Shilajit in cosmetology for the face reviews


Mumiyo, despite the similar name, is in no way connected with mummies. Mumiyo is an organo-mineral product mined in the mountains. Its benefits are difficult to overestimate - more than 80 microelements necessary for humans in one substance! Mumiyo can heal the body, get rid of parasites, start regenerative processes and work real miracles with the skin. We'll talk about the latter today.

Shilajit: benefits for the skin

It is difficult to call mumiyo a product that is at least somewhat attractive: it is dark brown in color, has a specific aroma, and has a bitter taste. In cosmetic procedures you don’t have to mess with taste, you can get used to the rest - beauty requires sacrifice.

Shilajit is a hypoallergenic substance. You can start using it even without preliminary tests. For allergy sufferers there is no better option.

What makes mummy for the face indispensable?

  1. Mumiyo does not mask, does not correct, but actually heals the skin. Any microtraumas, scars, scars - everything becomes a thing of the past after several courses of procedures with mumiyo.
  2. Shilajit fights inflammation. This is especially true for young girls who are battling acne and skin imperfections. Also, mumiyo leaves no chance for wen, pustules and other pests.
  3. Shilajit accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. It is easier for renewed skin to breathe; it seems to glow from within, radiating beauty and health.
  1. Mumiyo rejuvenates. Noticeable. After applying it to the skin of your face, you will feel some tightness - it is this action of the mummy that causes wrinkles to smooth out, the skin begins to produce collagen and elastin more energetically, as a result - the skin looks noticeably rejuvenated and healthy.
  2. Mumiyo cleanses the skin. Blackheads, oily shine - this is not about your skin if you regularly use mummy to beauty your face.

Mumiyo for facial skin: what is it like and how to work with it?

Mumiyo comes in two forms: liquid and tablets.

Liquid mumiyo is several times more effective than the tablet form, but mumiyo tablets for the face are much more convenient to use: they quickly turn into powder and can be added to any other product.

No product with the addition of mumiyo can be used more often than once every 10 to 14 days - it is still a medicine. The course usually consists of 10 - 12 procedures - approximately 5 months. During this time, you will not only see the transformation of your skin, but also cure it of those shortcomings that have tormented you for years. The break between courses of procedures should be at least six months - there is no need to partake.

For best results, you should complete the course in its entirety. By abandoning the procedures for the 5th time, you will not cure the problem - you will only temporarily hide it.

Mumiyo is widely used in facial cosmetology - it is added to creams, masks, and used in salon procedures. You can do the same thing at home - shilajit can be ordered online or purchased at most pharmacies.

Mumiyo in cosmetology: women have been testing recipes for healing masks with mumiyo on themselves for centuries. Aristotle hardly cared about skin problems, but he described in detail in his works what mummy is and how it affects the body. Since Aristotle appreciated it, then perhaps you can try it for yourself.

Mumiyo for face against wrinkles

Mumiyo, thanks to its tightening effect and active substances, can smooth out wrinkles and visually take away several years from you. You can turn to a cosmetologist for help, or you can prepare several anti-aging products at home.

Important! All masks and tonics must be applied to cleansed facial skin. After you wash off the mask, apply a suitable cream to your skin (moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging - whatever you use).

Face mask with mumiyo against wrinkles

  1. 1/5 teaspoon mumiyo;
  2. 1 teaspoon warm water;
  3. 2 teaspoons sour cream;
  4. 1 teaspoon honey;
  5. 1 egg yolk.
  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water and stir.
  2. Add all other ingredients, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face, relax for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Repeat once every 10 days.

Nourishing mummy mask for wrinkles

  1. 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  2. ½ ripe banana;
  3. ½ teaspoon of liquid mumiyo.
  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Apply an even layer to your face.
  3. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Ice cubes with mumiyo for the skin around the eyes

  1. 2 mummy tablets;
  2. 50 ml warm water;
  3. ice molds.
  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water. Pour into molds and leave in the freezer overnight.
  2. Every morning after washing your face, wipe the skin around your eyes with ice cubes.
  3. After the procedure, apply cream for the skin around the eyes.

Mumiyo for acne on the face

Shilajit has cleansing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. If you want to get rid of acne, then Shilajit is for you. By the way, if acne bothers you not only on your face, but also, say, on your back, then mumiyo will cope with this too - you don’t even have to change the dosage.

Mask with mumiyo for acne

  1. 2 tablets or 1/5 teaspoon of liquid mummy;
  2. 50 ml warm water.
  1. Dilute the mummy in warm water, apply an even layer to the skin of the face.
  2. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

Refreshing mask with cucumber

  1. ½ small cucumber;
  2. 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  3. 1/5 teaspoon mumiyo.
  1. Grate the cucumber.
  2. Mix sour cream, mumiyo and cucumber until smooth.
  3. Apply to skin for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. The remaining mask can be stored in the refrigerator (until the sour cream has fermented).

Mask "Oil boom" for acne

  1. 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  2. 1 teaspoon mumiyo.
  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator until the next procedure - it will not be lost.

Shilajit for scars on the face

Scars, as they say, adorn men. A controversial statement - scars and scars on the face do not look very aesthetically pleasing. What can we say about a beautiful woman’s face, tormented by the past.

After one course of masks with the addition of mumiyo, you can get rid of hated scars forever and make your face smooth and radiant.

Mask with mumiyo for facial scars

  1. 5 mummy tablets;
  2. 1 tablespoon of mineral water.
  1. Mash the tablets with a spoon and dissolve in mineral water.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath - you will get a thick paste.
  3. Apply the paste to problem areas (no need to cover your entire face), leave for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask “I am against!” from scars

  1. 2/5 teaspoon mumiyo;
  2. 2−4 drops of jojoba oil;
  3. 2 cm of rich face cream (No baby cream! Do not abuse the skin);
  4. 1 teaspoon cold water.
  1. Dissolve the mummy in water.
  2. Combine the mummy solution with cream and jojoba oil. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Apply an even layer to your face and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Mumiyo face masks: time-tested recipes

In addition to resisting wrinkles, scars and pimples, there are many more ways to use Shilajit for beautiful skin. It doesn't matter whether you're young or old, your skin is always hungry for goodness. You can make any kind of face mask with mumiyo at home: relaxing, moisturizing, with pine needles, with rose water. And each of them will benefit the one who does them regularly.

Mask with mumiyo “Deep cleansing”

  1. 1/5 teaspoon mumiyo;
  2. 1 teaspoon blue clay;
  3. 1 teaspoon yellow clay;
  4. 2−3 drops of rose essential oil;
  5. 1 teaspoon warm water.
  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm water.
  2. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  3. Apply an even layer to the face and neck.
  4. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask with rose oil “Sweet dreams”

  1. 2/5 teaspoon mumiyo;
  2. 1 teaspoon warm water;
  3. 1 teaspoon rose oil.
  1. As usual, dissolve the mummy in water. Mix with rose oil until smooth.
  2. Apply to face, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

Face mask made of gelatin and mummy “Tightening”

  1. 1/5 teaspoon mumiyo;
  2. 10 grams of gelatin;
  3. 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  1. According to the instructions, soak the gelatin in water and stir. It should look like a gel.
  2. Add mumiyo and oil to the gel, mix.
  3. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should be about 45 degrees.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for half an hour.
  5. By the end of the procedure, the mask should form a film on your face; carefully remove it and rinse your face with warm water.
  6. Repeat the procedure once every 2 weeks.

Mask with mumiyo for dry skin “Honey”

  1. 1 tablet mummy;
  2. 2 teaspoons honey;
  3. 1 teaspoon of green tea (not tea leaves, but a drink);
  4. 1 teaspoon sesame oil.
  1. Grind the mummy into powder and dilute it in warm green tea.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Apply to face. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Face mask with mumiyo and succinic acid

  1. 2 mummy tablets;
  2. 2 tablets of succinic acid;
  3. 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  1. Grind the mummy and succinic acid tablets, add olive oil, mix.
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Repeat the procedure once a week.

So, using only one mummy, you can solve many skin problems. And even at 40 years old, you will be asked for your passport in a liquor store, because regular procedures will keep your face in perfect condition. After all, you deserve it!

One of the amazing mysteries of nature - mumiyo - is successfully used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. At home, it is easy to use this product as part of anti-aging masks, which have a pronounced anti-aging effect.

What is mumiyo

There is still no clear and comprehensive opinion about what mumiyo is and how influxes of dark, pungent-smelling resin are formed in high-mountain caves and rock cracks. There are only versions: for example, that this amazing substance is just the petrified excrement of birds, bats and small rodents.


However, much more romantic versions and magical legends about the origin of mumiyo have reached us from foggy antiquity. It was called tears of the mountains, mountain balm, mountain oil, mountain wax... Kings and alchemists valued it more than gold, and all the great healers of the past attributed to it not only unique healing, but also magical properties.

One way or another, the fashion that arises from time to time for this strange natural product is due to its truly exclusive composition and “bouquet” of medicinal qualities, which have been little studied to this day. However, mumiyo is recognized by official medicine and is widely used by folk medicine. The use of mountain balm in home cosmetology also gives excellent results - in particular, for healing the skin and smoothing out fine wrinkles.


Composition and benefits for the face

The undoubted usefulness of mumiyo for both internal and external use is due to its unique, unusually rich organic and mineral composition, which includes:

  1. amino acids;
  2. valuable micro- and macroelements;
  3. metal oxides;
  4. vitamins;
  5. gum;
  6. essential oils;
  7. vegetable resins;
  8. humic bases.

But the mountain balm does not have any exact formula: the composition of each portion of mumiyo is exclusive; it directly depends on the characteristics of the deposit and many other factors.


Mumiyo is especially useful for sagging, aging skin. The range of its effects is wide and beneficial:

  1. stimulates collagen production;
  2. accelerates metabolic processes, renews and regenerates;
  3. relieves inflammation by suppressing the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  4. evens out skin texture and improves facial contours, has a lifting effect;
  5. removes toxic substances, promoting tissue rejuvenation;
  6. tightens pores well, eliminating excess greasiness.


How to choose and apply

Homemade cosmetics based on mumiyo have truly magical anti-aging properties, but success can only be guaranteed by following a few simple rules:

  1. You should purchase mountain resin only from those sellers whom you trust, otherwise there is a high risk of getting a fake or low-quality product - the most reliable way to buy it is in pharmacies, where mumiyo is offered in various forms.
  2. Natural mountain resin has a specific, unlike anything else smell, and quickly begins to melt in your hands; in a piece of natural, unrefined mumiyo, up to 30 percent of foreign inclusions may be present.
  3. High-quality natural mumiyo goes well with many products - both natural additives and ready-made cream bases are suitable for masks.
  4. Regular use of homemade cosmetics with mumiyo will tighten and rejuvenate the skin - but this will not happen instantly: the first result will become noticeable after a month of constant care, and a full course of renewal should consist of at least eight procedures.
  5. Masks with mountain wax have an extremely active effect, for this reason they should not be used too often; The optimal regimen is once every ten days.
  6. Ready-made cosmetics, even if stored in the refrigerator, must be used within twelve days, otherwise the product will deteriorate.
  7. It is most convenient to apply masks with mumiyo to the skin with a soft, wide brush, so the product is applied to the face in an even, thin layer.
  8. It is better to do masks with mountain wax in the evenings, after thoroughly cleansing and slightly steaming the skin.


Beauty Recipes

Extracts from mountain balsam are included in some lines of anti-aging cosmetics. For facial care at home, effective masks, various tonics and creams can be prepared using mumiyo.


Anti-aging masks

To prepare anti-aging masks, you can use both natural mountain resin and mumiyo in the form of tablets - they will need to be crushed into powder and, to achieve complete dissolution, infused in a mixture with other components for at least two hours.


With honey

The product is ideal for inflamed skin prone to rashes - but only on the condition that there is no allergy to bee products.

  1. mumiyo - 2 tablets;
  2. liquid bee honey - 1 tablespoon.


Preparation and use:

  1. Crush the mumiyo tablets and add them to honey, stir and let it brew for three hours.
  2. Apply the mask evenly on the face, after a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

With clay

The cosmetic product has a pronounced tightening effect: it improves skin elasticity and significantly corrects the shape of the face.

  1. mumiyo - 2 tablets;
  2. chicken egg yolk - 1 piece;
  3. homemade cream - 1 teaspoon.


Preparation and use:

  1. Completely dissolve the tablets in slightly warmed water, add the remaining ingredients.
  2. It is better to apply the mask in several layers, allowing each of them to dry a little.
  3. When the composition begins to tighten the skin, it is washed off with cool water, after which a moisturizer is applied.

With a lifting effect - video

With cucumber

The product works great on mature skin and is recommended for women aged 50–60 years; The mask can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté.

  1. mumiyo resin - 1 gram;
  2. small cucumber;
  3. fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon.


Preparation and use:

  1. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. Mix the pulp with mountain wax and sour cream until smooth.
  3. Apply an even layer on the face, neck, upper chest and leave for a quarter of an hour until absorbed.
  4. Wash off the mask with heated mineral water.

With your favorite cream

A mask for the laziest - but it is ideal for your skin; the procedure is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.

  1. mumiyo - 2-3 tablets;
  2. night cream that works well for you - about 1 tablespoon.


Preparation and use:

  1. Mix the ingredients and set the mixture aside for at least an hour.
  2. Apply the mask to the skin.
  3. You can keep the composition on your face for up to half an hour, then wash it off with clean warm water. The difference between this mask is that it can be done more often than others - for example, twice a week.

Beauty formula with mumiyo - video

With rose oil

The mask has increased regenerating properties; Best suited for women aged 35 to 45, works well on all skin types.

  1. mumiyo resin - 2 grams;
  2. mineral water - 1 teaspoon;
  3. rose oil - 2-3 drops.


Preparation and use:

  1. Mix the mountain balsam with the remaining ingredients until smooth, preheating the water.
  2. After an hour, the product can be applied to the face and neck. It is better to do the mask in the morning. Its duration of action is 20 minutes, after which the face should be wiped dry with a paper napkin.

"Royal" mask

A very effective anti-wrinkle mask that helps even in the most advanced cases.

  1. mumiyo - 2 grams;
  2. mineral water - 1 tablespoon;
  3. two quail eggs (or one chicken);
  4. high-fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  5. liquid honey - 1 teaspoon.


Preparation and use:

  1. Heat the water and dilute the mumiyo in it.
  2. Add the yolks and mix well, then add honey and sour cream, beat the mixture until creamy.
  3. You can thicken the composition a little by adding a little starch or regular flour.
  4. Leave the mask for three hours, apply to the skin and after 20 minutes rinse with warm running water.

Miracle product for smooth skin - video


A very good effect is achieved by rubbing the skin with tonic preparations with mountain balm: lotions and ice cubes. Such procedures in combination with anti-aging masks will quickly restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin.


Antioxidants contained in natural wine stimulate skin renewal, it becomes fresh and saturated with useful substances.

  1. mumiyo - 2 tablets;
  2. dry red wine - 0.5 cups.


Preparation and use:

  1. Heat the wine to a temperature no higher than 40 °C and stir the crushed tablets in it.
  2. Leave the mixture to infuse in the refrigerator - after a few hours the tonic can be used.
  3. The product is ideal for morning wash for normal to oily skin. For dry skin, be sure to wash off the toner and apply cream to your face. The drug is used daily for two weeks and the course is repeated after a ten-day interval.

Cosmetic ice

Ice cubes are especially good for rubbing the skin around the eyes in the morning: this increases its elasticity, smoothes out “sun” wrinkles and “crow’s feet”.

  1. mumiyo - 2 tablets;
  2. non-carbonated mineral water - 0.5 liters.


Preparation and use:

  1. Dissolve crushed tablets in mineral water, leave for two to three hours and freeze in molds.
  2. Rub the cubes over your face with light massage movements immediately after waking up or after removing the nourishing mask.

Regenerating cream

This universal cosmetic product - nourishing and toning - is suitable for all skin types, and can be used at any age. The cream differs from a similar mask in that this product does not need to be washed off - just blot off the excess with a napkin.

  1. mumiyo - 2 tablets;
  2. baby cream - 2 tablespoons.


Preparation and use:

  1. Mash the tablets into powder and beat until smooth with slightly warmed cream.
  2. Leave the cream at room temperature for 8–12 hours, then put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Cleanse and lightly steam the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  4. Apply no more than half a teaspoon of cream to these areas.
  5. After half an hour, blot the skin so that it does not become shiny.
  6. You can use the cream every evening until the prepared portion is finished, and after two weeks you can make a new cream.


Cases of individual intolerance to mumiyo are very rare, but they do occur. To avoid allergic reactions to mountain wax and other components of anti-aging masks, you should apply a small amount of the prepared composition to the delicate skin of the inner bend of the elbow. For this simple test, just wait 15–20 minutes - if redness has not started, you can use the cosmetic product without fear.


On the day you perform mountain wax treatments, drinking alcohol is not recommended. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, mumiyo should be used even externally with caution.


The recipe is simple: mix cream and mumiyo that suit your skin type. I couldn’t find the exact proportions, so I messed it up by eye. It turned out to be about 5 grams of mumiyo and 20 grams of my favorite cream. To simplify the mixing process, you can slightly warm the ingredients in a water bath. When completely mixed, the “potion” changes noticeably - it becomes much more liquid, flowing and does not harden even when stored in the refrigerator. I advise you to prepare containers for storing the mixture in advance. I applied it at night. By the way, the mixture will temporarily turn you into a foul-smelling mulatto, so it is better to conduct such experiments after your other half is fast asleep!–000-znakov-o-mumie-dlya-volos-kozhi-vnutr-popytka-izbavitsya-ot-rastyazhek

I make masks and wraps and I will say that I have not seen a better effect. The skin is so moisturized and nourished that words cannot describe it.

Regular and correct use of cosmetics based on mumiyo will help to significantly rejuvenate the skin, launch the mechanisms of its self-renewal and regeneration. This way you can get rid of not only small wrinkles, but also quite deep facial folds.

Mumiyo is a mountain resin that has healing properties. The drug is used in the treatment of various diseases of internal organs. These opportunities were not ignored by cosmetologists. Mountain resin can be used to improve the condition of the skin by both young girls and older women. But most often mumiyo is used for the face against wrinkles. Including near the eyes.


Mumiyo is an inconspicuous-looking brown mass of mineral origin. It is formed exclusively independently in mountain cracks, hence the second name - mountain resin. Scientists claim that the substance arises as a result of the specific interaction of water, wind and temperature, sand, leather, wood.

For medicinal purposes, the product is used for burns and fractures, to remove postpartum stretch marks, for infections of the genitourinary system, for mastitis, constipation, for weight loss, for prostatitis and dermatological diseases.

What's special about the composition?

Chemical compounds rich in mountain resin help restore, smooth and rejuvenate the skin. It is these components that are assistants to cosmetologists and make anti-aging face masks with mumiyo effective.

Mountain resin contains:

  1. amino acids (aspartic and glutamic acids, glycine, lysine);
  2. fatty acids (both monosaturated and polyunsaturated);
  3. organic acids (citric, lichen, succinic, oxalic);
  4. phospholipids;
  5. essential oils;
  6. tannins;
  7. chlorophyll;
  8. vitamin (all group B, as well as A, C and E);
  9. minerals (there are about 60 types in total, but most of all are calcium, potassium, manganese and magnesium).


Effect on skin

Buying mumiyo is not a problem. It can be found in regular pharmacies and cosmetic stores, ordered on specialized websites, or even purchased from people who personally “mine” mountain resin. True, the last method is the most unreliable, because you can run into scammers who will sell you something unknown instead of the required component.

In pharmacies, mumiyo is most often sold in tablets, but the best product is still natural pieces of resin, which are often found in liquid form. In the absence of the latter product, mumiyo in any form will do.

Mumiyo for the face against wrinkles has received positive reviews from thousands of women. On the forums, girls claim that using a mummy face mask at home, you will soon discover the following:

  1. wrinkles will disappear as the skin will receive additional collagen;
  2. the skin will become more elastic;
  3. Scars, scars and blemishes will disappear as skin regeneration increases;
  4. strange allergies in the form of rashes, dermatitis, ulcers will disappear;
  5. the pores will be cleansed, the grease will go away;
  6. pigment spots will become invisible;
  7. the skin will be noticeably younger.


Mountain resin can be used both externally and internally. To achieve a cosmetological effect, mumiyo is used in the manufacture of masks and creams, and is used only externally. There are almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the product.


Rules for using mumiyo against wrinkles: 10 points

Masks, compresses, rubs, and creams are made using mountain resin. Preparing all this at home will not be difficult. However, it is important to consider ten application tips.

  1. Consistency. The best mummy is an extract that is in liquid (to be more precise, in a viscous, resinous) form. It is from this substance that the best mummy cream for the face is obtained. If you purchased tableted rock resin, it must be ground into powder before use.
  2. Choose wisely. To determine whether the mummy in front of you is good or not, the dry powder must be filled with water. A “good” mummy will dissolve completely in a couple of minutes. “Bad” will leave behind grains, sand or some kind of sediment, and also an unpleasant odor.
  3. Don't abuse it. You should not make masks with mumiyo more often than once every ten days.
  4. Systematicity. Once you start making masks, complete the entire course, which consists of at least ten procedures. Only then will you see the desired result.
  5. Preparation . Before applying the mask, the skin needs to be cleansed - you can steam it and use a scrub.
  6. Feel . If you suddenly feel discomfort after applying the mask, remove it immediately and consult a doctor.
  7. Use a napkin. If the recipe turns out to be too liquid, you can “fix” it with a napkin on top.
  8. Don't overexpose. Some girls don’t know how long to keep a mummy mask on their face and believe that the longer the better. This is actually not true. The concentration of substances in mountain resin is so high that 15 minutes will be enough (unless a different time is specified in the recipe).
  9. Remove carefully. The mask should be completely removed from the skin, so it is best to wash it off with warm water.
  10. Use cream. After you have washed off the mask, you need to apply the nourishing or night cream that you use (without mumiyo in the composition) to your skin.


Mumiyo cosmetics: 10 options

To prepare a mask using mountain resin, mummy is used individually, or a number of different components are added to it to improve the final result. This is also necessary for the product to work specifically on your skin type with greater effect.

It’s interesting that you can make a whole series of homemade cosmetics from mumiyo, not just masks. For example, tonic solutions that can be used even every day after waking up. Creams suitable for use two to three times a week at night. (Remove excess cream with a napkin). And also ice cubes made from mumiyo for the face against wrinkles around the eyes. Below are ten interesting recipes.

Tarry Ice

  1. Grind two mountain resin tablets.
  2. Dissolve them in 500 ml of clean filtered water.
  3. Pour the water into ice-freezing containers and place in the freezer.

Result . The skin will become velvety and stop peeling.

Cahors tonic

  1. Dissolve two crushed mummy tablets in 200 ml of red wine (ideally in Cahors).
  2. Leave for 24 hours.

Result . Delicate, elastic and smooth skin

Rejuvenating cream based on children's

  1. Take baby cream and squeeze 15 ml into a clean container.
  2. Dissolve three or four mummy tablets in a tablespoon of boiled water.
  3. Combine the cream and mountain resin and mix thoroughly.
  4. Refrigerate for 24 hours.

Result . The skin will become tightened, the complexion will improve, and wrinkles will be less noticeable.


Cream with added aloe

  1. Mix night cream (a tablespoon) with two mummy tablets, ground into powder.
  2. Add three drops of natural aloe juice.
  3. Let it sit for ten hours.

Result . Smooth and elastic skin with an even color.

Honey anti-aging composition

  1. Pour warm water into a glass.
  2. Dissolve two mummy tablets in it.
  3. Add honey - 0.5 spoons.
  4. Add aloe juice (either from one leaf or one ampoule from the pharmacy).
  5. Stir and apply on the face, especially where there are wrinkles - around the eyes, forehead, above the lip, near the nose.

Result . Smooth skin without wrinkles or folds. This face mask with mumiyo can be used not only against already “ripe” wrinkles, but also as a preventive measure.

The simplest option using mineral water

  1. Pour five mummy tablets into a glass of mineral water.
  2. Heat in a double boiler until the mixture becomes a paste.
  3. Apply to the skin in those areas that have problems.

Result . Expression wrinkles will decrease and scars will become less noticeable.


With plantain decoction

  1. Prepare a decoction of plantain.
  2. Dissolve two tablets of mountain resin in 20 ml.
  3. Add calendula oil and natural green tea extract (a few drops each).
  4. After removing the mask, treat your face with an antiseptic.

Result . The skin will become smooth, inflammation will go away, and acne can be eliminated.

With milk

  1. Mix two tablets of the main component with a tablespoon of warm milk.
  2. Apply to skin.

Result . Your complexion will improve and wrinkles will be less noticeable.


For oily skin with protein

  1. Beat the egg white until foamy.
  2. Add crushed mummy (two tablets) to it.
  3. Pour in a tablespoon of milk.

Result . The greasiness will go away, you can get rid of blackheads, and wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Anti-scar composition

  1. Mix two mummy tablets and 5 g of any cream.
  2. Add an ampoule of vitamin B5.
  3. Apply and leave overnight, rinse in the morning.

Result . The skin will be restored, get rid of scars and wrinkles.

The peculiarity of a homemade face mask made from mumiyo and other cosmetics based on mountain resin is that the mixture can be prepared for future use. If you store tonic or cream in a dark container and in the cold, they do not lose their properties for 12-14 days.

The cost of the product depends on the manufacturer, release form and volume. For example, Altai mummy in a package of 20 tablets costs an average of 270 rubles. A viscous product in a hundred-gram container can cost from 350 to 1100 rubles. Prices are current as of May 2017.