How long does Dysport last?

Dysport is an innovative product that is actively used to combat wrinkles. It occupies a leader position among all anti-aging drugs containing botulinum toxin.

Allows you to relax facial muscles and due to this, wrinkles on the skin are smoothed out.

general information

The procedure for administering Dysport is considered one of the safest and most effective in the fight against age-related changes. For those who decide to undergo anti-aging procedures, Dysport injections are an excellent alternative to surgical plastic surgery.

What kind of procedure is this - Dysport injections, what cannot be done after injections and what complications may arise, what are the reviews about the drug and the average prices per unit, read in our article (see before and after photos below).

Action after administration, when the effect occurs and how long it lasts

The main active ingredient of the drug Dysport is botulinum toxin type A of high purity. The component has a slight paralyzing effect on the muscles, due to which their mobility is temporarily blocked. It is thanks to the relaxing effect of Dysport that facial wrinkles are corrected in a short period of time.

The drug is used in the beauty industry to rejuvenate the neck, décolleté, and face. Unlike its American counterpart (Botox), a different type of purification of toxin A is used in the production of Dysport.

Due to this, the difference between the two drugs is determined, which lies in the number of active units. Only a cosmetologist can determine the required dosage for each area.

However, it is known that Dysport injections use 2-4 times more active units than Botox. This indicator does not mean that the effect of injections on the body is more toxic. The main component of Dysport (botulinum toxin) is used for cosmetic purposes in tiny doses, so there is no point in talking about harm in this case.

This property gives the drug another advantage over other analogues used for rejuvenation. This feature of injections has a positive effect on skin with a large number of fine wrinkles.

Due to this, the dermis is smoothed not only on the treated area, but also on nearby areas. When does Dysport start to work, on what day after the injections will the effect be visible and how long will it last, and how often can the procedure be done?

As a rule, the effect of the drug occurs within 1-3 days. The final result will be visible in 2 weeks. The duration of action is 3-4 months, depending on the characteristics of the body. The next procedure should be carried out no earlier than after 3-4 months.

Effect of Dysport after injections in the eye area:

How is the procedure carried out?

After the doctor asks the patient about the presence of diseases and allergic reactions, the procedure can begin. The cosmetologist sits the patient in a comfortable chair, applies an alcohol-based solution of chlorhexidine (0.5%) to the face and marks the lines necessary for treatment.

A dermatocosmetologist will tell you what Dysport is in cosmetology, how often it can be injected and a lot of other useful information about this drug:


Many people are interested in the question: where do they inject Dysport? Dysport is designed to remove wrinkles:

  1. occurring around the eyes;

in the forehead area, the upper part of the bridge of the nose, having a horizontal orientation;

between the eyebrows (“wrinkles of anger”);

on the neck, in the décolleté area.

Injections also effectively combat sweating of the hands and feet.

And Amaline fillers are considered one of the most effective products intended for contouring and mesotherapy.

Here you will find detailed information about Dermahil injections.


Dysport injections, like any other medicine, have contraindications. Among them:

  1. presence of infectious diseases;
  2. age up to 12 years;
  3. individual intolerance to the components included in the drug;
  4. respiratory tract diseases in the chronic stage;
  5. blood diseases;
  6. neuromuscular diseases (nyasthenia);
  7. endocrine diseases;
  8. somatic diseases in acute form.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to warn the cosmetologist about the presence of allergic reactions.

Number of units for each site

The effectiveness of the procedure will depend on the correct dosage selection. Unlike Botox, which is available in bottles of 50 or 100 units, Dysport is placed in containers containing 300 units.

The dosage mainly depends on:

The optimal number of units should be selected by the doctor performing the injection procedures.

How many units of Dysport are needed on the face:

  1. to correct vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows (interbrow), from 42 to 100 units are required (8-10 units per 2-4 points, including the proud muscle);

to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead you will need from 30 to 90 units (5-15 units per 4-6 points);

to correct the area in the corners of the eyes, up to 120 units are needed (5-15 units per 2-4 points for each eye).

The maximum value for a single administration should not exceed 200 units.

Photos before and after using Dysport to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead:

Side effects, complications and possible consequences

Is there any harm from using Dysport? Rarely, after administration of Dysport, facial stiffness may be observed, reminiscent of a mask effect.

Side effects after injections include:

allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, burning;

pain in the treated area;

double vision;

malaise (fever, chills);

In most cases, this occurs due to the fault of a doctor who does not have sufficient experience and competence. Such signs accompany the patient for no longer than 3 days.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should visit specialized clinics with cosmetologists with higher medical education. Next, we will talk about restrictions and recommendations after the Dysport injection procedure.

Is it allowed to use medications after beauty injections?

It is unacceptable to take antibiotics during injections and during the recovery period, since their components can block the action of Dysport.

The ban also applies to muscle relaxants (drugs that reduce muscle activity).

Alcohol ban

At the time of injections and during recovery, drinking alcohol is not allowed, since alcoholic beverages have a relaxing effect.

How long should you drink alcohol after Dysport? Many doctors insist that the taboo on alcohol be imposed for the entire rehabilitation period, that is, for 7-14 days.

Sports in the post-procedure period

Is it possible to exercise after Dysport? The ban on physical activity lasts for 2 weeks.

It is also not recommended to lie down for 4 hours after the administration of Dysport.

Saunas, steam baths, hot baths

Dysport and taking hot baths, visiting baths and saunas are also incompatible concepts.

The ban is imposed for the first 10 days.

If you decide to resort to facial plasma lifting, then find out here how often this procedure should be done.

Read about how to use a mesoscooter for the skin of the abdomen here.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use all drugs containing botulinum toxin. The use of Dysport is also contraindicated when breastfeeding a baby.

It has been proven that this component can cause irreparable harm to the child.

Average prices

The price of the drug varies depending on the number of units of the drug used. So how much does a unit of Dysport cost? The cost for one unit of Dysport ranges from 80 to 400 rubles.

It is worth noting that the product is only available with a doctor's prescription.

Customers' opinions

We invite you to read reviews about the drug (Dysport on the forehead and between the eyebrows):

  1. Marina, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

“I decided to undergo the procedure of introducing Dysport at the age of 32, when wrinkles began to appear on the forehead and at the base of the bridge of the nose.

The effect after the injections occurred on the 5th day and lasted about six months.

I go for procedures 2 times a year. I recommend".
Inna, 38 years old, Sevastopol:

“At the age of 30, I noticed a vertical fold in the bridge of my nose. On the advice of a friend, I decided to get Dysport injections. There was no effect in the first 3 days. I already thought that the drug did not work for me and the money was thrown away (the procedure is quite expensive).

The effect occurred on the 4th day. The crease has practically disappeared. My colleagues at work also noted its partial elimination. On the 6th day there was no trace left of the fold. Now I give injections regularly - 2-3 times a year.”
Olga, 33 years old, Moscow:

“My problem is the folds on the forehead and between the eyebrows. That's why I decided to have anti-aging injections. On the 5th day, the hated flaw left me, which made me incredibly happy. But after 2 weeks everything began to return to normal. The lower fold came out first, and then within 1.5 months and all subsequent ones. It's a pity for the money spent."
Anna, 24 years old, Stavropol:

“I noticed folds on my forehead at the age of 22. My friend recommended going through the Dysport injection procedure. I doubted it for a long time and decided only after 2 years. Now I can't live without it. The first time 65 units of the drug were used, now this figure has increased and reaches 85. I go for the procedure 3 times a year. I'm satisfied with the effect."

The procedure for administering Dysport is effective and safe. However, it should only be trusted to a qualified cosmetologist.

You should visit a cosmetologist 2-3 times a year, depending on the characteristics of the body. After Dysport injections, it is not allowed to play sports, drink alcohol, take antibiotics, or visit baths, saunas, or solariums.

What is Dysport for the face, how the procedure works, how long it lasts and on what day the result will be visible, you will learn from this video:

Dysport is the latest drug for beauty and youthful skin, which is based on botulinum toxin. Injections with this substance have an effect on facial wrinkles, reducing their activity, as a result, facial furrows are smoothed out, becoming invisible. One of the pressing questions is after the introduction of Dysport: when does the effect occur. The drug begins to act immediately as soon as the injection is given. But how quickly the desired result appears will largely depend on physiological characteristics. The maximum effect may appear within a day or several days.


What does the drug contain?

In addition to the group A toxin, called botulinum toxin, the drug includes lactose and human albumin, which act as auxiliary components.

Main indications


Dysport has found application in the field of cosmetology and medicine for the following problems:

  1. deep expression wrinkles;
  2. asymmetry of eyebrows and corners of lips;
  3. excessive sweating;
  4. arm muscle spasms;
  5. spastic torticollis.

The popularity of the drug is due to its high efficiency and safety, however, this type of injection medication is not suitable for everyone, because it has many contraindications.

It is permissible to carry out procedures for the introduction of dysport from one to three times a year.

Areas of use

The drug is intended to eliminate wrinkles in the forehead, corners of the eyes, lips, as well as in the bridge of the nose.

Dysport injections are injected into problem areas using a special ultra-thin needle into the areas where facial wrinkles are located. To eliminate discomfort, an anesthetic cream is first applied to the affected areas.

For a specialist, the entire administration procedure takes from several minutes to half an hour.

Preparation for the procedure


In addition to collecting anamnesis, blood tests and examination by a dermatologist are prescribed, if necessary. To avoid an allergic reaction, the doctor must conduct an allergy test for the drug.

If the patient does not have any contraindications, the specialist appoints a day for the procedure.

Operating principle

The main principle of action of the drug is to paralyze the nerve endings that send the facial muscles an impulse to contract. As a result of this, the facial muscles stop shortening and creating folds. Gradually this leads to complete or partial smoothing of wrinkles.

As a result, the patient receives the following effect:

  1. facial rejuvenation;
  2. strengthening skin turgor;
  3. correct facial contours.

Such results last for a fairly long period, which is the main advantage of the drug.


Period of maximum effect

Due to its low molecular weight, dysport spreads almost instantly to the affected area. At the same time, the injections do not create a mask effect, and the person remains able to express facial expressions.

Despite the fact that the injections begin their active effect immediately after injection, this does not mean that wrinkles will immediately smooth out and disappear.

If the drug was administered correctly and in the required quantity, then the first results are noticeable already on the first day of administration of the drug. There are cases when the drug showed its maximum effect only on the 10th or even 14th day. But such a delayed manifestation of the drug’s effect is observed in extremely rare individual cases.

Exposure time


Another important question of interest to patients is: how long does the administered Dysport injection last? How long the drug will last largely depends on physiological characteristics.

The average exposure time is six months. For some people, the effect lasts up to eight months or more. But in some cases, the effect of Dysport is short-lived, and can last only three months.

Even a highly qualified specialist cannot answer exactly how long Dysport will continue its active action.

Who is contraindicated for Dysport?

Despite the slight toxicity of Dysport, it is not recommended for use for health problems:

  1. infectious diseases;
  2. pathologies of the respiratory system;
  3. disruptions in the endocrine system;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. tumors of any nature;
  6. myasthenic syndrome.

Also, youth injections cannot be used in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Dysport should not be used for medicinal purposes in childhood until the age of twelve.

Possible side effects


Dysport, like many cosmetic injections, can result in side effects, the occurrence of which is largely related to the incorrect dosage of the drug and its incorrect administration. The most serious consequences after injections are:

  1. facial asymmetry;
  2. visual impairment;
  3. dysphagia;
  4. fever.

Such complications, although temporary, can reduce a person’s quality of life for some period.

Other minor side effects include nausea, muscle weakness, swelling and numbness in the injection areas. Often after injections, hematomas appear, which are localized in the areas where Dysport was injected.

But the most dangerous manifestation of complications is an allergic reaction to the active substance.

What should you not do after the procedure?


In the first few hours, it is forbidden to bend over, make sudden head movements and actively express emotions.

Some experts claim that alcohol and some medications are incompatible with youth injections. For this reason, drinking alcohol the night before is prohibited. Also, the use of alcohol during the first two weeks after the procedure is not advisable. Medicines classified as antibiotics can weaken the effect of Dysport, so they are not recommended for use within 14 days from the moment the injections were administered.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, which is two weeks, after the administration of the drug, it is necessary to give up smoking, spicy foods, as well as strong tea and coffee.

It is strictly forbidden to use face masks and perform peeling during the recovery period.

Botox and Dysport: what are the differences?


An analogue of Dysport is Botox, which is based on the same botulinum toxin, but the drug has a completely different concentration and molecular weight. In Botox, its concentration is much higher and its molecular weight is greater.

In this regard, the first type of drug exhibits its effect much faster than the second. As for the time of exposure and the quality of the result, it is the same for both medicinal substances.

Due to some features of medicinal substances, it is recommended to inject Dysport into the frontal part and bridge of the nose, and Botox into the eye area.

To obtain the maximum effect, you will need more injections of Dysport than Botox. In this it loses to the second type of medicinal substance.

When Botox is administered in large quantities, a mask effect may occur, which is excluded when using Dysport.

The main advantages of both types of drugs are their similar and very high effectiveness.

As for the price of injections, Botox and Dysport procedures will cost approximately the same, despite the fact that the second type of drug is cheaper. The same cost is due to the fact that you may need significantly more Dysport injections than Botox.

In any case, it is up to the patient to decide which types of injections to choose. The specialist who will carry out the procedure can also help in choosing.


Almost every woman dreams of beauty and eternal youth. In her desire to always be attractive, cosmetologists support her, offering her a choice of various procedures from massage to injections of various drugs. One such drug is Dysport.

As practice shows, even after plastic surgery, facial wrinkles and “crow’s feet” appear on the face around the eyes. It is wrinkles of different sizes and depths that change our face, making it old and tired. But there is an alternative to a circular facelift - Dysport injections, which are successfully used in cosmetology to eliminate facial wrinkles.

General characteristics of the drug

For a long time, drugs for removing wrinkles have not surprised anyone. One of these fillers is Dysport. Dysport is a toxin produced by the bacteria that causes botulism.. But you should not be afraid of this drug, since it only affects wrinkles without affecting the surface layer of the epidermis.

But it should be noted that this drug is widely used in traditional medicine to treat many diseases. In small doses, it is used for cerebral palsy, to relax tense muscles, injections help with severe sweating, and it can also be prescribed to patients after a stroke, when the face is severely distorted.



Dysport is an excellent, unparalleled remedy for wrinkles in the bridge of the nose, forehead and small wrinkles around the eyes associated with facial emotional manifestations. The active component in Dysport is botulinum toxin type A (hemagglutinin 500 IU).

As auxiliary components, the drug contains:

Operating principle

The drug acts by limiting the electrical conductivity of the muscles responsible for facial expressions. All the muscles under the skin begin to relax, as a result not only does the process of formation of new folds on the skin slow down, but also existing wrinkles are smoothed out.

Despite the fact that butulinum toxin is a poison, it is safe for humans, since its concentration in Dysport is minimal. Over time, the toxin decomposes and is eliminated from the body without any residue, without causing harm to health. It is for this reason that this is a procedure with a temporary effect.

What are its pros and cons?

Dysport injections have not only positive aspects, but also disadvantages. Considered advantages:

  1. A quick rejuvenation effect, which will intensify over the first few weeks.
  2. Safety when following the basic rules for drug administration. Dysport is not administered deep under the skin in very small doses, so there are practically no negative effects observed.
  3. The procedure is quick and painless, even without local anesthesia, which a cosmetologist can offer, since the needle is very thin.

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    The cost is not very high; it is worth noting that Dysport is much cheaper than Botox.

Disadvantages of using Dysport:

  1. the drug has some contraindications;
  2. Side effects may occur, for example, swelling of the upper eyelid after injections;
  3. the effect is not very long-lasting, the procedure must be repeated periodically;
  4. It is not possible to get a good effect in all cases, for example, injections are useless in the lower part of the face and after 50 years, since the drug is not able to completely eliminate severe age-related changes.

Before and after the procedure

Deep furrows and creases become noticeably smaller. After a week, as soon as the drug is distributed throughout the muscles and they are smoothed out. The result is a youthful face without visible wrinkles.

Indications and duration of action

There are certain indications for Dysport injections:

  1. Hemifacial syndrome.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Local muscle damage that occurs as a result of injury or disease - spasticity.
  4. Blepharospasm.

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    Facial asymmetry and other defects.
  6. The presence of deep creases in the skin, especially in the upper part of the face.
  7. Small expression lines on the forehead or around the eyes.

The effect of the injections is visible in the first minutes after administration of the drug, but it gains its main strength after 3 days, and the final result, which will last on the face for more than six months, will be visible after 2-3 weeks. In general, the duration of action of Dysport depends on the characteristics of the body, for some it is 6 months, for others 4.


The following may happen due to an overdose::

  1. Severe muscle weakness - drooping eyelids or eyebrows form after the procedure precisely for this reason.
  2. Severe facial distortion.
  3. Paralysis of the respiratory muscles when the drug is injected into the neck muscles.
  4. Eyes may not open or close.
  5. When the drug is injected into the folds of the mouth, severe distortion of the lips may occur.
  6. Numbness of one part of the face, or loss of sensation for a long time.

It is worth noting that the drug can be processed and eliminated from the body, but this takes time. If after the injection the patient shows signs of an overdose, for example, her eyelids droop, special therapy is used in the first three hours after the procedure, which promotes rapid resorption of the toxin.


Dysport has contraindications that every patient should be aware of:

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    young age, up to 12 years;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. blood diseases that greatly reduce blood clotting;
  4. exacerbations of chronic diseases or third-party infections in the body;
  5. malignant tumors or precancerous conditions;
  6. taking certain medications as treatment;
  7. myasthenia gravis;
  8. sensitivity or intolerance to the components contained in the drug;
  9. asthma and other serious respiratory diseases.

Comparison of the drug with botulinum toxin Xeomin and other agents

Type of toxin/characteristics Botox Dysport Xeomin
Manufacturer USA France Germany
Purpose Elimination of wrinkles Elimination of graves Elimination of wrinkles
Primary result on day 4 For 1-4 days But 2-3 days
Maximum effect In 2 weeks In 1-2 weeks In 2 weeks
Accuracy of action At the injection site To neighboring muscles To neighboring muscles
Efficiency 14 weeks 7 weeks 12-24 weeks
Safety safe safe safe
Compound Botulinum toxin, albumin, sodium chloride Botulinum toxin, albumin, lactose Botulinum toxin, albumin, sucrose
Average cost per 1 unit. 300-450 90-120 100-200
Type of toxin/characteristics Lantox Neuronox Relatox
Manufacturer China South Korea Russia
Purpose Elimination of wrinkles Elimination of wrinkles Elimination of wrinkles
Primary result For 1 day on day 4 From 30 minutes
Maximum effect On day 14 In 2 weeks In 1 week
Accuracy of action At the injection site At the injection site To neighboring muscles
Efficiency From 12 weeks 14 weeks 12 weeks
Safety safe safe safe
Compound Botulinum toxin, gelatin, dextran, sucrose Botulinum toxin, albumin, sodium chloride Botulinum toxin, albumin, gelatin, multose
Average cost per 1 unit. Up to 200 100-150 120-150

You will find a comparison of Botox, Dysport and Xeomin in a separate article.

Procedure in cosmetology

It is worth noting that An experienced cosmetologist will take no more than five minutes to complete the procedure., since injections are made quickly and the drug is administered in small doses

Informed consent - what kind of document is it, is it needed?

And the cosmetologist, in turn, must know that the patient will follow all recommendations after rejuvenation.


In certified clinics, before providing rejuvenation services using Dysport, informed consent is signed in two copies - one for the patient, the other for the doctor.

The permitting document contains:

  1. all information about the administered drug, its characteristics;
  2. patient information;
  3. contraindications to the procedure are described in detail;
  4. and after how long the effect is guaranteed to occur;
  5. the recommendations that the patient must follow over a certain period of time are also described in detail;
  6. the points at which the drug was administered are also indicated there;
  7. the total dose of Dysport that was administered to the patient during the procedure must be prescribed;
  8. The protocol of the procedure performed and the signatures of the doctor and patient are indicated.


The action of all drugs based on butulin toxins is completely identical, the only difference is the cost. In Moscow, the procedure costs more than in other Russian cities - up to 200 rubles. And in St. Petersburg it’s a little cheaper – 90-150 rubles.

Precautionary measures

Before going for a rejuvenation procedure with Dysport, you need to give up alcohol, coffee and reduce your cigarette consumption for 2 weeks.

Tips for choosing a cosmetologist

You need to choose a specialist very carefully, as the result of the procedure depends on this. Before signing an informed agreement, find out the doctor’s specialization; he must have a certificate confirming the right to provide services using Dysport.


Let's consider how many units of Dysport should be used in different areas of the face:

  1. na-skolko-hvataet-disporta-plUwsQ.webp

    on the forehead
    – from 30 to 90 units, distributed over 4-6 points;
  2. on the face – maximum 200 units;
  3. on the eyes – 120 units, 60 units for each eye;
  4. on nasolabial folds practically not used, only the doctor can determine the degree and dose;
  5. between the eyebrows – 42-100 units.

Dysport injections are a simple and quick method for correcting facial wrinkles, in which the drug is injected with ultra-thin needles directly into the facial muscles. The injection method allows you to correct facial wrinkles without surgery.

Rehabilitation period

Rules for the rehabilitation period:

  1. Spend maximum time in an upright position, do not sleep on your stomach.
  2. Don't wear makeup.
  3. Do not drive for 24 hours.
  4. Do not drink alcohol for 2 weeks.
  5. Do not visit baths and saunas.
  6. Do not engage in intense sports.

What procedures are allowed to be combined with? Which medications can be combined with and which cannot?

Minimize blood thinning medications if you cannot stop taking them completely. Dysport can be used in conjunction with hyaluronic acid injections in the nasolabial folds and lips. Read about which is better, Botox or hyaluronic acid, here.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after injections?

When ethanol enters the body, the muscles relax, so the effect of rejuvenating injections can be unpredictable. This is why you should not drink alcohol after the procedure. The rehabilitation period after Dysport injections lasts 2 weeks, it is during this time that you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

Side effects

The following short-term side effects may occur after injections::

  1. na-skolko-hvataet-disporta-TurUo.webp

  2. pain at the site of skin puncture;
  3. itching and redness;
  4. swelling and hyperemia;
  5. drooping eyelids;
  6. nausea;
  7. drooping eyebrows;
  8. vomit;
  9. facial asymmetry;
  10. double vision.

Before using the drug, the doctor must take into account the existing contraindications for the drug Dysport.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about what Dysport is and what the results of its use are:


Dysport is a drug that is ideal for eliminating facial wrinkles. It has many advantages - ease of use, quick visible effect that lasts up to 6 months and inexpensive compared to other drugs.