Soft, non-stinging anti-dandruff medications

For mild dandruff close to the surface of the skin, it is sufficient to wash with beet juice, fenugreek juice or melon seeds, chickpea, lupine and bean flour, marshmallow seeds boiled in olive oil, quince and marshmallow mucilage, tragacanth, as well as clay - Khuzistan or Kimolos, especially with squeezed beet juice, and leave the medicine on the head for some time. Squeezing the juice of fresh willow leaves also helps - this is an excellent remedy - and smearing with tamarind, celery and its squeezed juice, a decoction of azadarakht, Indian hemp leaves and sesame leaves - both of these medicines and their squeezed juice sometimes also eliminate severe dandruff due to their thinness.

Peeled almonds with vinegar and fenugreek flour with vinegar also work. Or they take chickpea flour with grated sesame leaves and grind it in beet juice with a small amount of wine vinegar, or they take crushed chickpeas with marshmallow, knead it with wine vinegar and spread it. Either they wash their hair with dusted cups of mulberry flowers, used as marshmallow, or boil marshmallow in olive oil, or use incense dissolved in wine mixed with olive oil, this is repeated for two weeks.

One of the mild and easy remedies is washing your hair with the juice of fresh willow leaves - this is an excellent, effective, tested, safe medicine. After washing your hair with any of these substances, you should smear it overnight, for example, with rose or violet oil.