Nasal Part of the Pharynx

The nasal part of the pharynx (also known as the nasopharynx). The nasal part of the pharynx is part of the pharynx, and is responsible for removing air from the upper respiratory tract to the lower. It also occupies an important place in human speech, since it is through it that air passes from the larynx and is transmitted to the vocal cords.

The nasal part has two walls - anterior and posterior. The posterior wall is smooth and follows the shape of the nasal cavity, while the anterior wall has several prominent ridges that provide its structural strength. On the front wall there are two nostrils, and on the back wall there are holes for the eustachian tubes, which are responsible for equalizing the pressure inside the ear and nose. The nasal part of the pharynx also contains lymph nodes and glands that are responsible for fighting upper respiratory tract infections. Also in this area is the tonsil, which also plays an important role in protecting against infections. However, like any other organ, the nose can become a source of health problems. For example, upper respiratory tract infections can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, which can lead to mucus buildup and difficulty breathing. In rare cases, polyps or tumors may form in the nose. If you experience any problems with the nasal part of the pharynx, it is not recommended to self-medicate, but rather consult a doctor for advice and professional treatment.

Nasal part of the pharynx The nasal part of the throat, or sinus, is one of the parts of the human body in the form of a hollow process. It is located between the hard and soft palate. The configuration of the nasal part and its location are responsible not only for the functions of the oral cavity,

The nasal part of the pharynx is one of the sections of the pharynx, which is located between the upper and lower jaws. It is part of the nasopharyngeal canal and provides the connection between the nasal cavity and pharynx. As a rule, the nasal passages and walls become more swollen in this area of ​​mucous surfaces.

In this regard, when the inflammatory process spreads from the nose or paranasal sinuses to the pharynx, the inflammatory process quickly acquires a specific form called catarrhal pharyngitis. In this case, the patient notes pain in a certain place, localized in the area of ​​the graminta.

Nasal part of the pharynx

The nasal pharynx is the area of ​​the larynx located between the nasal septum and the base of the tongue. It performs two important functions: it protects the upper respiratory tract from foreign bodies and provides humidification of the air before it enters the lungs. In addition, mucus is formed in the nasal pharynx, which is necessary to protect the upper respiratory tract from infections.

Functions of the nasal pharynx:

The nasal part of the pharynx is the large upper part of the pharynx, which is part of the nasal cavity and is located below the nostrils. This area contains the upper part of the pharynx, the facial part of the soft palate, and the hollow uvula or uvula (this is the long extension of the suprapatine bone). The nose also has areas of sensitivity around the internal nasal passages and the anterior two-thirds of the posterior part of the suprapatal space (Laguneur sensitive area).