Callus (Clavus): Understanding and Treating abrasions
Callus, also known as chafing or clavus, is a common dermatological condition that often causes discomfort and pain. It usually develops on the foot, especially the toes or sole, and can be caused by breaking the skin or pressing on an area of high pressure. In this article we will look at the main causes of calluses, symptoms and methods of treating them.
Causes of calluses may include constant friction or pressure on a specific area of the skin. This can happen due to poorly fitting shoes, especially those with tight or hard parts that rub against the skin of the foot. Other factors that contribute to calluses include increased physical activity, foot deformities, or improper weight distribution when walking.
Symptoms of calluses can vary depending on their type and location. Typically, a callus appears as a round or oval lump of skin that may be yellowish or grayish in color. It may be painful when pressing or walking. In the case of rough skin on the soles, calluses can cause a feeling of walking on rocks or constant uncomfortable pain.
Treatment for calluses usually involves several approaches. It is important to prevent further damage to the skin by avoiding applying strong pressure or rubbing to the affected area. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes with sufficient toe room and cushioning in the soles. Using soft pads or pads can also help relieve pressure on the callus.
To soften calluses, you can use topical ointments or patches with softening properties. They help moisturize and soften rough skin, improving its condition. In cases where the callus causes significant pain or does not respond to conservative treatment methods, it is recommended to visit a doctor or dermatologist. They may perform a callus removal procedure using special instruments or recommend other treatments.
In general, preventing calluses is the best approach to managing them. Regular foot care, choosing the right shoes and avoiding excessive pressure and friction will help reduce the risk of calluses. If calluses appear, it is important to take measures to treat them and prevent further complications. Healthy and well-groomed feet contribute to comfortable walking and overall well-being of a person.
In conclusion, calluses, or clavuses, are a common foot skin condition caused by injury or pressure on certain areas. Although they can be uncomfortable and painful, there are various treatment and prevention methods that can help relieve symptoms and prevent them from recurring. Regular foot care, proper footwear selection, and consultation with a doctor when necessary will help keep your feet healthy and comfortable.
Many people have calluses. They appear during long walking, running or other activities, when the leather of the shoe rubs and damages a certain area of the foot. However, what is a callus and how does it appear? In this article we will look at this concept and ways to treat calluses.
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