Sodium Chloride Injection

Sodium chloride is a colorless glass solution with a sweetish taste and may have a slight yellowish tint. The medicine is sold without a prescription. When administered, the drug increases the volume of circulating blood, blood supply to tissues, and quickly replenishes the deficiency of electrolyte salts. The product is effective for various water and electrolyte pathologies, helps normalize the functioning of the hemodialyzer, and maintains the acid-base balance. It has been proven that when hypertension develops, only half of hypertensive patients can cope with the disease with the help of diuretics. In clinical practice, it has been proven that the drug helps improve diagnostics in emergency situations with intravenous plasma administration.

Indications Dequamass lagin; Significant dehydration of various origins; Swelling for various reasons; Removing excess fluid from the body (indicated when the concentration of salt and electrolytes in the tissues is too low); Dehydration form of collapse and shock during bleeding; Continuous blood loss after surgery; Headache due to water-salt imbalance (the solution is added to the blood plasma); An unconscious state that developed against the background of severe poisoning with salts of heavy metals and drugs - in this case, the drug has a resorptive effect;