Pepper Annual

Article: Annual pepper

Annual pepper (Solanaceae) is an annual herbaceous plant from the nightshade family, up to 1 m high, with spreading branches and long-petioled leaves. From the drooping flowers, red, swollen, empty inside fruits develop - berries. Pepper is native to Central America, but it is especially widely grown in Southern and Eastern Europe, where many different varieties have been developed.

Pepper contains bitter capsaicin, non-bitter oil, carotenoids, vitamins (especially a lot of vitamin C), essential oil and other biologically active substances.

It is used internally to improve digestion, externally in the form of herbal remedies for rheumatism. In homeopathy it is used for complaints during menopause, hemorrhoids and gallbladder diseases.

Also eaten as a vegetable (sweet forms) and as a spicy seasoning.