Muscle Palmaris brevis

The arm muscles are one of the largest and most complex muscle systems in the human body. It is designed to perform a variety of hand movements and provides the ability to grasp surrounding objects and perform various hand actions. The muscular system of the arms consists of a large number of small anatomical muscles, as well as a group of muscles associated with the forearm and palm: brachioradialis, brachialis, triceps, teres muscles, biceps, triceps brachii, biceps brachii, posterior terminalis, anterior brachii. Most of the muscles, which include many arm muscles, are located around and along the lower part of the radius. Among the large number of muscles of the hand, a special place is occupied by the muscles of the hand, called the palmaris muscles. They all surround and cross the wrist, forearm, finger (finger), thumb. The palmar muscles are important in everyday life as most of them are necessary