A pimple breaks out on the face, what should I do?

Pimples on the face are a problem for many nowadays, especially if they are purulent. Some immediately run to a dermatologist or cosmetologist, while others begin to look for all kinds of recipes in magazines or the Internet. As a result, the former get rid of them much faster, while the latter take longer to treat them or worsen the situation.

What purulent pimples are, their types and how to treat them is described in detail in this article.

The content of the article:


There are many reasons for the occurrence of acne on the face, but the mechanism of the appearance of an abscess is the accumulation of subcutaneous sebum in the pores. This fat cannot come out for certain reasons and begins to become inflamed, thereby forming a red bump on the surface of the skin. At this stage, a person can squeeze it out, or he can wait for the rod to mature.

It is important to know! If the pus from a pimple is not completely squeezed out, the residue may cause the abscess to grow larger than it was, and the infection may spread to nearby pores. There is a high probability that several more will appear next to the squeezed pimple.


But still, why do purulent acne appear on the face? The reasons for their occurrence are described below.

  1. Age. Girls and boys of school age are often susceptible to acne and all other types of pimples. This period is called puberty. As you grow older and your body changes during adolescence, hormonal imbalances are common. The hyperactivity of hormones changes the body of a child into the body of an adult: boys’ voices become rougher and erections appear, while girls’ breasts begin to grow, menstruation appears and, as a result, acne appears.
  2. Hormonal imbalance in women during menstruation or its absence, pregnancy or menopause, it leads to the appearance of purulent acne on the face, neck, back or chest.
  3. Poor nutrition, and as a result, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can cause problematic facial skin. This item includes liver problems due to alcohol abuse, fatty foods, etc.
  4. Hyperkeratosis is a pathology characterized by the rapid division of skin cells, subsequently causing their rapid keratinization and exfoliation. The skin of the face becomes covered with red bumps, where subcutaneous fat accumulates under them in the pores. The pores are clogged with particles of dead cells and bacteria and then pus begin to appear in the accumulated fat. The causes of hyperkeratosis are pathologies of the body, impaired blood supply to certain parts of the body, lack or excess of vitamins.
  5. Ungroomed facial skin. Lack of cleansing of the skin or inaction when acne occurs leads to a worsening of the problem.
  6. Squeezing out ulcers. Not a single doctor advises squeezing ulcers, no matter how terrible they may seem. Improper extrusion makes the problem worse. If there is no pus left inside after squeezing out, and the wound after the pimple has healed in a few days, a scar will still remain, which is much more difficult to get rid of.
  7. Nerves and stressful situations. The more stressful situations every day, the more the body’s immunity to different types of bacteria decreases. The skin stops coping with inflammation and as a result, an abscess appears.
  8. Using inappropriate cosmetics leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes. This also includes touching your face with dirty hands, using other people's cosmetics or special makeup brushes.
  9. Taking steroid drugs or antibiotics. Athletes who take steroids often experience skin problems.

Frequent use of antibiotics leads to the appearance of medicinal acne.

Whatever the cause of acne, measures should be taken immediately. To know how to properly get rid of pimples, you need to understand what types there are.

Types of purulent acne

Depending on the time of maturation and shape, several types of acne are distinguished.

  1. Comedo. It appears as soon as the pore is clogged with a sebaceous plug. Can be closed or open. Cutaneous - open, easily removed, it contains liquid and is black in color. In other words, it's an eel. The closed one is formed under the skin and is visible to us as a white ball. This is a wen or white purulent pimple.
  2. If an infection somehow gets into the comedone, then a fast-moving pimple forms papule. This is a fully formed pimple, it feels painful when pressed, and the color varies from red to purple. No pus is visible
  3. The papule may develop into pustule, a more severe form. But it doesn't always appear this way. It can be primary, and they are popularly known as “red pimples.” The difference from a papule is that a white dot appears on the red tubercle.
  4. Nodular cystic acne - This is a severe form of pustules. They are interconnected by fistulous ducts and form conglomerates. Accompanied by painful sensations over the entire surface of the skin with acne. They require immediate treatment, as they leave huge scars.
  5. The most severe form of acne is lightning acne. They are accompanied by muscle and bone pain and tend to change the leukocyte form of the blood. With this type of rash, acne affects large areas of the skin and requires urgent medical intervention.

The presence of any type of acne on a person’s body or face can be called a disease. Therefore, there are several degrees of severity of its occurrence.

  1. First degree The disease involves infection of small areas of the skin with comedones, sometimes with the appearance of papules and even more rarely pustules.
  2. Second degree severity differs from the first only in the area of ​​the rashes. Papules and pustules are rare, mostly the skin is covered with comedones.
  3. Third degree accompanied by comedones, papules and pustules in large quantities. Acne is pronounced, the skin may be a little itchy, and small acne scars remain.
  4. Fourth degree requires urgent treatment. The skin is covered with bumps up to 5 mm in diameter, the color of which reaches bluish color. Acne leaves behind pits.

Note! You should not independently diagnose the degree of the disease and determine the type of purulent acne. As soon as skin problems begin, you should immediately consult a doctor!

How to get rid of it?

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    To get rid of ulcers on the face, you should immediately determine the cause. Girls need to review their cosmetics for compatibility with their skin type and expiration date, and exclude other people's cosmetics from use. It may be worth purchasing a drying toner and a cleansing facial scrub. A zinc-based mask would also be useful.
  2. It’s worth starting to control yourself about touching your face with your hands. Even if dirt is clearly invisible on the palms, bacteria are still present and, when they get on areas of the skin with acne, they aggravate the situation.
  3. You need to wash your face at least 2 times a day – morning and evening. It is better to use the above mentioned products to cleanse and tone the skin. Using a cream with a light texture will also not hurt both women and men.
  4. As previously found out, hassle has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. In this case, you should think about your daily life and try to eliminate or minimize irritating factors.

The above remedies can help during puberty or with the first degree of severity of the disease. If there are no visible improvements, you should immediately see a doctor. Treatment by a dermatologist may cost a little more than using folk remedies, but it will still be more effective.

First of all, you need get tested for infections. Depending on the result, treatment may include antibiotics and antibacterial agents in the form of tablets for oral administration. It also depends on the severity of the disease. The course of treatment can last from 1 week to 6 months or longer.

Be careful! Self-medication can harm your health! You should not take antibiotics or antimicrobials without consulting your dermatologist or other doctors. The components of these drugs can adversely affect internal organs.

Widely used in the treatment of purulent acne antibacterial, antimicrobial ointments, gels and lotions. You can purchase them at the pharmacy yourself or consult a doctor to select the right product. An effective ointment for purulent acne on the face - Levomekol. Zinerit lotion, Zinc gel, Skinoren gel, Metrogyl gel, etc. are popular.

If the cause of the ulcers turns out to be a hormonal imbalance, in this case drugs that contain corticosteroids are used. They are prescribed both in tablets and as an ointment. For example, Hydrocortisone ointment, etc.

As is already known, ulcers still arise due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you should adhere to a diet: exclude fatty foods, alcohol, cigarettes, smoked foods from the daily diet and eat less flour. Eat only fresh and low-fat foods. To this you can add combined dietary supplements, brewer's yeast, Lactrofiltrum to the diet, that is, drugs that bind and remove fats from the body.

The above drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist after passing certain tests, and, as a result, the treatment is always effective. But there is another option visits to a cosmetologist. Beauty salons provide services:

  1. Laser treatment of purulent acne.
  2. Phototherapy of acne.
  3. Peeling.
  4. Mechanical facial cleansing.
  5. Mesotherapy.
  6. Ozone therapy.
  7. Cryotherapy.

The cost of a cosmetologist's services is much higher than a visit to a dermatologist. There may be several procedures to get rid of acne, depending on the severity of the acne disease, and all of them are paid.

Something to remember! In beauty salons, you should contact trusted professionals who have the appropriate qualifications and documents confirming them.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are really effective remedies for purulent acne that have been used for decades. Among these remedies there are also medications, but doctors have stopped prescribing them for one reason or another.

  1. Remedy for purulent acne on the face No. 1 – aloe. Alcohol tincture or using fresh aloe juice is good for treating purulent acne. This is because the leaves of the plant contain bactericidal properties. Four-year-old plants help better in treatment.
    To prepare the tincture you need to take aloe leaves and 70% alcohol (at least vodka) in a ratio of 1:5. The leaves should rest in a cool place for 10-15 days. Next, grind the aloe in any convenient way, add alcohol and leave for another 10 days in a cold place. The tincture is ready for use.
    Another option is to use aloe. Take a leaf and divide it lengthwise into two parts so that there is pulp on one side. Next, you can do it in two ways:
    • Rub the side of the aloe with the pulp on your face and, without wiping, let it absorb for 2 minutes. Do this at night for several weeks in a row until the acne goes away. Cut a small piece of aloe from the leaf.
    • Cut it so that the flesh is visible. Take a breathable patch and stick it to the pulp side of the aloe vera to the pimple. The procedure is done at night.
  2. Iodine Apply to the pimple at night. It has a drying effect and relieves internal inflammation. The course of treatment is up to 7 days. You need to apply a cotton swab with iodine to the pimple. The downside is that small yellow spots remain. They are not easy to hide.
    This treatment option is suitable for people without allergic reactions to iodine.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment widely used in the treatment of large boils, pustules, nodular cystic acne. They have a pus-pulling effect. The course of treatment is up to 5 days, depending on the pimple.
    You need to make a small pad out of a bandage, apply one of the ointments to it, apply it to the pimple and secure it with a band-aid. Leave overnight. The downside of this treatment is the smell.


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When a subcutaneous pimple with purulent contents appears on the body, the fight against it can drag on for weeks or even a month.

Most often, such problematic formations appear in places where the most sebaceous glands are located - on the chin, nose, forehead and back.

Normally, secretions are constantly secreted through the sebaceous glands, but when clots appear, the duct becomes clogged and inflammation develops.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

At first, a red, seemingly harmless pimple appears, but after a few days it turns into a deep, painful abscess.

Many reasons can lead to such skin defects. Let's look at how to pull out a deep pimple and do it as safely as possible.

Reasons for appearance

Blockage of the excretory duct of the sweat or sebaceous gland provokes an inflammatory process that develops due to the active activity of pathogenic agents.

Photo: development of the inflammatory process as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the gland

But in order for a clot to form in the ducts, one of the following reasons must occur:

  1. hormonal changes in the body significantly change the activity of the sebaceous glands and increase the density of the secretions they secrete. Therefore, subcutaneous pimples often appear on the face and entire body in boys and girls during puberty, pregnant women and in the period before or during menstrual bleeding;
  2. metabolic disorders are reflected in the excessive secretion of sebaceous secretions and blockage of the excretory ducts, therefore metabolic disorders are considered to be the most common causes of deep acne;
  3. the use of low-quality or unsuitable decorative and care cosmetics for your skin type, as well as irregular cleansing and skin care can cause excessive dryness or, conversely, oiliness, which often causes an inflammatory process;
  4. a diet poor in nutrients or the habit of overeating, as well as a penchant for sweets, flour and processed foods, leads to the fact that the intestines become severely clogged and toxins begin to be released from the body through the skin. This is how “internal pollution” occurs and the sebaceous ducts become clogged with clots.


To get rid of deep acne, only external influence on them is not enough.

Of course, you can anoint the inflammation with a special ointment or other suitable remedy, but where is the guarantee that subcutaneous pimples will not appear again?

Often, to completely get rid of acne, you have to not only use medications (antibiotics, hormone-containing drugs), vitamin-mineral complexes and special care products.

Photo: proper skin care plays an important role in effective treatment

Sometimes you need to change your daily routine, diet and lifestyle.

Regular care plays an important role in getting rid of deep acne, which consists of the following points:

  1. daily cleansing morning and evening;
  2. 1-2 times a week – peeling based on lactic or fruit acids;
  3. after cleansing the skin, it is necessary to use cosmetics with an antiseptic effect;
  4. use a moisturizing or nourishing cream (according to your skin type);
  5. 1-2 times a week you need to make cleansing masks. Black clay is best suited for this. Such a mask will not only cleanse pores of impurities, but also tighten the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Regular implementation of these measures will allow you to forget about such a problem as internal acne. But if they do appear, you can use one of the methods to quickly eliminate them.

Use of antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs quickly destroy bacteria that cause inflammation and promote rapid healing of the damaged skin area.

Antibiotics are not able to draw pus out; they destroy the contents of the abscess under the skin.

Photo: antibacterial ointments to fight acne

For this reason, treatment with such drugs may take several weeks.

The most effective against acne are the following antimicrobial drugs for external use:

  1. Zenerite – a complex medicine based on antibiotics and zinc. It has wound-healing, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. For 10 days, apply the product 2 times a day to clean skin without rinsing;
  2. Baziron As – a fairly strong local antibiotic that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the drug helps accelerate microcirculation processes in skin tissues and also inhibits the synthesis of sebaceous secretions. The antibiotic should be applied to cleansed skin 2 times a day and left until completely dry. The course of such therapy is up to 2 weeks;
  3. Levomekol – an ointment containing an antibiotic has a powerful disinfectant effect. The only remedy from the group of antimicrobial drugs that draws pus out of the pimple. Apply to clean skin 2 times a day for 5-10 days;
  4. Streptocide liniment – an antibacterial drug that is usually prescribed for large areas of acne. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the entire affected area of ​​skin with the product. If deep pimples are rare, Streptocide can be applied to a cotton pad or gauze and applied to the site of inflammation. The result of this therapy can be seen within 2-3 days.

Pharmacy products

What ointment can draw out pus from a deep pimple in a short time?

Photo: pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of rashes

Today, many pharmaceutical drugs that are highly effective despite their low cost can cope with this task. Let's look at the most effective ointments for subcutaneous acne.

Vishnevsky ointment

This liniment simultaneously has an irritating and antiseptic effect, which allows you to quickly draw out the purulent contents of even the deepest pimples.

  1. Vishnevsky ointment effectively kills bacteria by penetrating the upper epithelial layer.
  2. In addition, its components help to increase blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation, due to which the recovery processes in the skin proceed faster.
  3. To draw pus out of a pimple, you need to spread a small amount of this ointment on gauze and attach it to the pustule with a band-aid.

The procedure can be carried out at night and can be repeated daily until the inflammation has completely subsided.

Photo: Vishnevsky ointment draws out pus

But the first results can already be assessed the next morning after the first application.

Ichthyol ointment

Its action is similar to Vishnevsky's liniment.

Ichthyol ointment has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Its components are able to penetrate into the deepest internal pimple and stimulate the release of pus from under the epidermis layer.

This product has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. They can and even need to treat ordinary acne, but in the case of deep abscesses, iodine can play a good role.
  2. It must be applied pointwise using a cotton swab.

Photo: cauterization of rashes with tincture of iodine

The very next morning after the procedure, you can notice a significant reduction in inflammation and purulent contents.

This product should not be used for compresses, as this may cause skin burns.

Salicylic acid

It has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect, effectively fights bacteria, causing their death.

The acid is able to soften the top layer of skin and thereby penetrate deep into the abscess, helping to remove the inflamed secretion.

  1. Before applying it, the skin must be treated with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Salicylic acid is applied pointwise to the abscess 3 times a day until its contents are completely released.


Promotes mechanical microdamage to skin tissue at the site of application, due to which blood circulation in this area significantly increases.

Photo: badyagu can be used in the form of masks

This allows the pus to come out faster and the skin to regenerate.


The gel is widely known as a means to tighten pores on the face. However, it is still capable of exerting a powerful antimicrobial effect.

Why does a child’s pimple not go away for a long time? Find out here.

This product is classified as the latest generation of retinoids, so it is highly costly and effective.

  1. Skinoren leads to temporary suppression of the functions of the sebaceous glands, due to which the secretion ceases to be produced.
  2. You need to use the gel 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Video: “Getting rid of a pimple in one day”

How to draw pus out of a pimple using folk remedies

Adherents of traditional medicine are probably wondering: how to pull out a pimple using natural remedies?

It turns out that the problem of internal ulcers is also effectively dealt with by some medicinal plants and other products that can be easily found at home or in the garden.

  1. You need to take aloe pulp and apply it to the inflamed area.
  2. Use a piece of fabric-based adhesive tape to secure such a compress for several hours or, even better, overnight.

Photo: using aloe pulp you can draw out pus

This medicinal plant not only helps to quickly eliminate the purulent contents of a pimple (in just a few procedures), but also helps the skin heal faster without red marks from the tormenting problem.


Fresh potato gruel will help eliminate the inflammatory process and draw out pus from the pimple.

How quickly will this happen?

It all depends on the size of the abscess: the smaller it is, the sooner you can get rid of the inflammation.

  1. Once the potatoes have been grated, you should immediately apply them to the abscess and secure a piece of gauze or a cotton pad on top with an adhesive plaster.
  2. It is better to leave the compress overnight, but if this is not possible, you need to leave it for at least 1.5-2 hours.

Photo: potatoes have an anti-inflammatory effect

Sea water

It effectively dries the skin, disinfects it and prevents the spread of infection.

If you make washing with sea water a mandatory daily procedure, you can completely forget about acne.

  1. To prepare it, you need 2 tsp. Dilute sea salt in a glass of water and wash your face with it as usual.
  2. The same effect can be achieved if you simply wet your face with gauze soaked in such a solution.

Medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs can cope with the problem of internal pustules just as well as pharmaceutical products.

Some of them can be used raw, while others need to be used to prepare infusions and decoctions.


An alcohol tincture of calendula is best suited for combating deep ulcers.

  1. It has a drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. The recipe for its use is simple: moisten a small cotton swab with the tincture and secure it with an adhesive plaster overnight.
  3. The next morning you will notice drawn out pus on the tampon.
  4. After the procedure, the site of inflammation must be disinfected with chlorhexidine.

Photo: you can use calendula infusion in the form of compresses

If there is no alcohol tincture, you can use 2 tsp. Brew this raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, use the resulting liquid for compresses.


  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of this raw material into a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for several hours.
  2. The decoction can be used for compresses or treated inflammatory lesions with a cotton pad soaked in this tincture 4 times a day.


You can treat pustules with the juice of fresh plantain leaves.

If this is not possible, you need to purchase dried raw materials at the pharmacy and make a decoction, based on which you make a warm compress before going to bed.


Its action is similar to iodine: it dries and eliminates inflammation.

For the effect to be noticeable already on the second day, you need to precisely apply mustard to pimples 3-4 times a day.

Questions and answers

Since deep abscesses are not only unsightly, but sometimes also very painful, many are interested in methods that allow them to urgently get rid of such “decoration”. Let's look at some more common questions.

How to get rid of it overnight

  1. If you only have one night to eliminate the abscess, you can use a proven remedy: grate the potatoes on a fine grater and make a compress from this paste on the inflamed area. The next morning, clean the skin and treat with syntomycin emulsion. This method can also be used for acne located on the back, because they appear no less often than on the face.
  2. For others, zinc-salicylic paste helps to get rid of the abscess overnight, which needs to be applied to the inflammation and left overnight.
  3. If possible, you can buy the Clean and Clear Advantage cosmetic product at the pharmacy. According to the manufacturer, the product can reduce the size of acne in 4 hours.

How to remove pimples on the face? Find out here.

Is a bloody pimple on the skin dangerous? Read on.

How to speed up maturation

If deep and very painful pimples appear under the skin, the purulent contents of which are not visible to the naked eye, you can accelerate their maturation in one of the following ways:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and bring to a boil, soak gauze with the slightly cooled liquid and make a warm compress several times a day;
  2. make a compress using aloe pulp;
  3. apply Ichthyol ointment overnight;
  4. mix honey and rye flour in equal parts, spread the resulting mixture onto the pimple;
  5. Apply aloe extract (sold at the pharmacy) on the pimple 10-12 times a day.

These simple recipes will help not only speed up the maturation of the abscess, but also say goodbye to it forever without unnecessary problems.

Video: “Treatment of boils”

The most unpleasant type of rash is considered to be subcutaneous or internal acne, which can appear for various reasons. The location of such comedones can be different parts of the body, but often they appear on the face.

Acne is treated in a variety of ways, including folk remedies and special cosmetic procedures. Subcutaneous rashes can be dangerous for humans, so it is best to find out how to remove an internal pimple from a specialist.

Causes of acne

Acne is a polyetiological disease and the leading factor is genetic predisposition. In addition, certain exogenous and endogenous causes contribute to the appearance of comedones.

Some external factors can trigger skin rashes:

  1. Abuse of cosmetic products containing fats. They close pores and increase the formation of comedones, which further aggravates the disease.
  2. Hot and humid climate. In this climate, the functioning of the sebaceous glands increases, which causes the appearance of a large number of rashes on the skin.
  3. Bright rays of the sun and ultraviolet radiation. Bright sunlight has a negative effect on the skin and provokes the appearance of new acne on the skin.
  4. Work in hazardous conditions involving interaction with toxic and polluting substances. Acne mainly appears through the development of hyperkeratosis of the skin and hair follicles.
  5. Squeezing pimples. Mechanical injury, provoked by external influences, ends with the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues. In the absence of sterility, infection penetrates into the wounds, which further aggravates the disease.
  6. Excessive cleanliness. Excessive hygiene and abuse of antiseptics can worsen the condition of the skin.

The internal causes of acne include the following factors:

  1. changes in the body's hormonal levels;
  2. disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  3. pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. violation of the microflora of the skin;
  5. frequent stressful situations;
  6. malfunctions of the immune system.


Internal acne can form on any part of the body. In some cases, based on the location of the comedones, it is possible to determine what caused it.

Most often they appear on the face, but can also be localized on other parts of the body:

  1. rashes on the forehead and chin occur as a result of changes in hormone levels in the body and problems with the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  2. a subcutaneous pimple near the nose can occur due to poor cleansing of the skin or as a consequence of a cold;
  3. comedones on the nose can be a consequence of a cold, or indicate problems with the liver or vascular system;
  4. rashes in the ear appear as a result of a pathological process in the nasopharynx, which is bacteriological in nature

An internal pimple on the cheek can occur due to improper care of the skin or in the presence of pathologies that increase the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the reason may be diseases of the respiratory system.

Comedones under the eyes can form due to malfunctions of the adrenal glands and kidneys. Large subcutaneous formations may appear in those areas of the body where large sweat glands are located.

How to quickly remove an internal pimple

If treatment is neglected and the inflammatory process starts, there is a high probability of infection spreading.

This can lead to an increase in the number of rashes and after they heal, cavities often remain in the dermis, in place of which scars appear. It is for this reason that you should not sit idle and wait for the rash to disfigure your entire face.


Particularly dangerous are those types of subcutaneous rashes that appear under the armpit and on the face near large lymph nodes.

At home

You can try to cope with subcutaneous acne at home using available remedies. However, before carrying out the procedures, it is still recommended to check with your doctor that the rash is not dangerous.

You can pull out purulent contents from the depths of the sebaceous duct using the following means:

  1. Levomekol.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment.
  3. Ichthyol ointment.

It is necessary to apply the product to a cotton pad, apply it to the comedone and secure it with a band-aid. Such compresses need to be done for three days and after the abscess has broken through, you can proceed to opening the acne and cleaning the ducts. It is best to entrust this procedure to a specialist to prevent infection.

You can wait until the purulent contents come out on their own. To do this, it is recommended to use such means as hydrogen peroxide, syntomycin ointment and iodine.

In order to speed up healing, it is necessary to stop eating foods that stimulate the sebaceous glands. In addition, you should take a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Video: How to treat internal rashes

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes to combat subcutaneous acne.

The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  1. Nettle decoction must be taken orally and with its help it is possible to normalize metabolic processes in the body and remove toxins.
  2. Applications from aloe leaves have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and draw purulent exudate out. It is necessary to attach the sheet to the pimple with a patch and leave it until the morning.
  3. Compresses on the comedonal area with sea salt help speed up the metabolism in the body and its maturation.
  4. Tea tree oil can be applied to the rash several times during the day, every 3-4 hours.

A good effect in the fight against subcutaneous acne is given by a product such as a cake made from onion, honey and butter.

To prepare it, combine chopped onion, honey and butter in equal proportions and bring the resulting mass to a boil.

After this, the mixture needs to be cooled and flour added to form a cake with the consistency of plasticine. The folk remedy should be applied to the pimple and removed after a few hours.

How to get rid of acne scars? The answer is in this article.

Creams and ointments

It is possible to speed up the process of maturation of subcutaneous acne and get rid of them at an early stage using the following means:

  1. Dalatsin.
  2. Levomekol.
  3. Skinoren.
  4. Aknebay.

Vishnevsky ointment is an antiseptic that quickly stops the pathological process at the initial stage and helps to quickly get rid of the abscess. Hormonal ointment such as Curiosin can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Salon treatments

It is possible to improve the condition of the epidermis with the help of cosmetic procedures, but they are allowed only after the internal comedones have disappeared from the face.

Their use is considered more effective in restoring the skin and preventing their reappearance in the future.

You can improve the appearance of your skin using the following procedures:

  1. various types of facial cleansing, thanks to which it is possible to neutralize the factors that provoke skin rashes;
  2. galvanization is the effect on the epidermis of weak electrical discharges;
  3. opening a purulent pimple is carried out in medical centers using a scalpel and is indicated in cases where a nodule or cyst threatens health.

Experts identify several procedures that can still be carried out when a pimple appears under the skin.

Ozone therapy is the injection of an ozone-oxygen mixture under the skin, which accelerates the maturation of pimples and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous gland;

Mesotherapy involves the injection of medications under the skin and is most effective if treatment with antibiotics is necessary.

Visit to the doctor

If subcutaneous acne appears on the skin, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The doctor will not only be able to identify the cause of the abscess, but will also select the most effective means and procedures.

Preventive measures

You can avoid the formation of subcutaneous rashes using preventive measures:

  1. do not forget about hygiene standards and take care of your facial skin daily;
  2. problematic skin should be lubricated with salicylic lotion every day;
  3. it is necessary to abandon underwear made of synthetic materials;
  4. be careful when choosing cosmetics;
  5. watch your diet.

Proper skin care

In order to avoid the appearance of internal acne on the skin, you should take a shower every day and wash your face in the morning and evening.

For cleansing, you can use alcohol-free toners. It is possible to maintain the attractiveness of the skin with the help of hardware or mechanical facial cleansing, and peelings and masks also have a good effect.


If your skin is prone to various rashes, you should not eat large amounts of fried, fatty, salty and smoked foods.

It is recommended to fill your diet with vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs, as well as drink natural juices and mineral water.

The diet must include sea fish, fermented milk products and lean meat. In addition, you will have to give up bad habits.