Muscle Multifidus

Abdominal muscles. Multifidus muscle (m. Multifidis)

**Muscle m. Multifidas** is located in the lateral sections of the abdominal wall, deep in the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle; has a triangular shape. It begins from the inguinal ligament and from the lateral edge of the ilium, and also originates from the external opening of the iliohypogastric canal. Below, the muscle with the help of tendons is attached to the ischial tuberosity, V lumbar and V sacral vertebrae. The muscle fibers are intertwined, which gives it the function of not only flexing the hips, but also rotating the pelvis in all directions. This important muscle stabilizes the pelvis and is necessary when lifting objects from the floor.

Fiber mm. M. are divided into internal (medial) and external (lateral-lateral). The outer third, the largest in size, feeds the fibers of m. psoas major, the inner third helps create intra-abdominal pressure when it drops (diastasis recti).