Muscle that abducts the little finger of the hand, short (M. Abductor Digiti Minimi Brevis Manus)

The abductor digitorum muscle is a small muscle in the hand that helps us move our fingers. It is also known as the abductor digiti minibrevis manus muscle. It is a very important muscle for our body and its functions are extremely important for many hand related activities.

The muscle abducts the finger with the help of the lateral muscle of the arm, which compresses it. As a result, this gesture helps us to pull and move our finger all the way up and down. In addition, it also helps to bend the finger, which allows us to hold objects comfortably.

This muscle is a very important muscle element in our hand. It plays an important role in most of our activities, from grasping objects to writing or drawing. In addition, it helps relieve pain from pinched nerves, and also ensures a straight finger position due to its anatomical shape.

One of the important tasks of the abductor digitorum muscle is to grasp and rotate objects. In performing this task, it works perfectly in conjunction with the rest of the muscles of the arm and provides a large range of movement during operation. However, it is worth considering that some muscle diseases can affect finger mobility. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a professional examination and consult a doctor.