Yellow spots appeared on my hands

Yellow spots on the skin are an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that most often does not cause physical discomfort. At the same time, the occurrence of such formations interferes with normal life, making a person nervous.

In most cases, it is quite difficult to get rid of such manifestations. Let's try to find out what can cause stains? Yellow skin should be given due attention, since reluctance to identify the root cause of the phenomenon can result in the most unforeseen consequences.

What is yellow pigmentation on the skin?


If a representative of the Caucasian phototype tans in the sun, his skin acquires a soft, chocolate shade. At the same time, the disease vitiligo can cover anyone, even the most naturally pale, with yellow and whitish spots.

When yellow spots appear on the skin, this phenomenon is called a facultative change in tissue structure. Such manifestations include the appearance of freckles and disruption of the uniform coloring of surface tissues.

Yellow spots on the skin: types


  1. Flat – are small neoplasms that have a rounded shape. Occurs on the soles and palms. They often form in older people due to excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the body and the development of atherosclerosis.
  2. Diffuse – yellow spots on the skin in the form of a massive accumulation of papules. In most cases, they become a side effect of diseases such as myeloma and leukemia.
  3. Intertriginous - are a hereditary disease. They often appear on the skin of people whose parents suffered from an excess of cholesterol in the body.
  4. Palmar – as in the previous case, such yellow spots on the skin are genetically determined. Typical for people whose bodies have disorders of lipoprotein metabolism.
  5. Eruptive – occur as a result of unhealthy lipid metabolism. Most often concentrated in the area around the eyes, on the eyelids, near the nostrils.



  1. minor subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  2. dermatological diseases;
  3. shocks, other mechanical effects on tissue;
  4. lipid metabolism disorders in the body;
  5. systemic illnesses.

What causes pale yellow spots? The skin tends to acquire a similar shade with the development of lichen versicolor and urticaria pigmentosa. It is these diseases that are initially not accompanied by absolutely no other symptoms. A person feels absolutely healthy for a long time until the disease begins to progress. Therefore, if yellow spots appear on the skin, you should immediately seek advice from an experienced dermatologist.

As for hemorrhages, which can cause yellow-brown spots on the skin, they are often caused by damage to the smallest vessels. At first, the spots may have a red tint, which over time changes to blue and later to yellow. Often, marks that arise as a result of mechanical action on tissue naturally disappear as a week passes as a result of the resorption of pockets of stagnant blood.

Systemic diseases such as lupus, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus, and oncology can also lead to the appearance of yellow spots on the skin.

Yellow spots often signal improper functioning of internal organs: kidneys, liver, gall bladder. Manifestations of this type also occur with sexually transmitted diseases. They can also be caused by constant stress and lack of sleep. Among other things, a common cause of the formation of yellow spots is the wrong approach to skin care.



If it is necessary to eliminate yellow spots on the skin, specialists often prescribe creams and solutions that contain a component called retin-A. The latter is an effective stimulator of cell regeneration. In addition, the substance reduces the damage that ultraviolet rays cause to healthy tissues.

If drug treatment does not give the expected results, you should use cosmetic methods. To begin with, you can try to eliminate yellow spots by resorting to a deep chemical peel. Laser correction allows you to complete what you started, which painlessly removes pigment manifestations from the skin and evenly lightens the affected areas.



For prevention, it is extremely important to protect the skin from prolonged exposure to harmful solar radiation. Simply covering sensitive areas of skin is not enough. In summer, it is recommended to use effective products with a high level of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, they must be applied evenly over the entire surface of unprotected skin.

If yellow spots appear, you should limit yourself to eating fatty foods and dishes based on ingredients of animal origin. It is advisable to give up alcohol and smoking tobacco.


The appearance of yellow spots on the skin should not be regarded as a sign of a serious illness. However, it is not recommended to ignore the problem, even if no changes in well-being are felt. Ultimately, yellow spots do not look very attractive from an aesthetic point of view, especially if they are on the face or other open areas of the skin.

When resorting to one or another method of therapy, you need to consider its features, as well as existing contraindications. You should not make a final decision without consulting with a specialist and weighing the pros and cons.


Yellow spots on the skin are a sign of a certain pathological process in the body. It can be a manifestation of both a dermatological disease and ailments of other body systems, including hepatitis. If you have such a symptom, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate. To eliminate this symptom, the clinician will prescribe the necessary examination and select the most effective treatment.


The appearance of yellow spots on the body may be due to the following etiological factors:

  1. pathological changes in the liver;
  2. hormonal disorders, in particular Addison's disease;
  3. using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. oncological diseases;
  6. lipid metabolism disorder;
  7. diabetes;
  8. some systemic diseases;
  9. dermatological diseases.

We should separately highlight the reasons for the manifestation of this symptom on the skin of a newborn baby:

  1. meconium entering the amniotic fluid before the birth of the child;
  2. systemic pathologies;
  3. infectious diseases.

If you have such a symptom, regardless of additional symptoms, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate. The use of drugs or traditional medicine at your own discretion can lead not only to the development of complications, but also to a blurred clinical picture, which will complicate diagnosis.


In this case, there is no general clinical picture, since this is a symptom of a nonspecific nature. The manifestation of symptoms and the localization of yellow spots on the skin will depend on the provoking disease.

If the cause of this symptom is a dermatological disease, the patient may notice the following disorders:

  1. the formation of yellow spots on the scalp, limbs or body;
  2. rashes of multiple or single nature;
  3. yellow spots may turn brown;
  4. the rashes peel and may itch;
  5. over time, bubbles with liquid, plaques, ulcers or erosions may form at the site of the spots (depending on the type of disease);
  6. a general deterioration in health is possible.


If lipid metabolism is disrupted, yellow spots on the skin may be accompanied by the following changes:

  1. rashes are mainly localized on the back, chest and abdomen;
  2. gradually the spots increase in size and group together.

In this case, relief, itching and peeling are not observed.

This disease does not pose a significant threat to health, but consultation with a doctor is required.

If the etiology of yellow spots on the skin of the face is a systemic disease, then the following clinical picture may occur:

  1. swollen lymph nodes;
  2. muscle pain and weakness;
  3. feeling of lethargy, drowsiness;
  4. chronic fatigue syndrome;
  5. hair loss;
  6. swelling of the lower extremities;
  7. rashes of various types;
  8. increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays;
  9. deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  10. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  11. general deterioration of health.

The appearance of yellow spots may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by the following clinical picture:

If these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help rather than self-medicate.

If the cause of yellow spots on the skin of the hands or face is Addison's disease, then the following symptoms may appear:

  1. dizziness;
  2. increased sensitivity to cold;
  3. weakness, fatigue;
  4. loss of appetite, resulting in weight loss;
  5. low pressure;
  6. disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, changes in stool consistency, and abdominal pain.


If you have the symptoms described above, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.


The choice of methods for diagnosing the underlying disease in the presence of such a symptom will depend on the current clinical picture and the medical history collected by the doctor during the initial objective examination.

To make a diagnosis, the following laboratory and instrumental methods can be prescribed:

  1. general blood and urine tests;
  2. detailed biochemical blood test;
  3. blood sugar test;
  4. tumor marker tests;
  5. immunogram;
  6. Ultrasound of internal organs;
  7. gastroenterological studies;
  8. CT;
  9. MRI.

Based on the examination results, the doctor can determine the etiology of the symptom and prescribe the correct course of treatment.


There is no general treatment program; therapeutic measures will depend on the established disease. In most cases, conservative therapy is carried out. If the cause of the symptom is determined to be a gastroenterological disease, in particular liver pathology, then a certain dietary table must be included in the treatment.

There are no targeted methods of prevention, since this is not a separate disease, but a symptom of a nonspecific nature. Self-medication is strongly not recommended; you should consult a doctor.


Quite common nowadays are questions about why yellow spots appear on the human body and what they may indicate. That is why we will now try to understand this in more detail.

A person’s skin is considered a mirror of his health, because a considerable number of diseases and pathological processes are manifested by changes in his condition. Most often, various spots appear on the skin. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, because only he can determine the exact cause of their appearance and prescribe adequate treatment.

Reasons for formation

Yellow spots on the skin can appear as a result of various pathological conditions in the human body, which is what we will talk about now.



Hemorrhage is a hemorrhage that is formed as a result of a violation of the integrity of blood vessels. The tissues become saturated with blood, which provokes the appearance of red spots on the skin, which change color over time and become yellow.

Diseases of dermatological origin

This could be lichen, urticaria and other diseases. Their main symptom is the formation of yellowish spots. In most cases, young children suffer from these pathological conditions, but their occurrence in adults is no exception.

Children develop pink spots that fill with exudate over time. After healing, yellow-brown marks remain on the skin. In adults, yellow spots appear on the face, arms, stomach and spread throughout the body, their diameter reaches 5 mm.


Please note that diseases can develop as a result of:

  1. mechanical irritation of the skin;
  2. influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  3. use of medications;
  4. influence of cold;
  5. psychological overload;
  6. consumption of certain foods.

Orange spots on the skin may be a symptom. both the systemic form of the disease (when internal organs are damaged) and the skin form.

Systemic diseases

Changes in the skin can appear with Addison's disease, lupus erythematosus, and diabetes mellitus.

What other diseases cause a yellowish complexion and body, read the link

lupus erythematosus


This pathological condition can have two forms: chronic and discoid. In the vast majority of cases, it is diagnosed in representatives of the weaker half of humanity aged 20 to 45 years. It is characterized by the appearance of a yellow spot on the skin of the face, namely on the border of the lips. The main reasons for its formation are:

  1. allergic reaction to cold or sunlight;
  2. hereditary predisposition;
  3. disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system;
  4. use of certain types of medications;
  5. the influence of long-term stressful situations;
  6. diseases of infectious origin.

This pathological condition requires mandatory treatment, because yellow spots on the skin of the face do not beautify a person.


The disease occurs as a result of metabolic disorders in the body. Due to the fact that the disease has two types, symptoms may vary. Usually appear:

  1. yellow spots on the skin of the legs;


  2. feeling of weakness;
  3. blurred vision;
  4. feeling of thirst;
  5. change in body weight;
  6. numbness of the lower extremities.

It is precisely due to the fact that systemic diseases are manifested by changes in the skin that they can be diagnosed as early as possible, and this in turn will minimize the negative consequences for the entire body.

Lipid metabolism disorders


Yellow spots on the stomach, back and throughout the body may also indicate a lipid metabolism disorder; they are also called xanthomas. They have their own classification:

  1. flat xanthomas - diagnosed in persons with a history of cholesterol metabolism disorders;
  2. diffuse - quite often cause the formation of leukemia;
  3. intertriginous - yellow spots appear on the skin of the hands, indicating high cholesterol levels;
  4. volcanic - these yellow spots are localized on the head in adults, the favorite localization is the eyelids;
  5. eruptive - small yellow spots on the legs, they have clear boundaries and are localized on the buttocks and thighs.

A yellow spot on the body, especially if it is prone to discoloration, can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. The same can be said about moles, especially if they increase in size.

Tinea versicolor

This pathological condition must be understood as a fungal disease that affects the skin. It manifests itself in the formation of yellow spots on the chest, back, upper and lower extremities. Please note that their color may change to brown.


In the vast majority of cases, men suffer from lichen versicolor. This yellow spot on the chest, back or other part of the body does not pose a particular danger to human life and health, but it brings a considerable amount of discomfort of a psychological nature.

There are cases when such spots appear on the skin of a newborn; this occurs as a result of meconium entering the amniotic fluid (before birth). This condition does not require special treatment; the skin condition returns to normal after a certain period of time on its own.

What do yellow spots on your hands mean?

Please note that yellow spots on the arms, back, stomach and legs may also indicate a lack of vitamins A, C, PP. Their appearance on the legs may indicate a violation of tissue trophism. Similar situations can be observed with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities and diabetes mellitus.

Yellow spots on the fingers may be present in smokers, because nicotine has a negative effect on the condition of the skin, nails and teeth. Yellow spots on the palms may indicate false jaundice; it is formed as a result of overusing foods such as carrots or oranges.

Please note that yellow spots on the arm may also indicate such a rather dangerous disease as cirrhosis of the liver. In this case, general fatigue will be present, and the fingers will lose weight.


When diagnosing xanthomas, first of all, you need to monitor your diet. It is recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, dishes and foods containing large amounts of animal fats. Particular attention should be paid to the level of cholesterol in the blood; if it increases, it is recommended to take medications prescribed by the doctor.

If the xanthomas are large and cause a cosmetic defect, they may need to be removed. This can be done using:

  1. electrocoagulation;
  2. laser;
  3. surgical intervention.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to determine the root cause of xanthomas and eliminate it. After this, they can disappear on their own without outside help.


It's no secret that preventing the onset of a disease is much easier than treating it. The same applies to our case.

In order to prevent the formation of yellow spots, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. Use special skin protection products from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. If they appear, avoid eating fatty animal foods.
  4. To refuse from bad habits.

To summarize, I would like to note that, despite the fact that yellow spots on the body are not evidence of serious illnesses, they still should not be ignored. Even if they do not cause discomfort, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and decide how this pathological condition will be treated. This is explained by the fact that such changes on the skin, especially on open areas of the body, do not look at all aesthetically pleasing.