Folk remedies for swelling of the eyes

Good day to everyone who views my blog. More recently, I considered such an unpleasant phenomenon as “bags and puffiness under the eyes.” From time to time, I think everyone encounters this cosmetic defect. Do you know what to do in this case? I want to share with you some very effective remedies. So, how to get rid of swelling under the eyes - choose the most effective methods.

Before I talk about the methods, I want to say that it is important to find the cause of puffiness under the eyes. If the cause is chronic diseases, they need to be treated. Otherwise, all efforts to remove facial swelling will be in vain. And yet, most often the causes of edema are banal: incorrectly selected cosmetics, abuse of salty foods. It could be simple lack of sleep and chronic fatigue. In these cases, my advice will be very useful for you.

Folk remedies for puffiness under the eyes

You can get rid of puffiness under the eyes at home using available remedies. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist. But any housewife will always have potatoes, parsley, and various herbs at home. These simple ingredients will help you quickly regain your fresh look. And remove unsightly swelling.

Did you know that silver is great for swelling? If you need to quickly get rid of puffiness under your eyes in the morning. Apply silver spoons to your eyelids for a few minutes. Swelling will be significantly reduced

Potato anti-edema mask

Boiled potatoes are a good cure for swelling. It needs to be boiled in its skin, and then peeled and pureed.

Dilute the mixture with warm milk. A couple of teaspoons is enough. Apply this mask to the eyelid area. Leave for 15 minutes, no more. It is better to rinse off with slightly cool water. Don't apply it too hot.

You can also use raw vegetable. One medium tuber needs to be peeled and grated on a fine grater or chopped in a blender. Add 1 tbsp. wheat flour and the same amount of warm milk. Leave on face for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.


Remedies for swelling from parsley

We prepare lotion from parsley. For it, take a tablespoon of fresh herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes. Afterwards you need to strain the lotion and make a warm compress. Soak cotton pads in lotion and apply to eyelids. Some of the lotion can be poured into molds and frozen. In the morning, it is good to wipe your face with such cubes. It tones blood flow and also reduces wrinkles. Read more in this article.

But to create a mask, grind one teaspoon of fresh parsley in a mortar or blender. Add a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to your eyelids. Leave the mixture on the skin for up to 20 minutes. You can wash it off with chamomile decoction or plain water. The mask can be used daily for a month.

Apple mask

These fruits contain vitamin C, which improves skin turgor. An apple, like a potato, can be applied to swelling. Cut slices of a few mm and place on your eyelids. You can grate the fruit on a fine grater. You need to keep the paste on your eyelids for about 10-15 minutes. Just keep paper towels nearby ahead of time. To remove droplets of juice that may drain from the face.

Cucumbers for swelling

Well, how can we not remember our favorite cucumbers! They not only remove puffiness well. This vegetable works great for dark circles under the eyes. Moisturizes our skin, saturating it with beneficial microelements.

Grind one small cucumber to a paste. If you have oily skin, add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the cucumber. If the skin is prone to dryness, use a third of a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the paste to the swollen areas. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Green and black tea

The easiest way to remove swelling is to use cold tea bags. Take green or black tea. Place the bags in boiling water for just a couple of minutes. Do not wring them out and put them in the freezer. After 5 minutes, you can take it out and apply it like a cold compress to swollen areas. I do this in the evening when my eyes are tired from working at the computer. I leave it on for about 5-10 minutes, then wash my face with slightly cool water.

How to remove puffiness under the eyes using pharmaceutical products

I saw a lot of positive reviews on the Internet that anti-varicose and hemorrhoidal creams cope well with swelling. To be honest, I haven’t tried them on myself.

Why are these drugs so often found in discussions? Because they constrict blood vessels, and excess fluid does not accumulate in the tissues. And if you have thin skin and the vascular network is visible, you will get a double effect. After such ointments, it will decrease and become less noticeable.

Examples of such drugs that are sold in pharmacies: heparin ointment, lyoton or troxevasin.

If the medicine is in tablets, it is crushed to a powder. Then add a little water to make a paste and apply it to the eyelids.

But be careful. Even a small amount of medicine getting into the eye can cause chemical conjunctivitis or allergies.

Please note that the instructions for these products do not contain indications for removing puffiness from the skin of the eyelids. Plus it doesn’t say that it is dermatologist approved and hypoallergenic. Here, as they say, we use it at our own peril and risk. Therefore, before trying them on yourself, ask your eye doctor about the advisability of using such creams or other similar products for swollen eyes. The bad photos before and after using the products are especially impressive... but let’s not talk about the bad.

When applying any product to the skin, it begins to spread a little. Because it is affected by our body temperature. I wrote about this in detail in a separate article on how to properly apply cream around the eyes.

I also found tips on using Blepharogel. This remedy is intended for inflammation of the eyelids. There is not a word in the instructions about swelling. But for those who used it, it helped relieve swelling. I would still advise you to start by paying attention to special cosmetics. For example, an aloe eye mask. First, put it in the freezer for 5 minutes, and then hold it on your eyelids for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Therapeutic cosmetics for puffiness under the eyes

What I myself can recommend from my own experience is specialized cosmetics. Creams, masks, lotions not only stimulate lymphatic drainage of the eyelids. They strengthen blood vessels, moisturize the delicate skin in this area and improve blood circulation.

Pay attention to the composition of cosmetics. It should contain caffeine and sodium hyaluronate. The first ingredient improves microcirculation and relieves puffiness, the second - moisturizes the skin

Moreover, pure hyaluronic acid is not added to cosmetics. Because it is unstable. Therefore, read the ingredients carefully.

Here is a list of products that I recommend. I was convinced from my own experience that they really help:

  1. Vichy Eye Cream > Aqualia Thermal Gel - specially designed for the skin around the eyes, actively moisturizing even dehydrated skin. Escin and dextran sulfate improve microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, removing fine wrinkles. The gel not only helps relieve puffiness, but also eliminates dark circles.
  2. LiftActiv DS is not only a cosmetic product, but also a therapeutic one. Suitable for women over 35 years old. This cream smooths out wrinkles and also removes swelling. Contains caffeine and horse chestnut extract. They restore the function of skin capillaries and fight aging. And thermal water and vitamin C activate metabolic processes. The skin tightens, tone returns, excess lymph disappears. According to reviews from those who tried the product, they really liked it in use.

In general, you need to start caring for the skin around your eyes at the age of 22. In summer, be sure to wear sunglasses. This way you will prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the thin skin of the eyelids. Make care a daily ritual, and you will see the result before and after use. Don’t think that you can remove imperfections in 1-2 times.

Massage for puffiness under the eyes

This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of puffiness. Of course, there is little that can compare with a professional lymphatic drainage massage from a cosmetologist. But thank God we have the Internet 🙂 If you don’t have time to visit a salon, you can learn how to do it yourself. Usually 10-15 sessions are enough, frequency 2-3 times a week. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It must be done in conjunction with the daily application of eyelid cosmetics.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps remove toxins from the skin. Because the deep muscles and tissues of the face are worked out. Excess fluid goes away because you are actively working on the top layer of skin. Massage has a relaxing effect, which leads to smoothing out wrinkles. It also improves blood circulation in tissues. The skin becomes toned and the complexion improves.

Massage with spoons is no less effective. You can easily make it yourself at home. To eliminate puffiness, it is enough to give yourself 5 minutes of time in the morning.

It is unlikely that any other method allows you to eliminate swelling so quickly. Massage spoons should be cold. If, in addition to lymphatic drainage, the goal is wrinkles and skin tone, the spoons need to be warmed up. Read more about massage techniques in the article about facial massage with spoons.

Cosmetic procedures in salons and clinics

Hardware cosmetology will help you cope with even the most serious imperfections. The cosmetologist will select vascular action drugs for you. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and also improve microcirculation in tissues. The effect after such procedures lasts for a long time.

Girls, remember that any professional procedures must be licensed! Especially if the procedure involves effects on the skin (injections or hardware techniques). And doctors must have the appropriate education.

A cosmetologist who has completed cosmetology courses, without education, can apply a mask to your face. But only a doctor can inject needles or perform procedures using any device.

So, what kind of cosmetic procedures can be done in clinics:

  1. Lymphatic drainage – improves the outflow of venous blood and lymph where it is difficult. Perfectly relieves puffiness and also restores skin elasticity.
  2. Mud therapy – biologically active substances restore metabolic processes, which improves blood circulation. Relieves lymph stagnation. In addition, the active substances of natural mud restore skin elasticity. I myself used sapropel mud at home. I liked it very much. I have already described my impressions.
  1. Microcurrent therapy is the effect of weak low-frequency pulsed current on the skin. The current penetrates the layers of the epidermis, and the synthesis of elastin and collagen is activated. Lymph is saturated with oxygen, skin metabolic processes are stimulated. Thanks to this, puffiness of the face and bags under the eyes go away. Improves complexion.
  2. Iontophoresis – tones, enhances blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels at the site of impact. Stimulates metabolism in cells, improves tissue nutrition. With this procedure, biologically active substances penetrate the skin better.
  3. At the moment, the most effective method is to inject hyaluronic acid fillers into problem areas. The doctor performs this procedure only 1 time. This takes 15 minutes. And you will immediately see a result that will stay with you for a long time.

Of course, we must not forget about the integrated approach. The underlying disease must be treated first. Often, puffiness under the eyes is associated with chronic diseases. Proper nutrition and the choice of individual cosmetics can rid you of swelling forever. If all manipulations give a short-term effect, you can resort to blepharoplasty and check-lifting. But there must be indications for these procedures.

So we figured out how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes. In addition to cosmetic procedures, review your diet. Do not eat salty or smoked foods at night. Be sure to go to bed on time and get enough sleep. Be healthy. Bye bye! I almost forgot - subscribe to updates 🙂

Puffiness that appears on the face at the most unexpected moment is a problem familiar to every person. There are many ways to eliminate bags under the eyes; for this you do not have to resort to medications - folk remedies will eliminate swelling no less effectively. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the factor stimulating their appearance, otherwise there remains a risk of a recurrence of the problem. If the cause is a blow, tears, a bite, a hangover or an allergy - everything is clear here, choose the recipe or ointment you like, and eliminate the defect.


Causes of swelling

Puffiness often appears due to an unhealthy lifestyle and addiction to bad habits, but serious illnesses often provoke the accumulation of fluid in the tissues under the eyes. Among the main factors causing swelling are:

  1. eating a lot of salt;
  2. lack of sleep or discomfort during the night;
  3. addiction to alcoholic drinks, hangover;
  4. prolonged crying, tears;
  5. eye diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  6. health problems leading to fluid accumulation in tissues;
  7. active consumption of unhealthy foods;
  8. smoking;
  9. complex diseases (diseases of the thyroid gland, stomach, blood vessels, kidneys);
  10. pregnancy;
  11. late dinner;
  12. drinking plenty of fluids before bedtime;
  13. overwork or exhaustion of the body;
  14. problems with the nervous system (irritation, stress, depression).

Insect bites also cause swelling under the eyes, especially for those with sensitive skin. Women who abuse cosmetics should also prepare for the unexpected - an abundance of creams and powders prevent the access of oxygen to the dermal tissue and contribute to the accumulation of fluid.

Tea compresses

Remove puffiness under the eyes, caused by excessive alcohol consumption or other drinks, simple tea compresses will help. It is recommended to use tea bags - they are easier to use, but loose granules or tea leaves can also cope with the problem.

Use of tea to relieve swelling from the eyes:

  1. brew a rich drink (1 sachet per 100 ml of boiling water or 20 grams of loose granules, leaves);
  2. leave for a quarter of an hour, remove the bag, cool completely (to speed up the process, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator);
  3. put cold bags on the swelling, duration – 15 minutes.

If loose tea is used, soak cotton wool discs with concentrated liquid and place on bags. The number of procedures per day is up to 5 times, this is enough to relieve swelling from the eyes.

It is recommended to use black or green tea for the procedure; a prerequisite is that it must not contain aromatic or flavoring additives. Chamomile tea has an equally effective effect, at the same time toning and relieving inflammatory processes.

Removing puffiness with potato compresses, cucumbers

Regular potatoes will help you quickly deal with bags that have appeared in the eye area. There is no need to prepare for the procedure - all you need is to simply cut the tubers, without peeling, into thin (up to 5 mm) slices.

The use of potato slices will help relieve swelling under the eyes after sleep, alcohol, or insect bites. For eye diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, it is not recommended to use the product - as it is ineffective.

Treatment with potato compresses is simple - place the plates on areas with swelling and leave for half an hour. After using the product, wash with cool water, do not use detergents.

Cucumbers will help remove puffiness more effectively. A prerequisite is to use only fresh fruits. Place the sliced ​​vegetables on your eyes and wait a quarter of an hour.
