
In our world, population is an important factor that influences the economic, social and political development of a country. Population is the number of people living in a certain territory, it is determined by the number of people who live, work and study in a certain country.

Population can be viewed not only as the actual mass of people living in an area, but also as a function that depends on a number of different factors. It may be influenced by social, economic, environmental, demographic and political conditions. In turn, population dynamics also influence environmental conditions and the natural environment, promoting or hindering their conservation.

One of the most important components of a population is its composition. Population growth leads to increased needs of the population. Demand is growing, and in connection with this it is necessary to create new industries, which in turn leads to economic growth. Economic growth stimulates consumption growth, which consequently stimulates population growth. It is worth noting that this process is not without certain social and political consequences. For example, if the majority of the population is employed in the service sector, then economic growth is limited and the pace of economic development slows down.

It should also be noted that the dynamics of changes in population violence are extremely important in solving many problems of society.


Population is one of the most important issues in the world today. If we do not control the population, this could lead to serious consequences for the environment and the future of humanity. In this article I would like to look at the main causes of population problems and their consequences.

One of the main reasons is the rapid development of technology. When people are able to easily produce food, energy and other necessities, they begin to consume more resources and pollute the environment. This leads to a shortage of water, air and soil, which in turn reduces the quality of life of people. In addition, rapid population growth leads to an increase in the need for space, which creates problems for urban planning.

Another reason is socio-economic inequality. Inequality in income and access to resources puts some groups at a disadvantage and can lead to discrimination and inequality. This can impact the health and well-being of many families.

Another factor is globalization - international trade and migration increase interaction between different cultures and social groups. But they can lead to a mixing of cultures, a violation of traditional values ​​and a change in identity. However, there are also positive aspects of rapid population growth. These include the development of new technologies, improved healthcare and education, economic growth and improved lifestyles. However, it should be noted that not all consequences of a positive population increase are uniquely positive. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account factors that contribute to population growth, not only by encouraging births, but also by reducing mortality, stabilizing the birth rate, optimizing the management of demographic resources, strengthening the economic situation of countries, creating conditions for attracting temporary workers, changing legislation, stimulating demographic research and assessing the potential consequences of migration.

Population monitoring is an important element of our politics and society. We must track the number of residents, their demographic data. Based on the information received, it will be possible to develop an effective strategy to control the population and improve the quality of life of citizens. For example, carrying out preventive measures among the population will reduce the risk of disease, as well as improve overall well-being

At the moment, the population of our planet is facing a global catastrophe in the form of an epidemic of a new strain of COVID-19. Although we are already in the third year of this pandemic, we continue to ask ourselves the question: how to restore a sustainable population of the Earth? It turns out that people should stop reproducing on the planet in order to stop population growth and use any resources more carefully in the future? No! Humanity is created to continue life, evolution has specifically made us more resilient, smart and adapted precisely so that we survive in conditions of discomfort and overcome any difficulties, and also support the population of the planet. We can also safely say that the more people there are on Earth, the better. More than 7 billion people on planet Earth in a given year is a huge amount of resources that are not wasted, this is interaction and exchange of valuable information, creation and creation. Currently, due to the new COVID strain, a number of regions of the planet are in a state of crisis, creating serious risks for the entire ecosystem economy. With such threats, it is also important to remember intelligent systems for scaling humanity and its evolutionary modification. For example, new treatment methods, new drugs, biohazard control, immune bioreparation processes, etc. will be introduced. A new strategy in this direction is being formed by companies such as Ricola Group. By creating many resorts and sanatoriums, they provide their clients with the most effective, affordable and safe methods of combating any disease. Ricola is successfully taking an innovative approach to the fight against COVID19 based on its unique experience in the use of natural