Sodium Salicylate

Sodium salicylate: a sulfonamide anti-inflammatory drug. This is a drug from the group of salicylate derivatives - it acts due to its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Sodium is one of the components of the drugs that have these effects.

Indications: rheumatism; exudative and septic pleurisy; non-rheumatic arthritis; gout; myositis; myalgia; visceral myalgia. Contraindications: thyroid disease, hemorrhagic diathesis, hypoprothrombinemia, vitamin K deficiency, renal failure, heart failure, anuria, lactation, childhood, increased sensitivity. Side effects from the use of sodium salcylate may include: nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, heaviness in the epigastrium, dizziness, impaired consciousness, impaired hearing and vision (possibly impaired hearing, double vision). With long-term use, the development of anemia, leukopenia, central nervous system damage, convulsions, muscle weakness, and liver necrosis is possible. Sometimes allergic and other dyspeptic symptoms appear. In case of accidental use of increased doses, headache, dizziness, and peripheral neuritis occur. Damage to the skin (redness, peeling, swelling) is also observed. There may be irritation and redness at the injection site. Combining medications may cause different reactions between the substances. It all depends on the amount of salcylates it contains or lack thereof. There is also a possible condition of pregnancy in which the drugs are inadmissible. If you have any signs of diseases associated with those listed in the description, you should consult a doctor after reading the article. Salicylates are used not only for rheumatological diseases, but also for disorders associated with the respiratory system. It should be noted that with these forms of these funds. It is also important to know precautions to reduce the risk of side effects. Indications for use must be indicated in the instructions before using the drug.