
Nasopharyngitis is usually called an infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx. In both cases, the disease has similar symptoms: acute and severe discomfort and pain in the throat and nose, and a runny nose is possible. However, nasopharyngitis refers to all the diseases listed above. The correctness or inaccuracy of the wording depends on which doctor wrote the name of the diagnosis. Most often this is an otolaryngologist, less often a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist or a therapist. The correct name for the disease is engrisitis (epipharigtitis) or ongorigesis, but in practice this name is not used. Epifari is closely related to a similar disease

Article about nasopharyngitis

*Pontonova A.*

**Nasopharyngitis** is an infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, which can have many causes and manifestations. In this article we will look at the main causes, symptoms and treatment of nasopharyngitis. *

Causes of Nasopharyngitis There are many viruses, bacteria and other microbes that can cause nasopharyngitis, but the most common are viral infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and respiratory syncytial virus. Bacteria may also be involved in the disease, especially if you have a weakened immune system. Inflammatory reactions against allergies, staphylococci or infections *colds* can also cause nasopharyngitis. *Nasopharyngitis* always requires contacting a specialist if symptoms such as difficulty breathing, prolonged high fever and rash on the face and neck occur. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease must be carried out by a doctor. The most effective treatment for nasopharyngitis is taking anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes and drinking plenty of fluids. Also equally important is hand hygiene and proper hygienic behavior to prevent the spread of infection. *An important role is played by hardening and enriching the diet with vitamins A, C, E; frequent walks in the fresh air. An excellent remedy for nasopharyngitis is beetroot*. During treatment, you should avoid drinking cold and hot drinks, smoking, and limit alcohol consumption.