Muscle Styloglossus (Styloglossus)

The styloglossus muscle is one of the most important muscles of the tongue, which allows us to speak and pronounce words. It starts from the styloid process of the temporal bone, passes through the thickness of the tongue and ends at its back.

The styloglossus muscle performs several functions. It helps the tongue rise to the roof of the mouth, which allows us to pronounce high-pitched sounds. In addition, it also helps the tongue move back and forth, which is necessary to pronounce consonants.

However, despite its importance, the styloglossus muscle can be damaged by various diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and others. This can lead to speech impairment and difficulty pronouncing words.

To prevent damage to the styloglossus muscle, you need to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations. It's also important to eat right and exercise to maintain healthy bones and muscles.

The styloglossus muscle Styloglossus is one of the skeletal muscles that is located in the oral cavity and is responsible for the movement of the tongue. The muscle begins from the styloid bone, which is located in the temporal part of the head, and enters the thickness of the tongue.

The main function of this muscle is to pull the tongue upward, towards the palate, and also backwards, towards the pharynx. The Styloglossus muscles work in tandem with other muscles of the tongue, such as the transverse and longitudinal muscles, to provide more precise and smooth movements of the tongue.

In addition, this muscle is involved in the formation of sounds, such as vowels and consonants, that we pronounce. For example, if we want to say the sound “a”, then we need to lower our tongue down and back, which is ensured by the work of the styloglossus muscle.

Thus, the styloglossus muscle plays an important role in our speech and ensures the correct formation of sounds. However, if this muscle is damaged or paralyzed, it can lead to speech problems and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations.