
Muira-Puama: description and application

Muira Puama is a shrub native to Brazil known for its sexually stimulating properties. The pharmaceutical name Muira-Puama lignum, formerly known as Lignum Muira-Puama or Ptychopetali lignum, is the wood of the trunk and root of this plant.

The active ingredients contained in Muira-Puama lignum include various esters, resins, bitters, sitosterol and a number of other substances. These components make Muira-Puama a valuable pharmaceutical raw material, which is used as a sexual aphrodisiac for men and women.

However, despite the widespread use of Muira-Puama, the German National Health Service does not consider the effects of this plant to be proven. Despite this, Muira-Puama continues to be used as a natural aphrodisiac and herbal medicine to increase potency and improve sexual function.

Some studies have shown that Muira-Puama can improve erectile function in men and increase libido in women. However, most studies were conducted on animals or a small group of people, which does not allow us to draw firm conclusions about the effectiveness of Muira-Puama.

However, Muira-Puama continues to attract the attention of researchers and consumers who are looking for natural ways to enhance sexual function and improve quality of life. If you plan to use Muira-Puama, be sure to consult your doctor, especially if you have any medical problems or are taking any medications.