Is it possible to apply panthenol to the face?

Today, drugs are increasingly used for cosmetic purposes. One of these successful finds is panthenol for the face, which can be a real salvation for dry, damaged skin that is already beginning to age. Those pharmacological properties that were originally inherent in this drug will allow it to be effectively used for the restoration and regeneration of the epidermis. Recently, cosmetologists are increasingly recommending it to women who want to prolong their youth and always look great, regardless of age. Is this possible with this product?

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Release forms


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The active substance on the basis of which this drug is developed is dexpanthenol. For the face, you can use various forms of panthenol for external use. All of them are sold freely in pharmacies.

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5% panthenol ointment for the face suggests the following composition:

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  1. dexpanthenol;
  2. lanolin;
  3. petrolatum;
  4. liquid paraffin;
  5. mityl parahydroxybenzoate;
  6. isopropyl myristate;
  7. cholesterol;
  8. water;
  9. propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

This form of panthenol is a homogeneous consistency of a light yellow hue. There is a subtle, pleasant smell of lanolin. Available in tubes of 25 or 50 grams (approximate cost 350 rubles).

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Panthenol face cream, which contains:

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  1. dexpanthenol;
  2. ketomacrogol;
  3. cetearyl octanoate;
  4. cetanol;
  5. dimethicone;
  6. propylene glycol;
  7. glyceryl monostearate;
  8. methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  9. propyl parahydroxy benzoate;
  10. water;
  11. flavorings.

It differs from ointment in its lighter, more delicate texture, white color, uniformity and specific aroma. It is also available in tubes of 25 or 50 grams (the price depends on the manufacturer, the average cost is about 350 rubles).

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Panthenol facial spray is used less frequently, since when it is sprayed, particles of the substance can get into the eyes, which will cause irritation of the mucous membranes. However, this form of release of this drug has its advantages. Firstly, you don’t have to touch the main mass with your hands, which will protect it from the spread of germs in it. Secondly, the spray is very convenient when traveling. In its composition you can find:

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  1. alcohol;
  2. water;
  3. wax;
  4. mineral oil;
  5. propane;
  6. peracetic acid;
  7. butane;
  8. isobutane

Aerosol (spray) panthenol is used topically and is available in small aluminum cans of 50 and 130 grams (approximate price - 230 rubles).

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Different forms of panthenol release allow you to find the best option for caring for your skin type. You can choose a drug of foreign or domestic production, with additives or in its pure form. But you need to understand that this is a medicinal product, and you cannot use it like a regular face cream. What effect can you expect from it?

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The mystery of the name. Panthenol - because it is based on pantothenic acid, vitamin B5. The term comes from the Greek word pantos, which means universal. It is not for nothing that this vitamin is so named: it is present in almost all food products and is involved in all metabolic processes in organisms.

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Effect on the skin


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The medicinal and cosmetic properties of panthenol, which make it possible to use it for facial skin care, are dictated by the pharmacological action of vitamin B5, which underlies this drug. With regular and correct use of this facial care product, you can achieve the following results:

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  1. inflammation will decrease;
  2. new acne and pimples will stop appearing;
  3. dry skin will become more hydrated;
  4. areas of peeling will disappear;
  5. existing wrinkles on the face will become less noticeable, and new ones will form much less frequently;
  6. scars, scars, stretch marks will fade;
  7. burns, fresh injuries and wounds will heal much faster;
  8. cellular metabolism is normalized;
  9. the strength of collagen fibers will increase, which will lead to elasticity of the epidermis;
  10. the deficiency of pantothenic acid in the skin will be replenished.

Dexpanthenol, which is part of panthenol, is a building material of natural coenzyme A, an active participant in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the synthesis of acetylcholine and corticosteroids (hormones). All this contributes to such rapid tissue regeneration, which is observed with regular use of this product. In accordance with this wide and so useful spectrum of action, it is possible to outline a range of facial cosmetic problems that panthenol can cope with in the shortest possible time.

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Analogs of the drug. The following pharmaceutical products, which are analogues of panthenol, are identical in composition and effect on the face: Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, D-Panthenol, Dexpanthenol-Hemofarm, Korneregel, Depanthenol, Moreal-plus, Panthenol-ratiopharm, Pantoderm.

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Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend and even prescribe panthenol for facial skin for the following indications:

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  1. inflammatory processes;
  2. acne, pimples, acne, comedones;
  3. dry, flaky skin;
  4. thermal, chemical, sunburn;
  5. fresh wounds and injuries (scratches, abrasions) with damage to the integrity of the facial covering;
  6. stretch marks;
  7. scars;
  8. dermatitis;
  9. wrinkles.

Self-treatment of facial skin with panthenol, even if these indications exist, is not recommended. Considering the dosage form of the drug, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Moreover, only he can identify the presence of contraindications for the use of this amazing remedy.

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Be careful! Panthenol will not help with weeping wounds and ulcers on the face.

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Panthenol can become a real elixir of youth and beauty for the face only in one case: if there are no medical contraindications for its external use. Despite the fact that their list is very small, they should not be neglected in order to avoid complications and side effects.

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  1. Individual intolerance to Panthenol components.
  2. Hypervitaminosis.
  3. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  4. Feverish state, elevated temperature.
  5. Exacerbation of herpes.
  6. Age up to 18 years.
  7. High photosensitivity.
  8. Renal failure (residues of the product are excreted by the kidneys).

Despite the fact that individual intolerance to panthenol is very rare, you should not neglect a control sensitivity test. Before applying the medicinal ointment to your face, first try it on your wrist, where the skin will quickly react to the presence of allergens for your body, if they are in the preparation. If you are too lazy to do this or do not follow the dosage according to the instructions, be prepared for side effects and complications.

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Useful information. Do not be afraid to apply panthenol to your face just because it is a medication. By the way, it is even used to treat diaper rash in newborns and heal cracked nipples during lactation.

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Side effects


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Incorrect, uncontrolled use of panthenol for facial skin care as a cosmetic product often leads to complications and side effects:

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  1. allergic reactions;
  2. hyperemia of the skin;
  3. swelling of the face;
  4. excessive peeling;
  5. dyspepsia.

Since side effects are very difficult to treat, take a long time to pass, require even more attention, care and care, it is much easier from the very beginning of using panthenol for the face to do everything correctly, according to the instructions or advice of a dermatologist (cosmetologist). There is nothing complicated about this.

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Through the pages of history. Vitamin B5 was first discovered by biochemistry professor Roger Williams.

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Tips for use

To get the maximum benefit from panthenol for your facial skin, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.

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  1. The oil and wax contained in panthenol in the form of a spray and ointment can cause exacerbation of acne. Therefore, it is still worth using cream for the face.
  2. There is no need to dilute the product with water.
  3. You can enrich it with various other cosmetic products: store-bought, pharmacy and homemade masks and creams.
  4. Panthenol can be applied several times a day to clean, pre-steamed skin.
  5. If 1.5 hours after applying panthenol to your face you still feel a greasy film, wipe your skin with any tonic, lotion, or simply wash with warm water.
  6. Do not use this product for more than 1 week: the skin quickly gets used to the active ingredient and after prolonged treatment with it, its condition may worsen significantly. Give your body a break for 3-4 weeks.
  7. It is not recommended to spray the spray near fire.
  8. Panthenol (any form) is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

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Panthenol is an amazing drug that recently successfully migrated into cosmetics and pleases a large number of women with its pharmacological properties. No ordinary cosmetic product has such pronounced wound-healing and restorative properties. Thanks to them, you can finally say goodbye not only to long-lasting stretch marks and scars that never go away, but also to heavy breakouts of hormonal acne. With panthenol, the skin will always glow with youth and health.

The moisturizing, restorative effect allows you to use Panthenol cream for the face. It is especially indicated during cold periods for those with dry, sensitive skin types. Since it protects well from chapping and peeling. But it is important to remember that this is a drug and should not be used uncontrollably. In addition, products containing panthenol have a number of contraindications. And excessive abuse of them can lead to the opposite effect. As they say, the best is the enemy of the good.

Efficiency and action of panthenol


Preparations with panthenol can quickly restore damaged skin. This is due to the fact that the active components in their composition affect skin regeneration and collagen production. Under their influence, new cells are formed faster, burns and wounds heal. In addition, the epidermis is protected from external factors and deeply moisturized.

The skin becomes smoother and velvety when using face cream with panthenol in its composition. The feeling of tightness, peeling, and irritation caused by exposure to wind or low temperature disappears. Some women note a decrease in the first facial wrinkles against the background of deep hydration.

The complex action of the drug relieves inflammation. It is often prescribed by dermatologists. Ointment with panthenol is used to spot treat problem areas on the face.

Dexpanthenol is a building material for coenzyme A, which is responsible for prolonging the youth of the skin, its elasticity, and turgor.

What does it contain?


The active ingredient in products containing panthenol is vitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). Thanks to it, the skin is deeply moisturized, regeneration processes are accelerated, wounds and burns heal quickly. The content of this particular component allows you to use panthenol for the face. Creams, ointments, and sprays also contain vitamin E. It relieves inflammation and protects against free radicals.

The combined action of these components allows the skin to quickly renew itself, gives it smoothness, relieves irritation and dryness.

Auxiliary ingredients in the preparations:

  1. petrolatum;
  2. lanolin;
  3. liquid paraffin and others.

And the spray formula contains mineral oils, alcohols, propane, and other components.

The active substances in the composition allow the use of panthenol against wrinkles; according to some cosmetologists, this may be a justified step. But we must not forget about the negative effect of some excipients (alcohol, paraffin) on the skin.

Indications for use


Direct indications for use are:

  1. burns of various etiologies;
  2. wounds/abrasions;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. Diaper rash in newborns.

But often women use Panthenol cream as a protective agent in cold or windy weather. Dermatologists prescribe the drug for the complex treatment of comeds and acne. You can use the cream to reduce the appearance of scars.

It is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a cosmetologist, because panthenol, like any pharmacological drug, has side effects.

Depanthenol has a complex effect on the skin of the face, therefore it relieves signs of fatigue, increases its elasticity, and normalizes the hydrolipid balance. This allows you to use creams containing it in the care of dehydrated, dull, problem skin.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, you can also use Panthenol cream for wrinkles. Some girls note that the first wrinkles become less pronounced. This can be attributed to the powerful moisturizing properties of vitamin B5. After all, well-moisturized skin ages more slowly.

Dry skin type needs more careful care and restoration of hydrolipid balance. With frequent peeling and a feeling of tightness, products with panthenol can come to the rescue. They will relieve dry facial skin and restore its protective barrier.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that dexpanthenol has a beneficial effect on the skin, it has a number of contraindications:

  1. allergic reactions to the components of the composition, which may manifest as itching and redness;
  2. childhood and adolescence (the drug is used only if there are direct indications);
  3. kidney pathologies;
  4. exacerbation of herpis;
  5. hypervitaminosis;
  6. elevated body temperature associated with acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.

On the Internet you can find reviews from cosmetologists who warn against uncontrolled use of cream with panthenol. If used incorrectly, side effects may occur:

  1. peeling of the skin (with heavy, long-term use);
  2. clogged pores, the appearance of inflammation when girls with oily skin use the ointment;
  3. development of allergies;
  4. addiction (with prolonged use), significant deterioration in skin condition upon withdrawal.

When using a cream with dexpanthenol without a dermatologist's prescription, it is worth testing for an allergic reaction. A small amount of the drug is applied to the skin of the elbow. If no redness or itching appears after a day, the cream can be used.

Can panthenol be used as a face cream?


There is a lot of controversy surrounding the use of panthenol preparations as skin care cosmetics. Even among cosmetologists and dermatologists there is no clear opinion. On the one hand, Panthenol cream is able to deeply moisturize the skin and accelerate renewal processes, on the other hand, with prolonged, uncontrolled use, it causes allergies, irritation, and addiction. And the auxiliary components of the composition can often provoke the appearance of comedones or acne.

Most experts believe that it is not worth completely replacing skincare cosmetics with a cream or spray with panthenol for the face. It is better to use the drug in courses of several days, and then take a break for at least a month. This will relieve hypovitaminosis and its associated consequences (swelling, peeling, itching).

Some cosmetologists talk about the pointlessness of using the drug instead of facial care products, because the choice of safe professional cosmetics is huge.

Women who decide to get rid of wrinkles with the help of a pharmaceutical product think about what is better: cream or ointment and panthenol for the face. Dermatologists and cosmetologists believe that the first product has a more suitable composition. It is produced on an emulsion basis, lighter in texture, and less likely to clog pores.

Instructions for use

You can find a large number of positive reviews about the use of preparations with panthenol for the face in cosmetology. To get a positive effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is better to use creams; they do not contain paraffins, mineral oils or alcohol.
  2. It is better to apply the composition in the evening.
  3. The skin is first cleaned of makeup and sebum residues.
  4. The drug is applied along the massage lines in a thin layer, with light patting movements. It is important not to rub the product in, but to let it absorb on its own.
  5. You can add a small amount of the product to regular cosmetic masks, enhancing their effect.
  6. After 40-60 minutes, rinse off the residue with warm water or wipe your face with tonic.

You should not use creams with depanthenol for more than 7 days. This will lead to skin addiction or oversaturation with vitamin B5. A repeat course can be carried out after 1-1.5 months.

The best face creams with panthenol

Panthenol is the trade name of the product. It is used by many manufacturers. The drug is produced as Panthenol cream, ointment, spray. Vitamin B5 is included in medicinal cosmetic products or lip balms. Products from Librederm, Evo, and Hemofarm are in demand.

  1. mozhno-li-nanosit-panthenol-na-MasEzZ.webp

  2. mozhno-li-nanosit-panthenol-na-Lajhsq.webp

  3. mozhno-li-nanosit-panthenol-na-iETUFO.webp

On the Internet you can find positive reviews of Evo’s Panthenol face cream. Girls using it noted an improvement in the condition of their skin, which became smoother and more elastic. Those with dry dermis were especially impressed by the results. Those who suffer from acne and other inflammations also liked the result. The cream copes well with the consequences of acne.

Some users noted the simplicity and ease of use of Panthenol facial spray. It should be sprayed from a distance of 10-15 cm from the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The drug should be allowed to absorb, after which the residue should be removed with a cotton pad moistened with tonic.

There are analogues of Patenol cream, marketed under the names:

  1. mozhno-li-nanosit-pantenol-na-gDTpRm.webp

  2. mozhno-li-nanosit-panthenol-na-CEQcHvY.webp

  3. mozhno-li-nanosit-panthenol-na-awuHSz.webp

  4. mozhno-li-nanosit-panthenol-na-gXYkRzk.webp

These products also contain vitamin B5 and have a similar effect on the skin.

Bepanten is recommended for use in newborns with diaper dermatitis and its prevention, for the treatment of cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers.

You can maintain the beauty and health of your skin by periodically using creams with panthenol. The main thing is not to forget that there should be breaks between courses. And at the first sign of allergy, it is necessary to stop treatment.


Women are ready to go to any lengths to remain young and beautiful for a long time. One of the means to combat wrinkles and dry skin is Panthenol for face and body, a drug created on the basis of vitamin B5.

Release forms


Panthenol is a pharmaceutical trademark of a drug also produced under other names: Dexapanthenol, D-panthenol, Bepanten, Pantoderm, Korneregel and others. The product is based on a derivative of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which has a high regenerating ability for skin cells and a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

Panthenol ointment

In addition to dexpanthenol, the active ingredient, the ointment contains lanolin, paraffin, petroleum jelly, isopropyl myristate, which give the skin softness, make it smooth, and saturate the cells with moisture.

Thin, delicate facial skin is especially susceptible to the harmful effects of external factors: ultraviolet radiation from the sun, sea salt, and substances contained in city air.

Panthenol ointment is a convenient facial skin care product. It is freely available in pharmacies and has a relatively low cost.

Cream Panthenol


The cream has a lighter structure compared to ointment, is absorbed faster and does not leave an oily sheen on the skin. It moisturizes the skin well, so it is used instead of the usual cream and applied to cleansed skin.

Panthenol cream helps fight inflammatory processes, relieves redness and swelling, so it is used not only as a remedy for wrinkles, but also as a quick remedy for acne.

Panthenol spray

In spray form, panthenol is recommended as a remedy for burns and skin damage, but this does not exclude the possibility of its use as a remedy for dry facial skin.

Metal spray cans are convenient for travel; the product is quickly absorbed and leaves no marks on the skin or clothing (if it gets on fabric). Manufacturers warn that contact with mucous membranes, such as eyes, is not advisable.

Milk Panthenol

Milk with panthenol is produced in larger volume tubes than cream or ointment; it is widely used in cosmetology after peeling to moisturize problem areas of the skin of the face and body.

The milk contains quite a lot of oils, so skin prone to oiliness and irritation may react in an undesirable way - clogged pores will become inflamed and blackheads will form. For dry skin after 30, milk is an ideal care product.

How does panthenol work?


The effect of the product with dexpanthenol is complex:

  1. Moisturizes the skin. Dry skin flakes, suffers from a feeling of tightness, aggravated by water treatments (salt sea water and chlorinated pool water cause particular discomfort). Additionally, frosty and hot air, car air conditioning, hair dryer, and solarium dry the skin. Panthenol smoothes wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. The product is used as a day cream.
  2. Help for burns is based on the ability to quickly regenerate damaged cells. Likewise, Panthenol will help speed up the healing of wounds and inflammation on the face, avoid tissue scarring, and improve complexion. To treat problem areas, panthenol replaces night cream.
  3. Panthenol stimulates collagen production, making the fibers elastic. This improves skin tone, tightens the oval, and eliminates wrinkles.
  4. The drug contains coenzyme Q10, a substance that has an antioxidant effect on skin cells. It neutralizes free radicals and protects facial skin from aging.

Masks with Panthenol for face


To enhance the cosmetic effect, other substances are added to Panthenol:

  1. To combat acne and inflammation, use a mask of Panthenol with the addition of camphor and 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  2. To give the skin softness and a “silk” effect, Panthenol is mixed with honey;
  3. A mask with dexpanthenol and lemon juice will help make your skin lighter and get rid of redness.

General rules for applying face masks:

  1. Cosmetics are applied only to previously cleansed facial skin. For a stronger effect, the face needs to be steamed;
  2. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, after which the mask should be washed off with warm water and lubricate the face with cream;
  3. If unpleasant sensations (burning, pain) occur, the composition must be washed off immediately;
  4. Before starting a cosmetic procedure, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the ingredients included in the mask.