How to avoid injury in our daily life?

All joints of the body are involved almost equally in their natural movements. If the mobility of one of them, for example, the hip, is physically limited, the result can be a significant increase in the load on neighboring areas of the body and joints. Over time, this is what leads to degenerative changes or even prolapse of intervertebral discs, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, destruction of cartilage (which may result in the need to install an artificial knee or, more often, a hip joint), iliofibular tract syndrome (or the so-called “ runner's knee") or even an ailment like plantar fasciitis.

Here's how to maintain it in good condition:

  1. a) muscles,
  2. b) fascia
  3. c) and joints

in the pelvic area largely makes it possible to prevent the onset of such negative consequences.

It turns out that a sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and hypokinesia, computers and television are the main causes of our ailments. It is they that weaken the basic elements of our kinetic chain, and force us to think about the question: how to avoid injury at the very moment when the onset of injury is already inevitable...

But is it really impossible for us to resist these negative aspects? How can we avoid weakening our kinetic chain in today's high-tech but sedentary world?

  1. If you regularly spend too much time at your desk, get up and stretch regularly. Try to get up from your chair regularly at least once every 2 hours. At the same time, try to walk a little or do simple flexibility and stretching exercises for a quarter of an hour. Perform a few basic lunges. Just walk here and there, or, for example, to the toilet. In short, get your body moving.

    What can we do while we sit? First of all, pay special attention to the position you occupy. Don't hunch over. Don't slouch. Instead, pull your shoulders back and straighten your chest so that your breathing becomes deep and full. When practicing correct posture, you will feel that the entire weight of your shoulders rests on your shoulder blades.

    Here’s another original, useful piece of advice for you: try working while sitting on a fitball (gymnastic ball). This will qualitatively activate the stabilizing muscles of your body and force you to continuously monitor your posture. In this case, some muscle stretching occurs even in a sitting position while you work at the computer.

  2. Perform your exercise program smoothly, but making maximum use of the entire available amplitude. Movements must be performed:
    1. back and forth
    2. left and right,
    3. up and down,
    4. diagonally and in a circle.

    They qualitatively contribute to improving your mobility, stability, flexibility and increasing muscle strength. All of these recipes allow you to bring your kinetic chain into a state of balance and equilibrium. After this, all you have to do is watch the progress of your body.

  3. Don't forget about stretching. Remember: if you don’t like some exercise, then that’s what you need. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why warming up and stretching are often ignored and thrown away. The paradox lies precisely in the fact that you noticeably do not see noticeable visual results. Muscle volumes from these exercises do not increase at all, fat and excess weight do not disappear. But you can trust us: by working on increasing your flexibility and achieving much-needed stability and mobility in the right joints, you will be able to avoid injury, and also feel much better and be more successful in all other areas and areas of your life. Remember: it all starts with quality preparation that precedes every workout. And, as one famous proverb eloquently says: “victory loves the prepared!”
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