
Nanophyetoses are concepts related to the understanding and formation of societies in which technology and human interaction mix, merge and change each other. By studying nanophyestotics, we see that these phenomena create a more complex social space than the previous generation, and it will be studied and rethought further. This is a concept not only for science, but also for our personal and social opportunities that surround us every day.

This movement studies the social phenomena that arise as a result of the development of technology, which changes both society as a whole and our personal perspectives. They also influence how we organize our lives on scales small and large, from everyday life to complex scientific research and technological discoveries. In the modern world, we are constantly faced with new phenomena arising from technology. Not only does it reduce cost and speed up time, it also makes possible new things that were previously impossible. One of the most successful examples is the telephone. Over the past few years, most people have started using their mobile phone to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. However, the new generation of technological devices has not only communicative but also cognitive functions. Various programs help students study and pass tests. Technology also makes significant contributions to business and the economy, as well as medical research and disease treatment. Moreover, technology promotes new concepts and interpretations that can change existing methods and approaches to solving certain problems. It also encourages the development of new ideas and thought patterns that lead to further innovation. As a result, people become actively involved in such developments and are eager to learn and explore new forms of technological activity. It changes everything from how individuals relate to each other to forms of power and control. There is a serious dilemma surrounding the development of this technology and its associated social and political implications. People are becoming increasingly dependent on technology and losing their moral and moral understanding, their personal well-being is diminishing due to the intensive consumption of digital resources, and at the same time the power of the mechanisms of the market economy is asserted. However, this technology also has positive consequences. It drives innovation, leads to economic growth and success, creates new opportunities for employment and personal growth, and allows us to follow events and move through space at great speed.

In general, nanophyetology is considered a new field of scientific research, the main goal of which is to analyze the impact of new technologies on society and people's lives.