Harm and benefits of coconut milk for adults, children and pregnant women

The benefits of coconut milk are ensured by its unique, balanced composition. It contains a lot of polyunsaturated and fatty acids, without which the normal functioning of all vital systems is impossible. Milk can even be used in diet therapy for various diseases. It saturates perfectly, is absorbed well and quickly.

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Composition and calorie content

The calorie content of natural coconut milk is quite high. Thus, one glass of the drink contains more than 200 kilocalories, which is a sixth of the energy value of the daily diet of a person leading a sedentary lifestyle. But this is the benefit of coconut milk, because it can be used to eliminate weakness and loss of strength in people during the rehabilitation period. Thanks to the accelerated replenishment of energy reserves, full recovery occurs faster.

How is coconut milk different from coconut water?

You cannot drink milk directly from a coconut. Inside there is only a thick viscous liquid called juice. And milk is obtained by mixing it with processed sweet pulp.