Mineral poisons, fossils and others

Red stone belongs to them. One person says that among the stones there is a poisonous stone, similar to coral, and that two Danaks of this stone kill. It is considered one of the true poisons that kills with its very substance, like aconite, and they say that they treat it in the same way as they treat aconite. The most useful medicine for it is badzahra.

As for live mercury, most of those who drink it do not suffer from it, because it comes out at the bottom as it is. But someone who has live mercury poured into their ear experiences severe pain and confusion of mind, and this sometimes leads to spasms. The patient feels great heaviness in that side, and it often comes to epilepsy and sickness, since coldness, trembling and the heaviness of mercury irritate the brain.

As for killed and sublimated mercury, it is bad, harmful and tears tissue. It causes suffering similar to that experienced by someone who drinks lead oxide - pain, intestinal volvulus, bloody bowel movements, heaviness in the tongue and heaviness in the stomach. The patient's body swells and urine is blocked.

One of the good methods of treatment is to give a drink after using emetics and similar drugs, for example, myrrh in the amount of three dirhams with wine, or give water sweetened with honey to drink over and over again; also do enemas from such water with bavrak, after which the abrasions should be healed using enemas and strengthening the heart with general medications. If mercury is poured into the ear, then the patient should stand on one leg on that side and jump, tilting his head as low as possible, especially if something is hung from the arm on the other side. The same is done if the patient sways, leaning to the other side. A person who wants to remove mercury with a lead needle, which is inserted into the ear so that the mercury sticks to it, makes a mistake, because if the mercury is in that place or close to it, then only jumping and swaying is required, and if it goes deeper, then there will be no benefit from the needle, because it won’t reach her.