Myo- (Myo-)

Myo- (myo-) is a prefix of Greek origin, which is used in medical and biological terminology.

The prefix myo- has the following meanings:

  1. Reducing or shortening something. For example, the myocardium is the reduced, contracted heart of the embryo.

  2. Rudimentary, rudimentary. For example, fibroids are a tumor that develops from rudimentary (rudimentary) muscle fibers.

Thus, the prefix myo- indicates a connection with muscles or muscle tissue, as well as a reduced size or rudimentary state of the designated body part or organ. This prefix is ​​widely used in anatomical and clinical terminology.

Myo- is a Greek prefix that means to reduce or shorten something. In Russian, this prefix is ​​used in words such as myocardium (heart muscle), myoglobin (muscle protein), myosin (smooth muscle).

In medicine, this prefix is ​​also used to designate vestigial or rudimentary organs and tissues. For example, some species of birds have myosclerotic muscles, which have no function but are remnants of more developed muscles.

There are also such concepts as myotomy (surgery on muscles) and myotoxicity (toxic effects on muscles).

Thus, the prefix “myo-” is an important component in medical terminology, which allows you to more accurately and clearly describe the organs and tissues of the body.

Myo – refers to the Latin “myomere” - “muscular”, and is translated into Russian as “muscular” or “and muscular”. Mio- is usually used in the formation of chemical compounds and in the application of various mixtures to metals. The shortened form of the English name myo is my.

International Chemical Notation refers only to inorganic chemicals and does not include terms such as "myoctolite", which can refer to a mixture of different inorganic substances. These combinations of metals are produced by adding electrified metal lattices in a magnetic field and varying the distance between them. This technique is also known as dispersed