Callus Bone Internal

Contents: - What is internal callus? - Causes of internal callus appearance. - Methods of treatment.

A callus is a small hardening and thickening that forms on the surface of the bone. This is caused by chronic microtrauma of the bone, i.e., with frequent exposure to external physical factors. Microtraumas are caused by constantly wearing inappropriate or too tight shoes, as well as sports training and professional activities associated with heavy physical activity.

Doctors distinguish several types of internal calluses: - Traumatic callus. It is characterized by a decrease in the size of the tissue under the periosteum, which leads to its compaction and thickening. Manifests itself in the form of swelling and pain. Such calluses can appear in athletes and people who engage in heavy physical labor. The reason for the appearance of such calluses is mainly the deposition of salts when working in an uncomfortable position for a long time. - Inflammatory bone disease. During tissue repair, inflammation occurs. Such a callus can be detected using radiography. With inflammation, severe pain is observed. As a rule, such calluses accompany fractures, dislocations