Mustela Bebe Gel-Shampoo

Mustela for children's hair and skin

Means for washing the hair and body of babies and children “Mustela BeBe, shower gel”. Laboratory Equence or Mustela Berumen, France.

Many modern parents prefer to use special bathing products for their children. They allow you to avoid problems with skin irritation, which is especially important in the first years of a baby’s life.

Among these products there are more and less well-known. Of course, the use of most of them has positive reviews. But Mustella is popular with parents for several reasons.

Deep emollient concentrate

The concentrate includes many useful elements. Among them are plant extracts and ceramides. The number of active components in the composition of the product does not raise doubts about its quality. The developers focused on the composition, but did not forget about the packaging design. The Mustela container pleases the eye with its modern design and bright colors. A 200 ml bottle costs 55 euros at the manufacturer's pharmacy. Aquatic cultures enrich the composition of bathing products with their vitamins and minerals. This increases the resistance of the epidermis to negative environmental influences. Applying a mixture containing a high concentration of vitamins and betaine to the skin perfectly nourishes thin skin due to premature aging. It is recommended to use after irradiation or going to the pool - this will speed up the regeneration process. The product can be used to treat baby's hands. It is easily absorbed into the skin of the hands, and its neutral pH neutralizes the likelihood of allergic reactions.