Muscle, Mylohyoid (M. Mylohyoideus, Pna, Bna, Jna, M. Myloglossus)

The mylohyoid muscle or m.mylohyoideus is a muscle tissue that is located in the neck and is involved in the swallowing process. It consists of two parts: sublingual and maxillary. The hyoid part of the muscle is located on the lower surface of the tongue and is responsible for its upward movement. The jaw muscle is located on the inner surface of the jaw and helps hold the tongue in the correct position during chewing and swallowing.

The mylohyoid muscle is of great importance for human health. It is involved in the functioning of the digestive system and helps to chew food properly. In addition, this muscle plays an important role in speech and helps produce sounds that are necessary for the correct articulation of words.

However, like any other muscle, m.mylohyoideus can be susceptible to various diseases and injuries. For example, if the tongue is not positioned correctly, muscle dysfunction can occur, which can lead to impaired swallowing and difficulty speaking. Also, injury to this muscle can lead to pain and numbness in the neck.

To prevent m.myloglossus diseases, it is necessary to monitor the correct position of the tongue while eating and speak clearly and correctly. It is also necessary to exercise regularly and avoid putting strain on the neck.

In general, the mylohyoid muscle plays an important role in human health and its functionality should be maintained throughout life.

Muscles are part of the human body and are responsible for performing movements. One of these muscles is called mylohyoid (m.mylohyoidea). This muscle is responsible for positioning the tongue in the mouth and allows us to swallow food.

Why is it worth familiarizing yourself with the muscles responsible for the location of the tongue? If you are having trouble swallowing or making sounds, you may have a problem with your oral cavity. Muscle dysfunction can cause jaw or neck pain, difficulty breathing, and pain when swallowing. That's why