Inheritance Cytoplasmic

Inheritance of cytoplasm in biology. Cytoplasm is the inner layer of the cell, which includes various organelles, proteins and other components. It also plays an important role in the transmission of genetic information from mother to offspring. In this article we will look at cytoplasmic inheritance and its importance in

Cytoplasmic inheritance is a form of inheritance in which genes are passed from parents to offspring, but through non-sexual structures of the cell, namely the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm plays an important role in cell metabolism; among other things, genetic materials (DNA) are transferred and “processed” in the nucleus.

With cytoplasmic inheritance, individual parts of the genetic material are transferred between cells through non-nuclear pathways, thus allowing the exchange of genetic information. Cytoplasmic proteins, for example, can carry specific genes (RNA viruses), allowing the transmission of genetic material across centuries and without changing the expression of specific genes (not considering that the virus