aching pain.

Victor Godunov

Today I went to the solarium for only the second time for just 3 minutes, now I’ve been lying in bed all day with a temperature of 37 and a wild headache, I’m thinking of quitting this business


I went to the solarium...Vertical for 10 minutes... (I also went before), I came home, my temperature rose, my throat hurt, I had a runny nose, and as a result, instead of resting on the weekend, I sat at home, getting treatment.



When the body heats up, an increase in body temperature is a natural phenomenon. A healthy person usually experiences an increase to 37–37.5 °C, but this does not affect the general well-being in any way, and the temperature returns to normal very quickly.

However, if hyperthermia does not go away for a long time, and is also accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition and other symptoms (severe redness of the skin and painful sensations when touched, headache, sore throat, runny nose, etc.), you need to consult a doctor. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different:

  1. heatstroke;
  2. burns;
  3. exacerbation of existing diseases;
  4. a cold caused by going out into the cold air after a warm cabin, etc.

If you have a high temperature, including a cold, you should not go to the solarium. It is recommended to consult a doctor, as this symptom may indicate serious pathological processes occurring in the body.

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Quite often, for colds and for their prevention, it is recommended to use ultraviolet lamps. They kill microorganisms that cause illness. The same operating principle applies to artificial lighting. You shouldn’t even think about whether it’s possible to go to a solarium if you have a cold. The most important thing is to follow all recommendations.

Features of visiting a solarium

It is worth paying attention to the fact that any procedure can have both a positive and negative effect on the body. In this case, you need to take note of certain features:

  1. the first session should not exceed 5 minutes. Then, in the absence of contraindications, the duration can be increased;
  2. taking certain medications is prohibited when visiting this institution;
  3. the doctor may recommend using some ointments or other substances that you should not forget about;
  4. To obtain better results, you can resort to using different types of lamps.

It must be remembered that only a certain dose of radiation has a therapeutic effect, which can only be selected correctly by a specialist.

When not to sunbathe

In addition to warming up the body and increasing the speed of recovery, a deterioration in a person’s condition may also occur. This can be caused by:

  1. complexity of the disease; An increase in body temperature may occur quite often, and in this case there is no need to overheat;
  2. the presence of an infectious disease on the skin;
  3. taking antibiotics;
  4. concomitant illnesses that may aggravate the situation;
  5. prerequisites for the development of oncology;
  6. the presence of dark moles on the body;
  7. diabetes.

It is forbidden to go to the solarium with a cold on your lip. In medicine there is even such a term as “solar herpes,” which can worsen after heavy exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the body. Increased exposure does not improve immunity, but rather weakens it. Such a manifestation can significantly aggravate the situation.

So remember that before you start using this or that method on your own, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will help select adequate therapy and prevent the occurrence of complications.