Is it Possible to Skip an Insulin Injection?

Is it possible to skip an insulin injection?

Insulin is a hormone that plays an important role in the human body by controlling blood glucose levels. People with diabetes need regular insulin injections to maintain normal blood sugar levels. But what if you have to skip an injection?

Skipping an insulin injection can lead to metabolic disorders in the body. If such a violation has already occurred, its consequences may worsen. Therefore, skipping an insulin injection is only possible in exceptional cases.

One of these cases may be the need to appear for examination on an empty stomach. In this case, you can skip the injection of simple insulin, but you must take a morning injection of long-acting insulin. After the examination, returning home, you can enter the usual dose of simple insulin and start breakfast.

If you need to return home only for lunch, then you should take a dose of simple insulin and have lunch. In this case, you will skip your morning injection of simple insulin and breakfast.

However, it should be understood that such situations are rare and skipping an insulin injection should be the exception, not the rule. Regular insulin injections and a healthy diet are key measures to control diabetes. Taking these rules lightly can lead to serious health consequences.

It is important to note that each person with diabetes is unique and requires an individualized approach to treatment. Discuss with your doctor the possible situations in which you might miss an insulin injection and how to properly manage them. Follow your doctor's recommendations and remember that diabetes can only be controlled with a strict diet and regular insulin injections.