Naegele S Obliquity

Naegele S Obliquity is one of the types of asynclitism, which is characterized by an inclination of the fetal pelvis to the diagonal of the mother's small pelvis. This condition can occur during pregnancy and can complicate the birth process.

Asynclitism in general is an uneven position of the fetus in the uterus during pregnancy, when the fetal head is not located vertically, but at an angle to its axis. This condition can be caused by various factors such as the shape of the mother's pelvis, fetal position, fetal abnormalities and other factors.

Naegele S Obliquity is one of the types of asynclitism, which manifests itself in the tilt of the fetal pelvis in a certain direction. This condition may be detected during ultrasound examinations during pregnancy.

One of the main symptoms of Naegele asynclitism is difficulty in passing the fetal head through the mother's birth canal. This can lead to various complications, such as length of labor, risk of injury to the fetus and mother.

Treatment of Naegele asynclitism involves carrying out special measures aimed at correcting the position of the fetus. In some cases, it may be necessary to use forceps or vacuum devices to assist in childbirth.

In conclusion, Nägele asynclitism is a condition that can occur during pregnancy and lead to complications during childbirth. Early detection of this condition and timely treatment can help avoid serious complications and ensure a successful birth.