Archaic Thinking

Archaic Thinking: When Old Ideas Prevent Moving Forward

Archaic thinking is a way of thinking that operates with a limited range of old ideas, often associated with ancient myths. This type of thinking can be helpful in preserving and transmitting cultural traditions, but it can also become an obstacle to progress and development.

In the modern world, where technology and science are developing at incredible speed, Archaic thinking can lead to a decrease in competitiveness and innovation. If we limit our thinking to only old ideas, then we miss the opportunity to learn something new and apply it to our work or life.

Moreover, Archaic thinking can lead to a distortion of reality and the creation of false ideas about the world. After all, ancient myths do not always correspond to scientific facts and the reality of today.

How to Avoid Archaic Thinking? It is important to remain open to new ideas and technologies, to follow trends in science and industry. It is also important to be able to distinguish myths from reality and not be limited only by old ideas.

In the end, Archaic thinking is not always a negative phenomenon. It can be useful in preserving cultural traditions and historical values. However, if we limit our thinking to only old ideas, we risk being left behind in a rapidly changing world.

**Archaic thinking** is a type of thinking characteristic of traditional societies of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Individuals live within the framework of generally accepted myths, ancient rituals, superstitions, tribal customs, and perceive the world and themselves in anthropomorphic images. Their consciousness is regulated by the cosmos, the time frame of which is limited by mythological time-space - eternity and space (opposite to atomic-physical time and space). This is the present - eternity, mythical antiquity and paradise lost. The past is also immersed in this transcendental “past century” and its only “creator” is the supernatural head of the clan and tribe.

According to the stereotype of archaic consciousness, human thinking is a frozen type of thinking based only on the fact that it is anchored in thousands of years of practice in this world. His thinking in motion is stopping. For example, for example, the Latin poet Horace writes in one of his poems: “Neue alter et veteris ira saecula placida locant annis...”. It is translated as follows: “As is customary, young people erect monuments to hoary antiquity. On their ancient bones rest the honors of modern times.” In contrast to the idea of ​​the immobility of the archaic world, in the era of the emergence of science, the idea of ​​progress arises - the idea of ​​​​the constant and sustainable development of nature, society and thinking.

The leading stimulus for the development of archaic consciousness is collective thought. It cannot exist and develop outside the collective - there is always a homogeneous thought nearby as a single, huge, eternal collective. Therefore, in the minds of archaics, thought takes the form not of one person, but of a whole circle of people. Due to the fact that thinking is supported by the collective, it practically cannot move forward. That is why collective thinking does not have the ability to change its appearance and character, unless the internal cohesion of these elements is too strong. This is the reason why the type of collective