
Narcology is the science of treating addictions. It includes methods of treating drug addiction: drug therapy, psychological rehabilitation and social adaptation. Drug problems appear during adolescence and young adulthood and become serious problems in society.

Most doctors believe that addiction diseases are very difficult to treat, but since any drug addiction continues for years and in painful ways, it is difficult to imagine that people can completely get rid of it. However, some patients may recover and some may not. That is why every patient should turn to specialists from the very beginning of the disease.

If a drug addict delays a visit to a narcologist, he may face a difficult period of rehabilitation, preceded by months of a strict diet, severe physical therapy and intrusive procedures. Drug treatment begins slowly and gradually leads patients to a normal lifestyle. But it is difficult to expect that after these procedures a person will return to his original health. Whether a patient returns to drug addiction depends on his will and willpower.

Pharmaceutical treatment is carried out using powerful narcotic analgesics and tranquilizers