Acne holes on face

Good evening, please share, who was able to get rid of scars and post-acne on the face? (except for laser resurfacing) maybe peelings or injections of some kind? experts

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

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Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

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Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

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Alina Sysoeva

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Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

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nothing will help except a laser and I think you know this. It's a waste of money, all these miracle remedies

It's a long process. I did microabrasion in courses. Nitrogen massage and photorejuvenation. These procedures help to even out the relief.

Only laser. I did laser resurfacing 3 times, the scars decreased by 40-50 percent. I will be making more this fall and winter. Everything else, in my opinion, is money down the drain.

I’ve been dreaming about laser resurfacing for two years now.
I have to finally get there in the fall
I haven't chosen a doctor yet
In general, creams with fruit extracts and vitamin C help for the day

Only laser. I did laser resurfacing 3 times, the scars decreased by 40-50 percent. I will be making more this fall and winter. Everything else, in my opinion, is money down the drain.

Nothing will help. An acquaintance walks around, scary as a macaque, her whole face full of holes. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Kharya is like a kirzach.

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Author, I have the same problem. A course of lactic acid peels helped me a lot. (they can be done between November and February). After 4-5 courses there was already an effect.

Girls, please tell me the prices. They also advise me to use a mesoscooter. I looked at the before-after photos, and there was a noticeable effect. maybe this is advertising of course

Author, can you specify what kind of scars? normotrophic hypertrophic keloids what?
Pimples and post-acne get rid of very quickly

I removed it with evaporated urine. But this is not for the squeamish.


Chemical peeling (deep) at least 3 times every week! But not in the summer (so that there is no bright sun) I’m telling you as a cosmetologist

Just don’t experiment at home yourself. Save up for the laser method. In the meantime, you can take a peeling course. The face is much better. I did it in the Golden Sun, it’s in Ufa, much cheaper than in Moscow. I'm happy with the result. I would live there permanently and go to yoga with them

Author, can you specify what kind of scars? normotrophic hypertrophic keloids what?
Pimples and post-acne get rid of very quickly

These methods are not suitable for everyone, for example, if the vessels are located close to the surface. Consult a good cosmetologist

Author, can you specify what kind of scars? normotrophic hypertrophic keloids what?
Pimples and post-acne get rid of very quickly

These methods are not suitable for everyone, for example, if the vessels are located close to the surface. Consult a good cosmetologist

If the defects on the skin are not very noticeable, then in principle they can be removed by peeling (peeling “removes” the top layer of skin, and then a new one grows back - clean). But these, of course, are defects and really not global ones. In principle, you can go to a salon to consult which one is best to do. If we take the universal ones, then yellow or retinoic is quite soft, but also effective. In principle, you can even make it yourself at home if you buy retasol lotion. But just remember that peeling is not allowed in summer, only in autumn and winter, otherwise pigmentation will occur.

Try retinoic peels. They help well in just such cases. After a course of peelings, the skin becomes smoother, even traces of old acne gradually disappear. And the pores become narrower. Only peelings are done in winter, not in summer.

Try retinoic peels. They help well in just such cases. After a course of peelings, the skin becomes smoother, even traces of old acne gradually disappear. And the pores become narrower.

How many times does this peeling need to be done and where do you buy the product itself? or do you go to the salon?

I had a course of collost with my cosmetologist, it’s an excellent procedure for post-acne plus my face will rejuvenate)

High-quality cosmetics save the day) Excellent makeup is the key to self-confidence. I found an online store purely by chance, and now I only shop there. The quality is simply 100% for skin after 40 years, this is important. And as a bonus, the prices are the best, there are always gifts. If anyone is interested

I had laser resurfacing done at the Beauty Park in Khimki. Nothing else helped. I won’t mention the price, since they are still very different, even Moscow and Khimki. But I’ll say right away that the procedure is not cheap.

Good evening, please share, who was able to get rid of scars and post-acne on the face? (except for laser resurfacing) maybe peelings or injections of some kind?

I had ultrapals laser resurfacing done. I had very deep scars and acne marks. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my clean and beautiful skin. I recommend!

I had ultrapals laser resurfacing done. I had very deep scars and acne marks. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my clean and beautiful skin. I recommend!

Tell me where did you do it?

How do you get rid of them very quickly?

My acne began to appear around the age of 13. At first, I believed that it would go away on its own soon, but a year later I was already visiting dermatologists and cosmetologists in full force, because the rash did not go away. In the end, to my happiness, the rash went away around 17, but left potholes on my face. I tried to fight them with cosmetics, but it did not have the desired result and then I decided to try everything I read about on the internet. At the beginning, these were folk remedies, then I started taking some pills, but nothing helped. As a result, after many years of struggle, I decided to try Collost and, surprisingly, it gave results. Collost is collagen that restores natural tone and smoothes out holes. I confidently recommend it to all my fellow sufferers


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  1. how to get clear smooth skin
  2. facial skin irregularities



Remember: apply foundation to dry skin with a damp sponge. Otherwise, you can, on the contrary, emphasize defects.

Please note that if you have open areas of inflammation, avoid makeup altogether.

Apply makeup in daylight so you can choose the right shades and tones.

The room should be light, this will affect your skin color.

Allow your morning moisturizer to absorb before applying foundation.

Use a sponge when applying foundation. Distribute the cream in droplets over your face, then gently blend with a sponge. At the same time, the hairline and neck should not differ in tone from the face.


Unfortunately, getting rid of hated acne and blackheads, especially when they are inflamed, does not always lead to ideal, beautiful skin. The complex course of acne is fraught with the formation of visually noticeable depressions in the form of dimples and holes on the face from acne and scars. All these unpleasant things cause considerable discomfort, and sometimes even the development of insecurity and complexes. Therefore, addressing this problem in time means becoming one step closer to the cherished smooth, well-groomed skin.

To achieve the most effective treatment, it is necessary to determine the stage of development of atrophic scars and the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the skin. To do this, you can seek help from a professional cosmetologist who will tell you how to get rid of holes and dimples on your face after acne, or you can try to cope at home yourself.

Why do acne appear?

All the reasons for the appearance of post-acne come down to a failure in the process of regeneration of skin cells. In simple words, small pits and holes on the face from acne after the release of purulent contents cannot always be restored and covered with healthy skin tissue. Such a violation is a consequence of non-compliance with the rules recommended by cosmetologists.

  1. Thus, we can highlight the main reasons for the formation of post-acne:
neglect of basic daily hygiene procedures; infection of an open acne ulcer with pathogenic bacteria, which inhibits the process of cell restoration; squeezing and puncturing a pimple in the process of maturation; poor quality and incomplete removal of the purulent contents of the pustule, which caused new inflammation; neglect of the problem - an advanced form of facial disease rarely has a chance of complete 100% restoration of the skin; People with sensitive skin have a greater risk of scarring; independent attempts to squeeze out an internal pimple.

Avoiding such mistakes reduces the risk of skin problems, and proper nutrition (eating legumes, cereals, carrots, vitamins A, E), maintaining a healthy lifestyle (quitting smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, sports) will also help in the fight for ideal skin. selected skin care.

What are atrophic scars?

  1. So, let’s figure out what kind of holes and pits there are on the face after acne and acne:
chipped scars; rectangular scars; rounded scars; hypertrophic scars.

Each type implies a separate treatment method. Therefore, correctly diagnosing the problem is half the success. Let's look at each scar separately.

Chipped scar It has the shape of a shallow pit with converging edges and is especially dangerous. Injections with the patient's adipose tissue or collagen are recognized as effective methods. But the running form (fibrotic scar) nullifies all attempts to get rid of the defect.

Rectangular scars – a common form, as they form at the site of a pimple. Keep in mind: unsuccessful and incorrect squeezing of a pimple is a direct path to a rectangular scar. Chemical reconstruction methods will be effective in this case. Salons offer a restoration service based on triacetic acid.

Rounded scars pass into healthy skin, may have pronounced depressions and scars of medium depth. In the first case, a small incision is made and the affected tissue is replaced with healthy tissue or hyaluronic acid. In the second case, only surgery or laser treatment will help.

And the last view - hypertrophic scars. Very noticeable and unaesthetic. They are formed as a result of an abnormal hyperactive increase in the number of connective tissue cells.

How to get rid of acne pits and holes on your face

At the moment, there are quite a lot of ways to solve the problem of post-acne. In each case, an individual approach is needed based on the condition of the skin and financial capabilities. For optimal results, a combination of salon or medicinal methods in combination with home care is possible. Home remedies must contain components such as kojic acid, hydroquinone, arbutin and A-hydroxy acids. These are quite common components, as manufacturers create entire lines aimed at the problem of post-acne. In turn, they trigger skin regeneration processes, make it visually smoother, and fill in pits and holes.

Medication methods

You can try to eliminate small scars at home. Ointment will help with this "Kontraktubex". If you are patient, then in six months the dermis will become smoother, small scars will become invisible or disappear altogether. Another successful remedy for getting rid of pits and holes from acne on the face was recognized as "Bodyaga 911+". If you use it, the effect may occur a little earlier, but there are contraindications: it cannot be used on thin and sensitive skin. The principle of operation of the ointment is such that it dries out the upper layer of the dermis and, as a result, can cause severe peeling. No less effective and popular for combating post-acne are ointments. "Kvotlan", "Mederma" And "Dermatix", which are not at all difficult to find in pharmacies. Their action is aimed at improving blood circulation and stimulating collagen production.
Cosmetological methods

Cosmetologists in salons offer more drastic methods for eliminating holes on the face after acne. Although this approach will cost a little more, the result will not take long to arrive. If a large-scale event is coming up and you want to look your best as quickly as possible, contact a specialist. You will be offered several treatment options and, most likely, the cosmetologist himself will determine how to get your skin in order in the shortest possible time.

  1. Let's list modern approaches:
laser resurfacing; collagen injections; injections of your own adipose tissue; chemical peeling; phenol peeling.

Let's look at each service in more detail.

Laser resurfacing - the most effective method today. Direct local exposure of the laser to the affected area allows you to get rid of shallow scars in one procedure. More serious pits and holes will require a full course of sanding.

Collagen injections They allow you to visually align the depression, but this procedure is not long-lasting; after six months, the collagen will dissolve and will need to be re-injected.

Injections with your own fat tissue similar to collagen injections, but have a longer lasting result. Since your own fat cells will dissolve more slowly, when they are injected, the skin will remain smooth for about a year and a half.

Chemical peeling – a painful procedure, but effective. If it is carried out regularly for two months, traces of scars will disappear completely, the skin will become even and smooth.

Phenolic peeling – also a complex painful procedure. It involves deep correction and complete smoothing of the skin for at least six months. Do not carry out this procedure if you are going to the sea; tanning is contraindicated in the case of phenol peeling. It is also not recommended if you have freckles.


If the structure of the hole after an acne is shallow, pay attention to budgetary methods of traditional medicine. Several such methods have already earned trust.

Let's talk about the most effective recipes applied locally to the affected areas.

Composition1: Vishnevsky ointment, alcohol (you can use vodka), honey.
Ratio: in equal proportions.
Time: 20 minutes daily for three weeks.

Composition 2: lavender essential oil.
Time: 15 minutes daily for two weeks.

Composition 3: nutmeg, milk, honey.
Ratio: in equal proportions.
Time: 30 minutes daily for 10 days.

Despite the simplicity of these home procedures, they can be a salvation from small pits and holes. Be sure to test the mixture on your hand before use; if it burns, use is prohibited.