Nation (Nation)

Nasion is the point of intersection of the nasofrontal suture with the sagittal plane. This point is one of the key anatomical markers in the nose and face used in medical and scientific research.

The nasion is located at the top of the nose, where the bones of the frontal part of the skull connect to the bones of the nasal part. This point is a key reference point when taking measurements of the nose and face, such as the distance between the nose and eyes, the width of the nose, and also when determining the shape of the skull.

In addition, the nasion is an important point when performing surgical interventions in the nose and face. Surgeons often use this point to determine the starting point of the operation and the direction of the cut to achieve the best result.

Nasion can also be used to determine the position of the head and face in three-dimensional space. This information can be useful in creating 3D models of the head and face in medical and scientific research, as well as in various virtual reality and computer graphics applications.

In general, the nasion is an important anatomical mark in the nasal and facial region, used in medical and scientific research, as well as in surgery and various computer graphics applications. Its precise definition and use can lead to more accurate measurements and results in various fields.

Nasion – this is the point of intersection of the nasofrontal line with the sagittal line. This point is located on the front surface of the skull and is one of the most important points in the anatomy of the head.

Nasion plays an important role in the formation of the face and head. It determines the shape of the face, its proportions and the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, it affects the shape of the skull and the arrangement of the bones of the head.

One of the main functions of Nasion is to support the head and neck during movement. It also plays a role in the formation of voice and hearing.

Thus, Nasion is an important point in human anatomy and has many functions in the body.

The nasion is the point of intersection of the nasofrontal line with the sagittal planar extension of the line emanating from the roots of the frontal lobes, immediately anterior to their central part on the posterior surface of the skull. The skull is a hard part of the body and has the nasion as its center. This point is often confused with the crista galli point, which cannot be located on the skull. Sagittal - height measurement. Based on the navigation method, points Z, L1, and L2 are also known as Nasion, Nasal point, and Basion, respectively. The Nasion point is important in the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases, including head injuries. It indicates the position of the head in an anatomical view and provides important information about its size and structure.

The Nasion point is believed to be associated with the magical powers of the body. It is believed that through this point energies are distributed throughout the body, which corresponds to the position of nerve nodes such as Eran, the umbilical tree of the anus-uterus (Utero-umbilical cord), which is responsible for the subtlest matters of our perception. Some compare it to the location of the center of life.

The nasion is a small depression at the intersection of the temporonasal line (“nasofrontal suture”) with the lower border of the cranial surface of the body of the sphenoid bone. It is located noticeably higher than its “big brother”, the periorbital recess, but above it. Refers to frontal structures. Often the same is said about the nasion of the cranial vault and the national triangle.

The easiest way to understand what a nasion is is by looking at your own skull: at the point of intersection of the nasofrontal line with the lower