Myoendocarditis Fibroelastic

Myoendocarditis fibroelastica is a rare heart disease characterized by progressive fibroelastosis of the ventricular myocardium.

The reasons for the development of fibroelastic myoendocarditis are not completely clear. It is assumed that the basis of the disease is a violation of elastin metabolism. Genetic and infectious factors are also considered.

Clinically manifested by progressive heart failure, rhythm and conduction disturbances. Ventricular arrhythmias and atrioventricular block are characteristic.

Diagnosis is based on ECG, echocardiography, and cardiac MRI data. Pathoanatomically, fibroelastosis of the endocardium, myocardium, and heart valves is detected.

Treatment is mainly symptomatic - aimed at correcting heart failure and rhythm disturbances. The prognosis is unfavorable, death occurs within 10 years from the onset of the disease.

Fibroelastic myoendoarditis is an infectious-allergic inflammation of the muscular lining of the heart and endocardium. The lesion is characterized by severe forms of the disease, slow progression and virtually inoperability.

The disease is characterized by pronounced symptoms - it is accompanied by frequent infectious diseases, severe pain in the heart area, decreased blood pressure, disturbances in heart rhythm and metabolism, as well as shortness of breath and swelling. In addition, patients with fibroelastic myoendocarditis may develop severe heart failure, which leads to organ failure and death.

The causes of this disease have not been precisely established. It is thought to be caused by a combination of bacterial infection and allergies. The main pathogens are group A streptococci and other types of bacteria. The body's immune reactions cause an inflammatory process in the tissues of the heart. Myoendocarditis is a rare disease. Probability