
Multisystem - this term is used to describe diseases that affect many organs and systems of the human body.

In multisystem diseases, there are disturbances in the functioning of several organs or organ systems, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous and others. These can be both acute conditions, such as sepsis, and chronic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

Diagnosis of multisystem diseases can be challenging because symptoms are often nonspecific and varied. Making a diagnosis requires a thorough examination of the patient with the involvement of several specialists. Treatment is also comprehensive and aimed at maintaining the functions of the affected organs and systems. The prognosis depends on the specific disease and the timeliness of starting therapy.

Multisystem diseases are diseases accompanied by damage to several body systems at once. Such diseases also include systemic diseases, when not one systemic formation is affected, but an entire organ or several organs. For example, systemic lupus erythematosus, polychondritis, systemic scleroderma, etc. Multi

Multisystem diseases are a large class of human diseases that lead to pathological changes not only in one organ, but in many different organs and systems of the human body. These pathologies require an integrated approach to therapy and identification.

Why is it important? When should you see a doctor? What are the symptoms of multisystem disease? We'll talk about this in our article.

Diseases of the multisystem category The main criterion that determines multisystemity or, conversely, locality of damage to the body is simultaneous and excessive changes in the structure of different organs and systems. These are pathologies such as:

Autoimmune systemic disorders; Inflammatory diseases; HIV infection; Kidney pathologies; Anemia; Bone pathologies; Lymphoproliferative disorders; Connective tissue diseases; Demyelinating disorders and much more. What can a state of multisystemism in a person indicate and how to recognize it? The easiest way to identify a multisystem type disease is by two primary symptoms:

Prolonged and persistent high body temperature; Severe fatigue of a sick person, lack of strength, decreased performance. But another important sign of a multisystem disorder, in addition to the above two, is a skin rash that is not associated with skin diseases. How can I help the patient? An integrated approach to the treatment of complex pathologies is needed. First of all, when identifying this type of disease, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the development of the pathology: a source of inflammation, an infectious agent or other pathogenic factors. In this regard, consultation with a therapist, general practitioner and specialists is necessary. When establishing the cause, competently qualified treatment is necessary to ensure the elimination of the factor that caused the disease. Most often, drug therapy is used.