
When, with tumors due to pleurisy and pneumonia, the previously mentioned signs of accumulation of pus appear and the tumors rise higher and higher, it is necessary to help them mature by first cleansing the body. Medicinal dressings and compresses prepared, for example, with barley flour, Nabataean resin, sweet white wine, dates and dry figs can help. Bandages to which pigeon feces and soda are added have a stronger effect; Such dressings are also suitable at the end of the disease, when they want to cause the opening of the tumor. Before the expected opening of the tumor, the patient should lie on the sore side; this is more conducive to expectoration of sputum and opening of the tumor.

If the fever is high, then the patient is given honey-sweetened water with barley juice or water alone with liquid honey, and if the fever is low and the patient’s strength is significant, he should be given a decoction of hyssop, in which thyme, horehound, figs and honey were boiled together with hyssop, and also give him barley water boiled with “orris root”. Sometimes, for a tumor to mature, it is necessary, for example, mithridate and teryak. It is best to give the patient something to drink after the tumor has fully matured, so that it opens while maintaining its innate warmth. Dates are a very good remedy at such times and afterwards; drinking from horehound is also excellent.

Flatbreads that promote ripening. They take the seeds of marshmallow, mallow, cucumber, melon and pumpkin, thickly brewed licorice juice, fragrant rush inflorescences, medicinal sweet clover inflorescences, as well as violets and tragacanth, turn all this into flat cakes, adding flaxseed mucilage, give them to drink with fig juice.

As for the food of patients when the tumor rises, they are fed bread soaked in clean water or in water with honey, as well as soft-boiled eggs and similar dishes; Snacks include large or small pine nuts and sweet almonds. They also provide liquid stews made from barley flour, chickpea flour and fava beans with almond butter, sugar and honey.

When the time comes to open the tumor and the maturation is complete, you should help it open, because leaving it like that means increasing the severity and significance of the disease. The throats of such patients are fumigated with liquid styrax and given the strong hyssop syrup we talked about, and the aforementioned strong medicinal bandages are applied. Giving mithridate and teriyak at such a time is useful if there is no fever and emaciation. The sick are fed salted fish and put into their mouths, before going to bed, pills made from iyaraja and coloquinte pulp; They are also given kukaya pills to drink before going to bed. The throat is fumigated with liquid styrax.

Sometimes, with such a disease, it helps to rock the bench on which the patient is sitting, with someone holding him by the shoulders. It also helps to give mustard and honey-sweetened water and give asafoetida in milk to drink; when they want to induce a discharge, they are prescribed to induce vomiting after dinner, but this is dangerous, since vomiting sometimes immediately causes a copious outpouring of matter, which often suffocates the patient.

If the tumor does not open, then they must cauterize it and then look: if the pus comes out white and clean, then there is hope for recovery, otherwise there is no hope.

And if pus has broken through and flowed, but it can be assumed that there is little or a moderate amount of it and that it can be removed by expectoration by the fortieth day of illness, cleansing, rinsing and cleansing medications should be used after opening the tumor, giving them to drink when pus appears in the sputum emanating from the tumor. Such are, for example, a decoction of hyssop with licorice and blue iris root and water sweetened with honey, as well as a decoction of cabbage and the above-mentioned stews made from chickpea flour and similar types of flour; they also contain flour from vetch. Useful for this purpose is a medicine for licking from sea onions and a medicine for licking from lenticular vetch.

As for simple medicines, which are the primary basis of medicines for this disease, such are, for example, flour from vetch, grated iris and its rhizome, aristolochia, three types of pepper, mustard, watercress and even opopanax, bush, cinnamon and sumbul. Sometimes you have to mix in a certain amount of medication that causes numbness. Among such medicines is Dubrovnik garlic; it helps a lot in this case. These substances are useful at such times as the basic principles of medicines, from which syrups, pourings and sponge dressings with various oils are prepared. Sometimes they put oil into which the power of the medicine is transferred, such as the oil of iris, narcissus, medicinal chamomile, henna and spikenard, or, for example, laurel oil, especially when the disease subsides. It is often added with violet oil, depending on the patient’s condition and the period of the illness. Sometimes pine resin, fats, galbanum, fragrant rush inflorescences, lanolin, fenugreek, laurel leaves, bdelium and similar medicines are added to these oils.

If the patient has a high fever, then you are not hot beyond the measure of his nature, because of this, his strength weakens due to the disorder of his nature, and he cannot expectorate mucus. You should rush to take measures to remove the pus after the tumor has opened in the chest, on those days when the patient seems to feel better. And if with pleurisy it can be assumed that there is a lot of matter and it will not come out in forty days or less, but, on the contrary, will drive the patient into consumption, then it is necessary to cauterize it with a thin instrument used to pierce the chest in order to dry the pus and extract it little by little. The pus is washed away with water sweetened with honey and helps to divert it to the outer integument. Once you've cleaned out your breasts, turn to meat builders.

It is necessary to determine in which direction the pus is located, based on the signs mentioned above, that is, by the noise and splashing of pus.

Some people place a rag coated with red clay and water on their chest, note the time when the rag is applied and see where it dries most quickly; in this place the pus is located. A mark is made there and cauterization or puncture is performed. Sometimes cauterization is not performed, but the side is pierced with a lancet and the patient is placed in a position in which the pus freely flows out. The pus is removed little by little every day, without removing it in large quantities at once. At such times, it is necessary to conserve the patient’s strength by feeding him meat and balanced food and not paying attention to the fever: the fever will not go away as long as there is pus in the cavity, and when you remove it, it will stop. If the patient is strong enough to cough up pus or to treat with cauterization, the fever will certainly subside.

It often happens that the tumor ruptures before it matures, and blood is discharged from it. In this case, it is necessary to perform bloodletting and use expelling medicinal dressings, as well as general medications. A good medicinal bandage is in the form of a cabbage patch with water sweetened with honey, according to Aaron’s recipe; Here is its description: they take pepper, Venus hair, hyssop, nettle seeds and round aristolochia and prepare a medicinal bandage with honey from this.