Myositis Ossificans Traumatic

Myosis ossificans traumatic is an inflammatory disease of the muscles, which manifests itself in their ossification. This process occurs during partial healing of injured muscles and is associated with their repeated stretching. As a result of this process, bone structures can form in the muscles, leading to the formation of ossifications, also called “pox yatras.”

This disease can occur in any person, regardless of age and gender. Most often, a similar process is observed in the event of injury. For example, a bruise, dislocation, or muscle rupture lead to infection and ossification of the affected areas. In addition, education about

Myositis obstructis traumatic is a disease that affects the muscles and ligaments, causing their deformation and loss of function. It is a rare and complex disease that requires careful diagnostic examination and treatment. In this article we will look at the pathology of obstructive traumatic myositis.

General information about traumatic myositis ossificans Name of the disease: traumatic myositis ossificans Other names: soft tissue ossification

With traumatic injuries or prolonged inflammatory processes in the tendons, scarring and deformation of its walls occur. Subsequently, cartilage is formed at the site of injury, which begins to intensively produce bone cells, as well as proteins - growth factors necessary for cell division and growth, the formation of bone structures. It leads to