Buccal muscle (Buccinator)

The Buccinator muscle plays an important role in the anatomy of the head and neck. This muscle is located in the deep layers of the cheek and belongs to the facial muscles. It starts from the outer surface of the alveolar arch of the upper jaw and the branch of the lower jaw. It then passes down and back, connecting with the muscles of the lips and the mucous membrane of the mouth.

One of the main functions of the buccal muscle is tension of the cheek. This occurs due to contraction of the muscle, which then pulls the skin of the cheek towards the teeth. In addition, the muscle plays an important role in the process of chewing food. It helps keep food between the teeth and prevents it from falling out of the mouth.

The buccal muscle is also involved in the formation of speech sounds. It helps with the pronunciation of the sounds “sh” and “zh”, since when pronouncing them you need to press your tongue against your upper teeth and cheeks.

As a rule, the buccal muscle works automatically, without effort on the part of the person. However, if necessary, it can be trained and strengthened, which will help improve control over the movements of the lips and tongue.

Impaired function of the cheek muscle can lead to problems with chewing and speaking. Certain medical conditions, such as facial paralysis or injury, can impair the function of this muscle.

In conclusion, the Buccinator muscle is an important part of the anatomy of the head and neck and has many functions, including supporting the masticatory process and producing speech sounds. If its function is impaired, serious problems can arise, so it is necessary to monitor its health and, if necessary, contact specialists.

The buccal muscle is one of the most important muscles in the human body. It starts from the outer surface of the alveolar arch of the upper jaw, as well as from the branch of the lower jaw, and ends on the inner surface of the cheek. This allows it to tense the cheek and play an important role in chewing food.

The buccal muscle is one of the largest muscles of the face and is located on the buccal area of ​​the face. It consists of several muscle bundles that are interconnected by fibers. Each bundle has its own name and performs a specific function.

One of the bundles of the buccal muscle is called the orbicularis oris muscle. It sits around the mouth and helps keep the lips closed. The other bundle is called the digastric muscle. It starts from the inner surface of the upper jaw and ends at the lower edge of the chin. This muscle helps lower the lower jaw and open the mouth.

In addition, the buccal muscle plays an important role in chewing. It helps move food from the mouth to the esophagus. It also participates in the formation of sound when pronouncing certain words.

In order to maintain the health of the cheek muscle, it is necessary to ensure the correct position of the jaw. If the jaw is constantly in the wrong position, this can lead to various diseases such as arthritis, periodontal disease and others.

Thus, the buccal muscle is a very important muscle in the human body, which plays a key role in maintaining the health of the oral cavity and the entire body as a whole.

Let's figure out who he is, without whom it is impossible to imagine a person's handsome face. These are Shchekavarova's muscles. Simply put – cheeks. Some people like them more, some less. Who likes what. But I am for symmetrical proportions. Symmetrical facial features are believed to be attractive. This is also the same muscle that is so important for combating “flabbiness” of the cheeks. It seems that you massage it 2 times a day, and after a week the result is already visible. What is she doing? It narrows the diamond-shaped surface of the cheek, fills it with air and pulls it down, thereby modeling the cheeks. It also corrects the oval of the face and prevents it from sagging. When it becomes flabby or spasmodic from active sports or overexertion, the person automatically changes. So if you notice an increase in the number of veins that surround your face, call a cosmetologist. Most likely your cheek muscle needs help - because... Because of the spasm, our blood vessels begin to malfunction and this begins to manifest itself externally.