Thinking Incoherent

Over the course of life, a person falls under the influence of various trends and ideas, many of which form a certain picture and are called human thinking. The basis of thinking is coherent thinking (a certain single decision) and incoherent thinking.

Incoherent (incoherent) thinking refers to states of mental solution to a problem, in which when you find the moment of finding the answer, it is not a trap that occurs, but a situation occurs where you cannot find a way out of the vicious circle, there is no understanding of what to do in such a situation. Also, such a state of consciousness is associated with the difficulty of moving to another phase of the decision. Incoherent states are a disorder in thoughts, a certain lack of feeling for the current task and the direction of action to solve it, loss of pace and the ability to quickly switch between different tasks and situations, analysis of the decision-making of different people. This thinking process involves not understanding the source of the misunderstanding. There can be several types of incoherent, confused cases in thinking: altered thinking, blocked in its properties, critical threshold of possibilities, thinking with a paranoid presence, sabotaging thinking. If there is failure to solve the problem and the erroneous functioning of figurative representations, the coherence of movements is disrupted, resulting in disorganization of the discursive