Natural Population Growth Rate

The rate of natural population growth is an important demographic indicator that reflects the natural movement of the population.

It is the difference between the birth rate (the number of births per 1,000 population per year) and the mortality rate (the number of deaths per 1,000 population per year).

The rate of natural increase shows how much the population changes as a result of the excess of the birth rate over the death rate or vice versa.

A positive value of the coefficient means that the birth rate exceeds the death rate and natural population growth occurs. A negative value indicates that the mortality rate is higher than the birth rate and there is a natural population decline.

Thus, the rate of natural increase provides important information about the demographic trends of a country or region. Analysis of this indicator is necessary to develop effective demographic policy.

The rate of natural population growth is a demographic indicator. The coefficient of natural population growth, in contrast to the coefficient of general growth, characterizes the movement of the population due to the natural process of population reproduction, determined by the physiological characteristics of people.

The overall increase can be positive - welfare. (with a large family size they can have more offspring than their parents), and