Thinking Magical

Magic is one of the most mysterious and fascinating aspects of human life, which still remains the subject of scientific research and philosophical debate. One of the most interesting and mysterious types of thinking associated with magic is magical thinking. Magical thinking can be defined as a system of ideas and beliefs, including fantasies, religious and superstitious ideas about supernatural or magical forces that can influence the world and people.

Fundamental to magical thinking is the belief that there is magic and magical powers that can be used to achieve desired results. In magical thinking, the world is harmonious, although sometimes dangerous, and there are mysterious forces that control it all in a complex way. The influence of these forces on a person is not always obvious, but they can manifest themselves in various ways, for example, in the power of curses, signs, prophecies, etc. There are many systems of practicing magical ritual and some religious practices that help control and use these forces for their own purposes.

An important element of magical consciousness is the image of the magician as a powerful and wise character. Magicians often become people who have special knowledge and intuition, capable of seeing other worlds behind everyday reality and cognizing hidden phenomena. In addition, magicians are often those who have charisma and the ability to influence other people, especially those who are already at the mercy of magical powers. These heroes are able to change the world around them and influence events by finding symbolic and analogue solutions to future problems. In modern culture there are various forms of magic: from Kabbalah

Magical thinking is a form of thinking in which a person accepts as truth beliefs based on magical ideas about the world. Such ideas may be associated with religion, superstitions, beliefs and other ways of influencing the human psyche.

There have been many studies in psychology that have shown that magical thinking can influence people's behavior. For example, people with stronger magical thinking are more likely to turn to esoteric practices than other people. They also tend to be more trusting of information received from non-traditional sources such as astrologers, palmists, etc.

Magical thinking includes a number of beliefs and beliefs that are based on the idea that natural phenomena, actions and events are accompanied by the intervention of otherworldly forces. For example, a person may believe that every step on the way home is a lucky omen, that if you send money to a homeless person on the street, it will come back to him - and this money can protect you from possible troubles. All this is called superstition and was formed at the most ancient stage of development