
In ancient mythology, a fly symbolizes darkness for humans. People treated them with hatred and fear. They saw her as a monster who took food and also carried diseases. In fact, this is a good insect; it pollinates plants. For its life, a fly needs two things - food and water. The best food is fruits and berries. The body of the fly consists of chitin, but at the same time it has excellent elasticity and strength. The fly breathes using the trachea and stigmatic membranes; they easily stretch and contract according to the needs of the body. Like all insects, the fly has six legs. There are pads at the ends of these legs, and suction cups underneath them. They are what allow it to stay on the walls. The fly can also fly in different directions at high speed. But the most important thing is that the fly is used as a biological weapon. She suffers a huge number of infections.