
Myotactic sensations are the sensations that occur in muscles as they contract and relax. They can be either pleasant or unpleasant, depending on which muscle is contracting.

Myotactics is a process that occurs in muscles during movement. When a muscle begins to contract, it sends a signal to the brain, which responds to that signal and creates a sensation. This sensation can be pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the strength and speed of muscle contraction.

For example, if a muscle contracts slowly, it can cause a feeling of relaxation and comfort. If the muscle contracts quickly, a feeling of tension and discomfort may occur.

In addition, myotactics play an important role in controlling body movement. For example, when we raise our arm, the brain receives a signal from the muscles that are involved in this movement and creates the sensation that the arm is rising. This allows us to control our movements and avoid injury.

Thus, myotactic sensations play an important role in our lives and help us control our body.

Myotactic (muotactic) systems are movement control systems based on muscle sense. These systems use information about the state of the muscles and their tension to determine the position and orientation of the body in space.

The myotactic system consists of sensors that measure muscle tension, as well as a processor that processes this information and controls movement. For example, virtual reality systems use myotactic systems to create realistic sensations of movement in games and simulations.

One of the main advantages of myotactic systems is that they create more natural movements and sensations than traditional control systems. Additionally, they can be used to improve coordination and accuracy in a variety of sports and activities.

However, myotactic systems also have their limitations. For example, they may be less accurate than other control systems, especially during fast movements and high muscle loads. Also, myotactic systems require special hardware and software to operate, which can be expensive and difficult to install and use.

Overall, myotactic systems represent an interesting and promising approach to movement control that could be useful in a variety of fields, including virtual reality, sports medicine, and movement science. However, before using these systems in real-life applications, more research and improvements need to be carried out to improve their accuracy and efficiency.

Physiology and physiology of sensations

The functions of a particular organ are determined not only by the properties of its tissues, but also by the degree of its excitation in the animal or human body. When the stimulus changes, lability changes, as well as the excitability and reactivity of the tissue. Sometimes, when studying the function of an organ, the degree of its enhancement in response to a certain irritation by irritation of a certain organ or apparatus is measured. This test is called a function test or a test of the tissue's ability to perceive irritation. In this case, the function of tissues and organs is studied by turning off individual structures of the central nervous system. Exposing tissue to a current or chemical agent that serves as a function irritant. For example, a test for salivation in a dog is carried out like this: the animal is given something tasty (an ampoule with rat stomach juice) and a piece of refined sugar. If, for example, sugar is not covered by the secreted saliva within a certain time, this indicates a lack of function of the organ and gland. For comparison, a third area of ​​tissue is isolated that is not affected by the stimulus (for example, an atrophied salivary gland). Moreover, in this area of ​​tissue, after a certain time, they also do not secrete saliva, which proves the adequacy of the assessment of the function in question. Functional change can be adaptive. It is adaptive in nature, the reaction to stimuli decreases, physiological and behavioral reactions are inhibited. Adaptation to environmental conditions is necessary for the body. A restructuring of the processes of regulation of functions occurs. Some organs receive incentives - they provide other organs for active processing of food; some cells turn into rhabdoephrons (terminals of somatic afferent nerves); Some diencephalic formations perform a receptor function, while others perform an effector function. Such organs are called effector organs. Electrophysiological patterns are of great importance in the emergence of emotions and in mental life. They relate to the general integrative level of the brain, the mechanisms of summative enlargement of individual elementary processes of excitation and inhibition, which in a relay manner with varying degrees of significance through analyzers through different brain structures mediate sensory, triggering and executive processes and mechanisms in relations between cells