Is it possible to remove wrinkles with laser?

Aging of the human body is a process that, unfortunately, no one can prevent or reverse, just like the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck.

Human skin is designed in such a way that collagen and elastin fibers, which are produced by connective tissue cells, form a kind of “framework” responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

This is explained by the fact that the peculiarity of these proteins is their ability to swell when moisture accumulates in the structure.

Negative environmental influences, bad habits, poor diet, loss of tissue elasticity - all these factors trigger the aging process of body tissues, provoke the formation of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and many other skin pathologies.

Special cosmetic procedures, which also include laser wrinkle removal, make it possible to slow down the process of wrinkles.

How laser therapy works

Experts call laser cosmetology one of the toughest methods of combating wrinkles and pigmentation on the skin. The upper layers of the skin (dermis) are affected using a laser of a certain temperature and depth of exposure.

After this, the epidermis is processed. High temperatures cause the skin to burn, causing the body to initiate tissue regeneration processes.

Modern laser therapy allows you to get rid of a number of problems:

  1. against deep wrinkles in the nose and upper lip;
  2. pigmentation;
  3. demodicosis;
  4. pimples, blackheads, etc.

Types of procedures

Today there are several types of laser therapy:

Ablative fractional wrinkle removal. This therapeutic method is used when it is necessary to remove pinpoint imperfections on the skin.

Scientists have proven that in different areas of the face, cells have different stages of growth, therefore, in some areas the dermis is damaged and dry, while in others it is clean and tender. Therefore, special targeted equipment is used to target problem areas.
Biorevitalization with laser is a modern non-surgical technique that makes it possible to remove deep scars and wrinkles without resorting to a scalpel. The essence of this method is the use of short-term laser pulses that burn dying and damaged dermal cells.

Over time, a new layer of tissue forms in their place. The procedure is popular because it has a positive effect on the process of collagen production.
Non-ablative laser irradiation – a procedure in which the skin is exposed to long laser beams. Unlike ablative wrinkle removal, non-ablative wrinkle removal affects the entire surface of the face.

The procedure uses sapphire or erbium laser equipment, which guarantees a light but deep effect on the skin. This method of laser therapy makes it possible to restore facial contours, remove fine wrinkles, crow's feet and acne.

Photorejuvenation, as a rule, consists of a set of procedures. Prescribed to women over 45 years of age.

What effect does laser have on wrinkles?

Today, the skin begins to age quite early, and after 25, girls begin to develop fine wrinkles, skin folds form, pores expand, and a change in complexion occurs. Of course, a lot depends on the means that the fair sex uses.

In modern cosmetology, there are a huge number of products that make it possible to look younger than your age, but they only hide the external manifestations of age and produce a short-lived effect. But there is no need to be discouraged, because youthful skin can be restored with laser wrinkle removal.

Using a laser, you can not only remove imperfections on the skin, but also start the process of tissue regeneration. Removing wrinkles using laser is an incredible cosmetic achievement. This is explained by the fact that the laser is not dangerous to the human body, while effectively removing folds, wrinkles and other skin changes.

Exposure to high temperatures on the skin triggers the process of natural cell restoration: the production of collagen and elastin fibers increases, as a result, rashes, pigmentation, scars, scars, etc. disappear from the face.

After the first procedure, the number of wrinkles on the skin decreases, it becomes elastic and toned, and a healthy complexion appears. For the best effect, it is recommended to do several sessions of laser therapy.

How often do corrections need to be done to remove all wrinkles?

Laser correction of facial skin, incl. Wrinkle removal is quite effective. Positive results can be seen after the first procedure, but an even greater effect will be visible after elastin and collagen begin to be produced.

Most often, it is necessary to undergo one or two procedures (depending on the depth of the wrinkle) in order for the facial skin to become ideal, various defects to disappear, and complexion to improve.

The duration of one procedure should be no more than half an hour. In addition, laser wrinkle removal is safe for humans, moreover, it does not require serious preparation and does not cause complications if all specialist recommendations are followed.

Preparation and grinding process

Preparation for a laser therapy session consists of several stages:

  1. stage one – cleansing the skin of the face from cosmetics and impurities. Makeup remover and mild soap are great for this.
  2. Stage two – application of anesthetic agents to the face, which are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
  3. Stage three – removal of wrinkles.
  4. Stage four – applying protective cream.

The peculiarity of the procedure is that it does not require any special preparation, so it can be carried out at any convenient time.

No tests are required before laser wrinkle removal. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. As a rule, local anesthesia is used, in some cases general anesthesia is performed.

  1. The laser therapy session begins with the application of anesthesia to the face.
  2. Then, using special equipment, the top layer of skin is removed. The face takes on a white tint. This indicates that the laser has reached the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. After this, the anesthetic is again applied to the face for a few minutes and the procedure is repeated. The duration of the session depends on the depth of the wrinkles, and it is carried out until all old skin is removed. If droplets of blood appear on the face, this indicates that the papillary dermis has been reached.

At the end of the laser wrinkle removal session, a burn remains on the skin, which looks like an open wound.

During the first day, the skin may swell, and there is a constant release of exudate - a liquid containing proteins and cells formed as a protective reaction to the inflammatory process. Consequently, after such stress, the skin will need time to recover, during which a new skin is formed. After two or three days, crusts appear on the face, which completely disappear within a week. The face under the scabs is red. To speed up the healing process, moisturizing cosmetics must be constantly applied to the scabs. If during the rehabilitation period a woman experiences severe pain, the doctor may prescribe analgesics. It should also be noted that after laser therapy, it is undesirable to expose the skin to solar radiation. To do this, during the first three months it is necessary to use sunscreens and sprays with a high level of protection against UV radiation (more than 30).

Contraindications and precautions

Laser rejuvenation is prohibited:

  1. pregnant women and breastfeeding women;
  2. if cancer has been diagnosed;
  3. for blood diseases, problems with blood vessels and poor clotting;
  4. patients with diabetes;
  5. women and men with pronounced mental disorders and nervous disorders;
  6. according to age restrictions. The risk group includes adolescents under the age of 16 (in this case, the procedure can provoke the occurrence of disorders in the structure of the skin) and elderly people over 60 years of age (in this case, the rate of tissue restoration is very low);
  7. patients with hypertension, hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, those suffering from intolerance to high temperatures, as well as allergy sufferers.


Many women's forums insist that, despite the positive reviews of those who underwent the procedure, and excellent photographs of faces after laser removal of wrinkles, the procedure is accompanied by consequences in the form of swelling, pain (especially the first few days), poor tolerance to sunlight throughout first week, the likelihood of infection of the body.

In some cases, the human body does not tolerate the use of anesthetics well, resulting in nausea, dizziness, and migraines for several days. Thanks to modern advances in the field of cosmetology and the acceleration of regenerative processes in the skin, specialists can select medications that help fight external irritants, as well as disinfect tissues and minimize the likelihood of infection.

As a result, after the rehabilitation period, you can see a young, healthy, blooming reflection in the mirror without any defects.


The appearance of wrinkles on the face, neck and hands is, unfortunately, an irreversible process, just as the aging process itself is irreversible. Human skin is designed in such a way that the fibers of the protein complexes of collagen and elastin, produced by connective tissue cells, form a kind of dense frame that provides significant elasticity to the skin. This is due to the functional property of these protein fibers to swell when moisture accumulates in their structure.

However, with age (starting from approximately 25 years), the processes of collagen and elastin production slow down, and existing proteins “wear out,” which leads to irreversible disruption of intramolecular bonds in the collagen-elastin framework and, as a consequence, to the inevitable loss of elasticity of the entire skin and deterioration of cellular nutrition.

Loss of elasticity, adverse effects of the external environment, poor diet, alcohol consumption and smoking - all this activates the aging process in the body, causing the appearance of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and a number of skin tumors. Our article will discuss modern methods of combating wrinkles, based on laser therapy and similar non-surgical procedures.

Today, laser cosmetology allows not only to eliminate external signs of premature skin aging, but also to penetrate to the very essence of the problem - disruption of cellular nutrition and weak activity of renewal of the cellular composition of the epidermis, including the collagen-elastin framework. Among all existing non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures, the following are the most widespread and received the greatest response from patients:

  1. laser biorevitalization;
  2. heating with neodymium laser;
  3. fractional photothermolysis;
  4. laser dermabrasion.

Each of these procedures is quite effective not only in terms of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle removal. These techniques are actively used in the correction of scars, in particular after acne, and in the elimination of skin hyperpigmentation.

Biorevitalization is one of the most effective procedures for injection rejuvenation of epidermal tissue, based on the systematic introduction of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous area. Laser biorevitalization is also based on the beneficial effects of hyaluronic acid complexes on the condition of tissues, but in this case, the main source of rejuvenation is a gel of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which is actively absorbed by the skin with additional thermal radiation from a multidiode laser.

Laser biorevitalization is indicated for patients with sensitive skin, which has already become noticeable signs of premature aging, such as:

  1. The presence of facial wrinkles;
  2. Obvious photoaging of the skin;
  3. Significant sagging and dry skin;
  4. Loss of skin elasticity.

As a result, after several procedures (on average, 2 to 6 procedures are required, depending on the age of the problem), the patient receives:

  1. visible reduction of wrinkles and deep folds;
  2. reduction of deep expression wrinkles;
  3. improvement of skin structure;
  4. reduction of pore sizes;
  5. increased skin hydration;
  6. improving the appearance of lips.


Modern cosmetologists have proven that when the deep layers of the dermis are heated to 65-70 degrees Celsius, connective tissue cells - fibroblasts - are stimulated to produce collagen. Among all the existing cosmetic lasers, the most suitable for this purpose is a laser based on yttrium aluminum garnet with neodymium doping or, more simply, a neodymium laser.

Neodymium heating allows you to fight such signs of premature skin aging as:

  1. Photoaging of the skin;
  2. Increased pigmentation;
  3. Wrinkles;
  4. Loss of firmness and elasticity;
  5. Flabbiness.

Wrinkle removal in this case occurs procedurally, that is, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out from two to several procedures for heating the deep layers of the skin. One of the advantages of this procedure is, of course, the increasing effect. In addition, it should be noted separately that there is no rehabilitation period.


Perhaps the most famous and popular procedure for non-surgical skin rejuvenation, based on the fractional effect of laser radiation on biological tissue with the formation of so-called microthermal treatment zones. Among the large number of fractional photothermolysis procedures, the most widely used is the Fraxel technique, developed by Reliant Technologies Corporation. Read more about the Fraxel laser in the article “Selective and fractional photothermolysis. Fraxel”.

Indications for fractional photothermolysis:

  1. hyperpigmentation;
  2. wrinkles;
  3. sagging and loss of elasticity;
  4. photoaging;
  5. structural disorders in the dermis;
  6. scars of any origin.


Laser dermabrasion is the most well-known wrinkle removal procedure. As a rule, its purpose is caused by the need to carry out fundamental changes in the epidermal structure, when the problem is of a pronounced, long-standing nature. Despite the wide variety of fairly effective analogues, laser resurfacing continues to be the most effective technique, due to the dramatic nature of its effect on the skin. However, this same fact makes this procedure very serious for both the doctor and the patient with a large number of complications.

Wrinkle removal using this method is carried out using a carbon dioxide laser, when the upper, keratinized layer of the epidermis is almost completely removed through warm exposure. Read more about the CO2 laser in the article “Carbon dioxide laser as the most common laser in cosmetology.” Of course, the trauma from such a procedure is very high, but this allows for a complete renewal of the upper layer of the skin, restoring the intramolecular bonds of the collagen-elastin framework. Laser resurfacing allows you to completely eliminate not only wrinkles, but also cosmetic skin defects such as scars and age spots. In addition, modern cosmetology uses it to remove tattoos.


Carbon peeling combines both therapeutic and rejuvenating effects. Its uniqueness is that the procedure takes place in two stages. At the first stage, the skin is cleansed and a special carbon mask is applied to it. Its task is to absorb all decay products and impurities on the skin. The second stage takes place using a laser. It acts on the carbon mask and evaporates it, thereby deeply cleansing the skin and stimulating cells to renew, produce collagen and elastin.

Carbon peeling can solve problems such as:

  1. small wrinkles on the face;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. increased sebum secretion;
  4. comedones;
  5. acne;
  6. unhealthy complexion;
  7. skin pigmentation.

Carbon peeling is recommended as a gentle method; it can be combined with other anti-aging procedures. This is a universal way to maintain and improve the condition of the skin, while carbon peeling has no clear age restrictions.

Skin is an indicator of beauty and youth. She is the one who requires a lot of attention. But, unfortunately, with age, more and more you have to think about how to return that tenderness of your youth. It is impossible to influence the effects of harmful environmental factors and heredity. The problem is serious, but experts have found a solution - laser removal of wrinkles around the eyes prolongs youth.

What problems can laser removal of wrinkles around the eyes solve?

  1. Alignment of the epidermis and dermis layers;
  2. Evens out the tone and complexion of the face, making it more matte;
  3. Getting rid of pouches, as well as sagging upper eyelids;

Laser wrinkle removal methods:

  1. Neodymium laser heating;
  2. Biorevitalization using laser equipment;
  3. Fractional rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes;
  4. Dermabrasion (laser eyelid peeling).
  1. Infectious and viral diseases, during exacerbation;
  2. Herpes;
  3. Erythema;
  4. Pathological pigmentation of the skin;
  5. Increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels (37-38 degrees).

Neodymium laser heating

The main essence of this manipulation is to apply high temperature (from 64 to 71 degrees) to the deep epidermis and dermis. The result is a powerful activation of the production of fibrillar cells, which underlie connective tissue.

What effect should you expect from this procedure? With its help you can forget about pigmentation of any nature and remove wrinkles. The skin will become elastic and firm due to the renewal of collagen and elastin.

What's special? The expected effect is achieved after several procedures. Each time changes in a positive direction will be noticeable more and more. No recovery period is required. The price is about a thousand rubles per procedure.

Biorevitalization using laser equipment

If people experience premature aging, then this rejuvenation method will be the most optimal. As a rule, three biorevitalizations are enough. The action occurs by reducing the lumen of the pores and overall moisturizing of the pores.

Expression wrinkles will be destroyed after 2-3 manipulations. The cost of one procedure is no more than five thousand rubles.

Fractional laser photothermolysis

The most popular rejuvenation method is fractional photothermolysis. Why? The manipulation does not require surgical intervention, is less painful, and the result can be seen with the naked eye after the second time of use.

The laser affects specific areas. Rehabilitation (recovery) occurs in no more than a week. Cost – 18 thousand rubles.


Laser dermabrasion helps to cope not only with the problem of wrinkles, but also with scars, scars, and other defects that interfere with enjoying life. The disadvantage of the procedure is the consequences.

The essence of dermabrasion is the renewal of the keratinized upper layer (epidermis) by destroying it using a carbon dioxide (CO 2) laser. The most expensive method of rejuvenation without surgical intervention, the price is 27 thousand rubles.

Fractional laser eye rejuvenation with erbium laser

Moisture evaporates, then the production of collagen cells is strongly activated.

A healthy shine and velvety appearance appears. Deep layers are not affected, which makes this method universal and painless.

Removing circles under the eyes with laser

Causes of dark spots under the eyes:

  1. Inadequate, irrational nutrition;
  2. Regular stress, depression;
  3. Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities;
  4. Smoking tobacco;
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, urinary tract;
  6. Chronic lack of sleep;
  7. Avitaminosis.

Advantages of the laser procedure:

  1. Does not require major surgery;
  2. Its own elastin is produced, without the introduction of a foreign protein to which the immune system could react negatively;
  3. The recovery period is short-term;
  4. There is no chance of infection or complications.
  1. Cleansing and treating the required area of ​​skin with an antiseptic;
  2. Application of local anesthesia; after some time prescribed by the doctor, a medicinal product is applied, which creates a slight gliding effect;
  3. A laser machine is applied over the surface of the skin. On average it takes no more than 15 minutes.

What is laser eyelid rejuvenation, and why is it called thermolifting of the eyes?

Rejuvenation technique using high temperature laser action. It is for this reason that the word consists of two parts: thermo (temperature) - lifting (tightening).

How is the result achieved? As a result of exposure to laser equipment, a slight injury occurs; thanks to nature, human tissue is capable of regeneration, that is, self-recovery. Their own fibrillar particles of dermis and elastin are formed, which replace old cells.

Is it possible to remove bags under the eyes with laser? Of course. Medicine does not stand still.

The surgeon examines the surface. Checks for hyperemia or swelling. Local anesthesia is given, and then the skin is removed. Recovery usually occurs within one week. If an intervention of this nature occurred in the summer, the doctor advises wearing glasses to protect against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

  1. Oncological processes,
  2. Infectious diseases,
  3. Intolerance to laser beams or anesthesia,
  4. Hemophilia,

Recommendations after surgery for 10-14 days:

  1. Limit yourself from long reading, watching TV,
  2. Reduce sports activities
  3. Avoid going to the sauna, solarium, or bathhouse.

Thus, thanks to modern technologies, including the use of a special medical laser, it is possible to prolong the youth of the skin around the eyes, maintaining a youthful, healthy appearance.